Stream re-partitioning on DSL toplogy with selectKey and transform - apache-kafka

I feel like I am probably missing something very basic, but I'll ask anyway.
There is input topic with multiple partitions. I'm using selectKey as part of DSL topology. The selectKey always returns the same value. My expectation is that after internal re-partitioning triggered by selectKey() the next processor in the topology will be called on the same partition for the same key. However the next processor that is transform() is called on different partitions for the same key.
Topology buildTopology() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
.stream("in-topic", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), new JsonSerde<>(CatalogEvent.class)))
.selectKey((k,v) -> "key")
.transform(() -> new Processor())
Processor class used by transform
public class Processor implements Transformer<String, CatalogEvent, KeyValue<String, DispEvent>> {
private ProcessorContext context;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
public KeyValue<String, DispEvent> transform(String key, CatalogEvent catalogEvent) {
System.out.println("key:" + key + " partition:" + context.partition());
return null;
public KeyValue<String, DispatcherEvent> punctuate(long timestamp) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void close() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
"in-topic" has two messages with random UUIDs as keys i.e. "8f45e552-8886-4781-bb0c-79ca98f9d927", "a794ed2a-6f7d-4522-a7ac-27c51a64fa28", the payload is the same for both messages
The output from Processor::transform for two UUIDs are
key:key partition: 2
key:key partition: 0
How can I change the topology to make sure that messages with the same key will be arrived on the same partition - I need it to ensure that messages with the same key will go to the same local Kafka store instance (for inserting or updating).

For process() and [flat]transform[Values]() there is no auto-repartitioning. You will need to insert a manual repartition() (or through() in older versions) call to repartition the data. If you compare the JavaDocs (with groupBy() or join() that support auto-repartitioning) you see that auto-repartitioning is not mentioned for them.
The reason is, that those three methods are part of Processor API integration into the DSL, and thus no DSL operators. Their semantics are unknown and thus we cannot tell if they require repartitioning if the key was change or not. To avoid unnecessary repartitioning, auto-repartitioning is not performed.
There is also a corresponding Jira:


Joining streams Flink doesn't work with Kafka consumer

I'm trying to join two streams, one from the data collection, one consumes from Kafka.
code snippet
public static void main(String[] args) {
KafkaSource<JsonNode> kafkaSource = ...
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// Kafka messages : {"name": "John"}
final DataStream<JsonNode> dataStream1 = env.fromSource(kafkaSource, waterMark(), "Kafka").rebalance()
final DataStream<String> dataStream2 = env.fromElements("John", "Zbe", "Abe")
.where(new KeySelector<JsonNode, String>() {
public String getKey(JsonNode value) throws Exception {
return value.get("name").asText();
.equalTo(new KeySelector<String, String>() {
public String getKey(String value) throws Exception {
return value;
.window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(50) /* size */, Time.minutes(10) /* slide */))
.apply(new JoinFunction<JsonNode, String, String>() {
public String join(JsonNode first, String second) throws Exception {
return first+" "+second;
private static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> waterMark() {
return new WatermarkStrategy<T>() {
public WatermarkGenerator<T> createWatermarkGenerator(
org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkGeneratorSupplier.Context context) {
return new AscendingTimestampsWatermarks<>();
public TimestampAssigner<T> createTimestampAssigner(TimestampAssignerSupplier.Context context) {
return (event, timestamp) -> System.currentTimeMillis();
After running snippet code, it doesn't have any merged data in the output. Am I going wrong somewhere?
Apache flink version: 1.13.2
The problem is probably related to watermarking. Since you're not using event-time-based timestamps, try changing SlidingEventTimeWindows to SlidingProcessingTimeWindows and see if it then produces results.
The underlying problem is probably a lack of data. The rebalance() on the Kafka stream guarantees that idle partitions won't stall the watermarks unless all partitions are idle. But if this is an unbounded streaming job, unless you have some data that falls after the first window, the watermark won't advance far enough to trigger the first window.
Send some data with larger timestamps
Configure the Kafka source as a bounded stream by using the .setBounded(...) option on the KakfaSource builder
Stop the job using the --drain option (docs)
The fact that dataStream2 is bounded is also a problem, but I'm not sure how much of one. At best this will prevent any windows after the first one from producing any results (since datastream joins are inner joins).

How to handle errors occurring during the processing of data in Kafka Streams

I am writing a Java application using Spring Cloud Stream Kafka Streams. Here is the functional method snippet I'm using:
public Function<KStream<String, String>, KStream<String, String>> process() {
return input ->
() ->
new Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, String>>() {
ProcessorContext context;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
public void close() {}
public KeyValue<String, String> transform(String key, String value) {
String result = fetch_data_from_database(key, value);
return new KeyValue<>(key, result);
fetch_data_from_database() can throw an Exception.
How can I stop the processing of the inbound KStream(offset should not get committed) in case of exception from fetch_from_database() and make it retry processing with the same offset data?
In this case, you need to retry the logic on your own. For that, you can use Spring's RetryTemplate. This answer has the details about how to use the RetryTemplate within Kafka Streams. It does not use the low-level Processor API as you have, but it's the same idea. Wrap your database call within a retry template and customize the retries based on your requirements. Any upstream processing will be paused until the retries are exhausted.

