debezium - change of topic name gives the error cross-database references - apache-kafka

I am using this debezium-examples
"name": "inventory-connector",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"database.hostname": "mysql",
"database.port": "3306",
"database.user": "debezium",
"database.password": "dbz",
"": "184054",
"": "dbserver1",
"database.whitelist": "inventory",
"database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",
"database.history.kafka.topic": "schema-changes.inventory",
"transforms": "route",
"transforms.route.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter",
"transforms.route.regex": "([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)",
"transforms.route.replacement": "$3"
"name": "jdbc-sink",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"topics": "customers",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/inventory?user=postgresuser&password=postgrespw",
"transforms": "unwrap",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.UnwrapFromEnvelope",
"auto.create": "true",
"insert.mode": "upsert",
"pk.fields": "id",
"pk.mode": "record_value"
I have run this example its working fine.But when I have made some changes as discuss in the following scenario. it giving me 'cross-database references' error.
I have remove these properties from source
"transforms": "route",
"transforms.route.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter",
"transforms.route.regex": "([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)",
"transforms.route.replacement": "$3"
now it creating topic in kafka as follow
When I specified topic= dbserver1.inventory.customers in jdbc-sink, it giving me the following exception
ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented:
"dbserver1.inventory.customers" at character 14
postgres_1 | STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "dbserver1"."inventory"."customers" (
postgres_1 | "last_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
postgres_1 | "id" INT NOT NULL,
postgres_1 | "first_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
postgres_1 | "email" TEXT NOT NULL,
postgres_1 | PRIMARY KEY("id"))
connect_1 | 2019-01-29 09:39:18,931 WARN || Create failed, will attempt amend if table already exists [io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.DbStructure]
connect_1 | org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "dbserver1.inventory.customers"
connect_1 | Position: 14
Note: Its not duplicate as other question is also posted by me, which is covering different scenario

change inventory -> dbserver1
"name": "jdbc-sink",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"topics": "customers",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/dbserver1?user=postgresuser&password=postgrespw",
"transforms": "unwrap",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.UnwrapFromEnvelope",
"auto.create": "true",
"insert.mode": "upsert",
"pk.fields": "id",
"pk.mode": "record_value"

The sink property solved this for me. It allows you to override what the destination table name will be. See


Debezium Connector - read from beginning and stop working connector

I am trying to use Debezium to connect to my Postgres database. I would like to copy data from a specific table. Using this configuration I only copy the newest data. Should I only change a snapshot.mode?
"name": "prod-contact-connect",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"database.user": "user",
"database.dbname": "db_name",
"": "debezium_contact",
"tasks.max": "1",
"database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
"": "dbz_publication",
"transforms": "unwrap",
"": "",
"database.port": "5432",
"": "pgoutput",
"table.whitelist": "specific_table_name",
"database.sslmode": "disable",
"database.hostname": "localhost",
"database.password": "pass",
"name": "prod-contact-connect",
"transforms.unwrap.add.fields": "op,table,schema,name",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState",
"snapshot.mode": "never"
by the way, how can I stop working the debezium connector for a moment? There is some enable flag?

What kind of data got routed to a dead letter queue topic?

I Have implemented Dead Letter Queues error handling in Kafka. It works and the data are sent to DLQ topics. I am not understanding what types of data got routed in DLQ topics.
1st picture is the data that got routed into DLQ Topics and the second one is the normal data that got sunk into databases.
Does anyone have any idea how does that key got changed as I have used id as a key?
Here is my source and sink properties:
"name": "jdbc_source_postgresql_analytics",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://",
"connection.user": "abc",
"connection.password": "********",
"topic.prefix": "test_",
"mode": "timestamp+incrementing",
"": "id",
"": "updatedAt",
"validate.non.null": true,
"table.whitelist": "test",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.IntegerConverter",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"key.converter.schemas.enable": false,
"value.converter.schemas.enable": false,
"catalog.pattern": "public",
"transforms": "createKey,extractInt",
"transforms.createKey.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ValueToKey",
"transforms.createKey.fields": "id",
"transforms.extractInt.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key",
"transforms.extractInt.field": "id",
"errors.tolerance": "all"
sink properties:
"name": "es_sink_analytics",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector",
"": "_doc",
"key.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"topics": "TEST",
"": "TEST:te_test",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"connection.url": "",
"connection.username": "******",
"connection.password": "********",
"key.ignore": "false",
"errors.tolerance": "all",
"": "dlq-error-es",
"errors.deadletterqueue.topic.replication.factor": "1",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.IntegerConverter",
"schema.ignore": "true",

