KSQL query adds too much delay to my request - apache-kafka

I have a system that saves (X,Y) coordinates to a SQL table. Then, I have an endpoint that when called returns the (X,Y) coordinates.
However my system takes up to 30 minutes to process and store a (X,Y) coordinate to the SQL table. In this sense, I am using KSQL to get that data faster.
I have added the call to KSQL in the endpoint of the backend I mentioned. The problem is that this call adds 6 extra seconds to my request.
My endpoint includes a query that looks like this
SELECT feature_a,feature_b FROM ksql_table;
The ksql_table has already been pre-processed by two previous streams. In my understanding, this query should be pretty straight forward and easy to compute. But it is taking 6 seconds to process.

When a KSQL query runs, it instantiates a Kafka Streams application that will build the table state requested. This is going to have a "spin-up" time, which doesn't matter when it's the stream processing application itself (since once it's running it stays running). However, if you're repeatedly calling it via the REST API as part of your application's flow then you are going to see this delay.
I think a more optimal way to work with the stream of data in Kafka would be to use Kafka Streams to build and persist the state required in a KTable, and then serve this through Interactive Query and a custom API that your nodejs application can interface with such as described here. Further examples are here and here.
There is also a nodejs Kafka Streams library, which I have not used but might be worth checking out.


How do I make sure that I process one message at a time at most?

I am wondering how to process one message at a time using Googles pub/sub functionality in Go. I am using the official library for this, https://pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go/pubsub#section-readme. The event is being consumed by a service that runs with multiple instances, so any in memory locking mechanism will not work.
I realise that it's an anti-pattern to do this, so let me explain my use-case. Using mongoDB I store an array of objects as an embedded document for each entity. The event being published is modifying parts of this array and saves it. If I receive more than one event at a time and they start processing exactly at the same time, one of the saves will override the other. So I was thinking a solution for this is to make sure that only one message will be processed at a time, and it would be nice to use any built-in functionality in cloud pub/sub to do so. Otherwise I was thinking of implementing some locking mechanism in the DB but i'd like to avoid that.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can imagine 2 things:
You can use ordering key in PubSub. Like that, all the message in relation with the same object will be delivered in order and one by one.
You can use a PUSH subscription to PubSub, to push to Cloud Run or Cloud Functions. With Cloud Run, set the concurrency to 1 (it's by default with Cloud Functions gen1), and set the max instance to 1 also. Like that you can process only one message at a time, all the other message will be rejected (429 HTTP error code) and will be requeued to PubSub. The problem is that you can parallelize the processing as before with ordering key
A similar thing, and simpler to implement, is to use Cloud Tasks instead of PubSub. With Cloud Tasks you can set a rate limit on a queue, and set the maxConcurrentDispatches to 1 (and you haven't to do the same with Cloud Functions max instances or Cloud Run max instances and concurrency)

Kafka Streams and RPC: is calling REST service in map() operator considered an anti-pattern?

