MongoDB new ObjectId over array giving me same Id for all - mongodb

I am trying to update items in an array with unique ObjectIds (meaning add an object ID to array object that are missing them)
If I have an array of shirt objects in my collection and I try this:
$and : [
_id: ObjectId('5eeb44c6a042791d28a8641f'),
$or: [
{ 'shirts._id': { $eq:null } },
{ 'shirts._id':{ $exists:false } }
$set: { 'shirts.$[]._id': new ObjectId() }
"multi" : true
It generates IDENTICAL ObjectsIDs for each array element, I would put an unique index on this however, the use case probably wont see more then 2-3 items in the array with edge cases hitting 5-6, which seems like an abuse of an index
How can I update multiple records or multiple array objects with a unique ObjectId?

When you use $set you're telling mongo to set that value to all matching elements. If the elements in the array are already defined as schemas, mongo will issue new ObjectIds for each one of them automatically.
Alternatively, you can use forEach and iterate over each matching element creating a new ObjectId.


How to perform generic lookup in mongoDB?

Suppose I have this collection:
I want my query to return to the full data, which means that in each time I encounter object id I want to go to that collection and get the whole object. For example when I am in the tags array I want for each tag id to be replaced with the whole object from the tags collection.
How can that be achieved with a mongo query? I don't want to store all the objects in the same collection, i.e. the tags ids for example are foreign keys in this collection and primary keys in the tags collection.
Exactly the same should be applied for each array that contains ids, like exercises in this example.

Mongoose Updating an array in multiple documents by passing an array of filters to update query

I have multiple documents(3 documents in this example) in one collection that looks like this:
Now, I want to update the bizs subdocument by matching with my array of ids.
That is to say, my array filter for update query is [123,789], which will match against the _id fields of each document.
I have tried using findByIdAndUpdate() but that doesn't allow an array for the update query
How can I update the 2 matching documents (like my example above) without having to put findByIdAndUpdate inside a forloop to match the array element with the _id?
You can not use findByIdAndUpdate when updating multiple documents, findByIdAndUpdate is from mongoose which is a wrapper to native MongoDB's findOneAndUpdate. When you pass a single string as a filter to findByIdAndUpdate like : Collection.findByIdAndUpdate({'5e179dac627ef7823643cd97'}, {}) - then mongoose will internally convert string to ObjectId() & form it as a filter like :_id : ObjectId('5e179dac627ef7823643cd97') to execute findOneAndUpdate. So it means you can only update one document at a time, So if you've multiple documents to be updated use update with option {multi : true} or updateMany.
Assume if you wanted to push a new object to bizs, this is how query looks like :
collection.updateMany({ _id: { $in: [123, 456] } }, {
$push: {
bizs: {
"_id": "",
"name": "new"
Note : Update operations doesn't return the documents in response rather they will return write result which has information about n docs matched & n docs modified.

In MongoDB, how do I update by matching an element within an array of an Embedded query?

Say you have an document saved like this:
_id: "1",
thingy: {
moreStuff: [
moreComplicated: [
info: "test"
... // More similar elements
... // More similar elements
Suppose you already have a way to get the query of the document:
db.getCollection("thingies").find({"_id": 1});
Now you're looking for a way to update the "info" section inside the "a1" object nested within all those other objects and arrays. The only catch to this is that "moreStuff" and "moreComplicated" arrays are being updated constantly, so aiming by array location (like won't work. The only way to do it is by looking up the unique mongoID of each object.
How would you query the arrays by matching an element to value instead of an index? Bonus points if you can have a "find" query return a similar object.

Create unique indexes for document's objects stored in an array

How do one create unique indexes for document's objects stored in array?
_id: 'documentId',
books: [
unique_id: 1,
title: 'Asd',
unique_id: 2,
title: 'Wsad',
One thing I can think of is autoincrementing. Or is there any mongo way to do so?
if you remove the _id field from your doc, mongo will automatically add one for you, which is:
guaranteed to be unique
contains the timestamp of creation
lots of other features.
see here:
Looking at the example object again, are you referring to the ids in the books array?
If so, you can assign them with ObjectIds as well, just like in the document root's _id field:
doc.books.forEach(x => { x.unique_id = new ObjectId() } );

Updating multiple MongoDB records in Sails.js

I need to update multiple records in mongodb.
From frontend logic , i got the array of id's as below.
ids: [ [ '530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25' ] ]
I have an array of ids as above , i need to update the folder field for all the records in that array.
I tried passing the id's to mongodb query as below , but still that doesn't work.
Post.native(function(err, collection) {
_id : {
"$in" : ids
}, { folder : 'X'}, {
multi : true
}, function(err, result) {
Please help.
There seem to be two possible problems.
1) your ids array is not an array of ids, it's an array which has a single element which is itself an array, which has two elements. An array of ids would be `[ 'idvalue1', 'idvalue2']
2) your id values inside of arrays are strings - is that how you are storing your "_id" values? If they are ObjectId() type then they are not a string but a type ObjectId("stringhere") which is not the same type and won't be equal to "stringhere".
There is no reason to use the native method in this case. Just do:
Post.update({id : ids}, {folder : 'X'}).exec(console.log);
Waterline automatically does an "in" query when you set a criteria property to an array, and Sails-Mongo automatically translates "id" to "_id" and handles ObjectId translation for you.
Those strings look like the string representation of mongod ObjectIds, so probably what you want to do is turn them into ObjectIds before querying. Assuming you've corrected your problem with the extra level of nesting in the array, that is:
ids = ['530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25']
Then you want to do something like this:
oids = []
for (var i in ids)
db.c.find({_id: {$in: oids}})
Does that fix your problem?