Debezium stops after initial sync

The initial sync works as expected but then the connector just stops and does not care about further table changes. There are no errors thrown and the connector is still marked as active and running.
Database: Amazon Postgres v10.7
Debezium config:
"name": "postgres_cdc",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"database.hostname": "...",
"database.port": "5432",
"database.user": "...",
"database.password": "...",
"database.dbname": "...",
"": "...",
"table.whitelist": "public.table1,public.table2,public.table3",
"": "pgoutput",
"key.converter": "",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"transforms": "unwrap, route, extractId",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState",
"transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones": false,
"transforms.route.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter",
"transforms.route.regex": "[^.]+\\.[^.]+\\.(.+)",
"transforms.route.replacement": "postgres_$1",
"transforms.extractId.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key",
"transforms.extractId.field": "id"
Any thoughts about what the problem could be?
ERROR WorkerSourceTask{id=postgres_cdc-0} Failed to flush, timed out while waiting for producer to flush outstanding 75687 messages (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSourceTask)
ERROR WorkerSourceTask{id=postgres_cdc-0} Failed to commit offsets (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.SourceTaskOffsetCommitter)

Multiple replication slot for debezium connector

I want to create multiple debezium connector with different replication slot. But I am Unable to create multiple replication slot for postgres debezium connector.
I am using docker container for Postgres & kafka. I tried setting up max_replication_slots = 2 in postgressql.conf file & also different but still it did not create 2 replication slot for me.
"config": {
"batch.size": "49152",
"buffer.memory": "100663296",
"compression.type": "lz4",
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"database.dbname": "Db1",
"database.hostname": "DBhost",
"database.password": "dbpwd",
"database.port": "5432",
"": "serve_name",
"database.user": "usename",
"decimal.handling.mode": "double",
"hstore.handling.mode": "json",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"name": "debezium-702771",
"": "wal2json",
"schema.refresh.mode": "columns_diff_exclude_unchanged_toast",
"slot.drop_on_stop": "true",
"": "debezium1",
"table.whitelist": "tabel1",
"time.precision.mode": "adaptive_time_microseconds",
"transforms": "Reroute",
"transforms.Reroute.topic.regex": "(.*).public.(.*)",
"transforms.Reroute.topic.replacement": "$1.$2",
"transforms.Reroute.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ByLogicalTableRouter",
"value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
"value.converter.schema.registry.url": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"name": "debezium-702771",
"tasks": [],
"type": "source"
"config": {
"batch.size": "49152",
"buffer.memory": "100663296",
"compression.type": "lz4",
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"database.dbname": "Db1",
"database.hostname": "DBhost",
"database.password": "dbpwd",
"database.port": "5432",
"": "serve_name",
"database.user": "usename",
"decimal.handling.mode": "double",
"hstore.handling.mode": "json",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"name": "debezium-702772",
"": "wal2json",
"schema.refresh.mode": "columns_diff_exclude_unchanged_toast",
"slot.drop_on_stop": "true",
"": "debezium2",
"table.whitelist": "tabel1",
"time.precision.mode": "adaptive_time_microseconds",
"transforms": "Reroute",
"transforms.Reroute.topic.regex": "(.*).public.(.*)",
"transforms.Reroute.topic.replacement": "$1.$2",
"transforms.Reroute.type": "io.debezium.transforms.ByLogicalTableRouter",
"value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
"value.converter.schema.registry.url": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"name": "debezium-702772",
"tasks": [],
"type": "source"
It creates multiple connector but not multiple replication slot even after giving different slot name. Do I need to do anything over here.

kafka connector jdbc-sink syntax error at the end

i have an issue about jdbc-sink with this arch.
postgres1 ---> kafka ---> postgres2
the producer working fine, but the consumer has an error :
connect_1 | org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.RetriableException:
java.sql.SQLException: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0
INSERT INTO "customers" ("id") VALUES (1) ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE
SET was aborted: ERROR: syntax error at end of input connect_1 |
Position: 77 Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.
this is my source.json
"name": "src-table",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"database.hostname": "postgres1_container",
"database.port": "5432",
"database.user": "postgres",
"database.password": "postgres",
"database.dbname": "postgres",
"database.whitelist": "postgres",
"": "postgres1",
"database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",
"database.history.kafka.topic": "schema-changes.inventory",
"transforms": "route",
"transforms.route.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter",
"transforms.route.regex": "([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)\\.([^.]+)",
"transforms.route.replacement": "$3"
and this my jdbc-sink.json
"name": "jdbc-sink",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"topics": "customers",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://postgres2_container:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=postgres",
"transforms": "unwrap",
"transforms.unwrap.type": "io.debezium.transforms.UnwrapFromEnvelope",
"auto.create": "true",
"insert.mode": "upsert",
"pk.fields": "id",
"pk.mode": "record_value"
debezium/zookeeper : 0.9
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.5
Kafka Connect JDBC 5.2.1
i tried to downgrade jdbc driver and confluent kafka connect but still have the same error
solve, the problem coz while i create a table in postgres1, i did not set the id to a PK value
Same issue,
I think this is an issue on JDBC Connector, when the table has only primary key columns and no other column there is nothing to update and therefore the statement syntax is wrong as it always excepts a column to update after the on-conflict.
One solution could be to add additional columns to that table, of course this is not a solution but a quick and dirty workaround.
Another solution is to upgrade the JDBC, I tested the same with kafka-connect-jdbc-10.4.0 and seems that this issue is no longer present.