The naive approach for implementing the use case of enriching an incoming stream of events stored in Kafka with reference data - is by calling in map() operator an external service REST API that provides this reference data, for each incoming event.
eventStream.map((key, event) -> /* query the external service here, then return the enriched event */)
Another approach is to have second events stream with reference data and store it in KTable that will be a lightweight embedded "database" then join main event stream with it.
KStream<String, Object> eventStream = builder.stream(..., "event-topic");
KTable<String, Object> referenceDataTable = builder.table(..., "reference-data-topic");
KTable<String, Object> enrichedEventStream = eventStream
.leftJoin(referenceDataTable , (event, referenceData) -> /* return the enriched event */)
.map((key, enrichedEvent) -> new KeyValue<>(/* new key */, enrichedEvent)
.to("enriched-event-topic", ...);
Can the "naive" approach be considered an anti-pattern? Can the "KTable" approach be recommended as the preferred one?
Kafka can easily manage millions of messages per minute. Service that is called from the map() operator should be capable of handling high load too and also highly-available. These are extra requirements for the service implementation. But if the service satisfies these criteria can the "naive" approach be used?
Yes, it is ok to do RPC inside Kafka Streams operations such as map() operation. You just need to be aware of the pros and cons of doing so, see below. Also, you should do any such RPC calls synchronously from within your operations (I won't go into details here why; if needed, I'd suggest to create a new question).
Pros of doing RPC calls from within Kafka Streams operations:
Your application will fit more easily into an existing architecture, e.g. one where the use of REST APIs and request/response paradigms is common place. This means that you can make more progress quickly for a first proof-of-concept or MVP.
The approach is, in my experience, easier to understand for many developers (particularly those who are just starting out with Kafka) because they are familiar with doing RPC calls in this manner from their past projects. Think: it helps to move gradually from request-response architectures to event-driven architectures (powered by Kafka).
Nothing prevents you from starting with RPC calls and request-response, and then later migrating to a more Kafka-idiomatic approach.
You are coupling the availability, scalability, and latency/throughput of your Kafka Streams powered application to the availability, scalability, and latency/throughput of the RPC service(s) you are calling. This is relevant also for thinking about SLAs.
Related to the previous point, Kafka and Kafka Streams scale very well. If you are running at large scale, your Kafka Streams application might end up DDoS'ing your RPC service(s) because the latter probably can't scale as much as Kafka. You should be able to judge pretty easily whether or not this is a problem for you in practice.
An RPC call (like from within map()) is a side-effect and thus a black box for Kafka Streams. The processing guarantees of Kafka Streams do not extend to such side effects.
Example: Kafka Streams (by default) processes data based on event-time (= based on when an event happened in the real world), so you can easily re-process old data and still get back the same results as when the old data was still new. But the RPC service you are calling during such reprocessing might return a different response than "back then". Ensuring the latter is your responsibility.
Example: In the case of failures, Kafka Streams will retry operations, and it will guarantee exactly-once processing (if enabled) even in such situations. But it can't guarantee, by itself, that an RPC call you are doing from within map() will be idempotent. Ensuring the latter is your responsibility.
In case you are wondering what other alternatives you have: If, for example, you are doing RPC calls for looking up data (e.g. for enriching an incoming stream of events with side/context information), you can address the downsides above by making the lookup data available in Kafka directly. If the lookup data is in MySQL, you can setup a Kafka connector to continuously ingest the MySQL data into a Kafka topic (think: CDC). In Kafka Streams, you can then read the lookup data into a KTable and perform the enrichment of your input stream via a stream-table join.
I suspect most of the advice you hear from the internet is along the lines of, "OMG, if this REST call takes 200ms, how wil I ever process 100,000 Kafka messages per second to keep up with my demand?"
Which is technically true: even if you scale your servers up for your REST service, if responses from this app routinely take 200ms - because it talks to a server 70ms away (speed of light is kinda slow, if that server is across the continent from you...) and the calling microservice takes 130ms even if you measure right at the source....
With kstreams the problem may be worse than it appears. Maybe you get 100,000 messages a second coming into your stream pipeline, but some kstream operator flatMaps and that operation in your app creates 2 messages for every one object... so now you really have 200,000 messages a second crashing through your REST server.
BUT maybe you're using Kstreams in an app that has 100 messages a second, or you can partition your data so that you get a message per partition maybe even just once a second. In that case, you might be fine.
Maybe your Kafka data just needs to go somewhere else: ie the end of the stream is back into a Good Ol' RDMS. In which case yes, there's some careful balancing there on the best way to deal with potentially "slow" systems, while making sure you don't DDOS yourself, while making sure you can work your way out of a backlog.
So is it an anti-pattern? Eh, probably, if your Kafka cluster is LinkedIn size. Does it matter for you? Depends on how many messages/second you need to drive, how fast your REST service really is, how efficiently it can scale (ie your new kstreams pipeline suddenly delivers 5x the normal traffic to it...)

Writing directly to a kafka state store

We've started experimenting with Kafka to see if it can be used to aggregate our application data. I think our use case is a match for Kafka streams, but we aren't sure if we are using the tool correctly. The proof of concept we've built seems to be working as designed, I'm not sure that we are using the APIs appropriately.
Our proof of concept is to use kafka streams to keep a running tally of information about a program in an output topic, e.g.
"numberActive": 0,
"numberInactive": 0,
"lastLogin": "01-01-1970T00:00:00Z"
Computing the tally is easy, it is essentially executing a compare and swap (CAS) operation based on the input topic & output field.
The local state contains the most recent program for a given key. We join an input stream against the state store and run the CAS operation using a TransformSupplier, which explictly writes the data to the state store using
Is this an appropriate use of the local state store? Is there another another approach to keeping a stateful running tally in a topic?
Your design sounds right to me (I presume you are using PAPI not the Streams DSL), that you are reading in one stream, calling transform() on the stream in which an state store is associated with the operator. Since your update logic seems to be only key-dependent and hence can be embarrassingly parallelizable via Streams library based on key partitioning.
One thing to note that, it seems you are calling "context.commit()" after every single put call, which is not a recommended pattern. This is because commit() operation is a pretty heavy call that will involves flushing the state store, sending commit offset request to the Kafka broker etc, calling it on every single call would result in very low throughput. It is recommended to only call commit() only after a bunch of records are processed, or you can just rely on the Streams config "commit.interval.ms" to rely on Streams library to only call commit() internally after every time interval. Note that this will not affect your processing semantics upon graceful shutting down, since upon shutdown Streams will always enforce a commit() call.

Understanding Persistent Entities with streams of data

I want to use Lagom to build a data processing pipeline. The first step in this pipeline is a service using a Twitter client to supscribe to a stream of Twitter messages. For each new message I want to persist the message in Cassandra.
What I dont understand is given I model my Aggregare root as a List of TwitterMessages for example, after running for some time this aggregare root will be several gigabytes in size. There is no need to store all the TwitterMessages in memory since the goal of this one service is just to persist each incomming message and then publish the message out to Kafka for the next service to process.
How would I model my aggregate root as Persistent Entitie for a stream of messages without it consuming unlimited resources? Are there any example code showing this usage if Lagom?
Event sourcing is a good default go to, but not the right solution for everything. In your case it may not be the right approach. Firstly, do you need the Tweets persisted, or is it ok to publish them directly to Kafka?
Assuming you need them persisted, aggregates should store in memory whatever they need to validate incoming commands and generate new events. From what you've described, your aggregate doesn't need any data to do that, so your aggregate would not be a list of Twitter messages, rather, it could just be NotUsed. Each time it gets a command it emits a new event for that Tweet. The thing here is, it's not really an aggregate, because you're not aggregating any state, you're just emitting events in response to commands with no invariants or anything. And so, you're not really using the Lagom persistent entity API for what it was made to be used for. Nevertheless, it may make sense to use it in this way anyway, it's a high level API that comes with a few useful things, including the streaming functionality. But there are also some gotchas that you should be aware of, you put all your Tweets in one entity, you limit your throughput to what one core on one node can do sequentially at a time. So maybe you could expect to handle 20 tweets a second, if you ever expect it to ever be more than that, then you're using the wrong approach, and you'll need to at a minimum distribute your tweets across multiple entities.
The other approach would be to simply store the messages directly in Cassandra yourself, and then publish directly to Kafka after doing that. This would be a lot simpler, a lot less mechanics involved, and it should scale very nicely, just make sure you choose your partition key columns in Cassandra wisely - I'd probably partition by user id.

Kafka consume message in reverse order

I use Kafka 0.10, I have a Topic logs where my IoT devices post their logs into , The key of my messages are the device-id , so all the logs of the same device are in the same partition.
I have an api /devices/{id}/tail-logs that needs to display the N last logs of one device at the moment the call was made.
Currently I have it implemented in a very unefficient way (but working), as I start from the beginning (i.e oldest logs) of the partition containing the device's log until I reach current timestamp.
A more efficient way would be if I could get the current latest offset and then consume the messages backward (I would need to filter out some message to keep only those of the device i'm looking for)
Is it possible to do it with kafka ? If not how one can solve this problematic ? (a more heavy solution I would see would be to have a kafka-connect linked to an elastic search and then to query the elasticsearch but to have 2 more components for this seems a bit overkill...)
As you are on 0.10.2, I would recommend to write a Kafka Streams application. The application will be stateful and the state will hold the last N records/logs per device-id -- if new data is written to the input topic, the Kafka Streams application will just update it's state (without the need to re-read the whole topic).
Furthermore, the application also serves you request ("api /devices/{id}/tail-logs" using Interactive Queries feature.
Thus, I would not build a stateless application that has to recompute the answer for each request, but build a stateful application that eagerly compute the result (and update the result automatically all the time) for all possible requests (ie, for all device-ids) and just returns the already computed result when a request comes in.