Kafka compare consecutive values for a key

We are building an application to get data from sensors. The data is streamed to Kafka from where consumers will publish it to different data stores. Each data point will have multiple attributes representing the state of the sensor.
In one of the consumers we want to publish the data to the data store only if the value has changed. for e.g. if there is temperature sensor which is polled for data every 10 secs we expect to receive data like
Key Value
Sensor1 {timestamp: "10-10-2019 10:20:30", temperature: 10}
Sensor1 {timestamp: "10-10-2019 10:20:40", temperature: 10}
Sensor1 {timestamp: "10-10-2019 10:20:50", temperature: 11}
In the above case only the first record and the third record should be published.
For this we need some way to compare the current value for a key with the previous value with the same key. I believe this should be possible with KTable or KStream but unable to find examples.
Any help will be great!
Here is an example how to solve this with KStream#transformValues().
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<String, YourValueType>> keyValueStoreBuilder =
stream =, Consumed.with(Serdes.Integer(), YourValueTypeSerde()))
.transformValues(() -> new ValueTransformerWithKey<String, YourValueType, YourValueType>() {
private KeyValueStore<String, YourValueType> state;
public void init(final ProcessorContext context) {
state = (KeyValueStore<String, YourValueType>) context.getStateStore(stateStoreName);}
public YourValueType transform(final String key, final YourValueType value) {
YourValueType prevValue = state.get(key);
if (prevValue != null) {
if (prevValue.temperature() != value.temperature()) {
return prevValue;
} else {
state.put(key, value);
return null;
public void close() {}
}, stateStorName))
You compare the record with the previous record stored in the state store. If temperature is different you return the record from the state store and store the current record in the state store. If the temperature is equal you discard the current record.
You can use a Kafka stream Processor API. You can set up a local key value store as the state context. The process function is called for each record fetched.
In the process function you can check against the last value stored and accept or reject the latest record based on business logic (in your case comparing temperature value).
In the punctuate function you can then forward the record to the consumer on a schedule. See the sample code below (without punctuate)
public class SensorProcessor implements Processor<String, String> {
private ProcessorContext context;
private KeyValueStore<String, String> kvStore;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
// keep the processor context locally because we need it in punctuate() and commit()
this.context = context;
// retrieve the key-value store named "SensorData"
kvStore = (KeyValueStore) context.getStateStore("SensorData");
// schedule a punctuate() method every second based on event-time
public void process(String sensorName, String sensorData) {
String oldValue = this.kvStore.get(sensorName);
if (oldValue == null) {
this.kvStore.put(sensorName, sensorData);
} else {
//Put the business logic for comparison
//compare temperatures
//if required put the value
this.kvStore.put(sensorName, sensorData);
//Forward it o consumer
context.forward(sensorName, sensorData);
public void close() {
// nothing to do
If you want to do this with Kafka Streams you have to use Processor API.
You need to implement you custom Transformer with State store.
For each message you should search value in State store if it has changed or it is not present you should return new value, otherwise null. Apart of that you should also save that value in state store (KeyValueStore::put(...))
More regarding Processor API can be found: here

Invoking Kafka Interactive Queries from inside a Stream

I have a particular requirement for invoking an Interactive Query from inside a Stream . This is because I need to create a new Stream which should have data contained inside the State Store. Truncated code below:, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
GlobalKTable<String, String> myMetricsTable = builder.globalTable(
Materialized.<String, String, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(
topic.getTransformedStoreName() /* table/store name */)
.withKeySerde(Serdes.String()) /* key serde */
.withValueSerde(Serdes.String()) /* value serde */
KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(, kStreamsConfigs());
KStream<String, String> tempAggrDataStream = tempModifiedDataStream
.flatMap((key, value) -> {
try {
List<KeyValue<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, String> keyValueStore =
streams .store(
In the last line, To access the State Store I need to have the KafkaStreams object and the Topology is finalized when I create the KafkaStreams object. The problem with this approach is that the 'tempAggrDataStream' is hence not part of the Topology and that part of the code does not get executed. And I cant move the KafkaStreams definition below as otherwise I can't call the Interactive Query.
I am a bit new to Kafka Streams ; so is this something silly from my side?
If you want to achieve sending all content of the topic content after each data modification, I think you should rather use Processor API.
You could create org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.Transformer with state store.
For each processing message it will update state store and send all content to downstream.
It is not very efficient, because it will be forwarding for each processing message the whole content of the topic/state store (that can be thousands, millions of records).
If you need only latest value it is enough to set your topic cleanup.policy to compact. And from other site use KTable, which give abstraction of Table (Snapshot of stream)
Sample Transformer code for forwarding whole content of state store is as follow. The whole work is done in transform(String key, String value) method.
public class SampleTransformer
implements Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, String>> {
private String stateStoreName;
private KeyValueStore<String, String> stateStore;
private ProcessorContext context;
public SampleTransformer(String stateStoreName) {
this.stateStoreName = stateStoreName;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
stateStore = (KeyValueStore) context.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
public KeyValue<String, String> transform(String key, String value) {
stateStore.put(key, value);
stateStore.all().forEachRemaining(keyValue -> context.forward(keyValue.key, keyValue.value));
return null;
public void close() {
More information about Processor APi can be found:
How to combine Processor API with Stream DSL can be found:

Processor node in kafka streams

I am working on processor node in kafka streams. For a simple code, I have written like below just to filter UserID , is this the correct way of doing processor node in kafka streams ?
But, the below code doesn't compile, throws an error with : The method filter(Predicate<? super Object,? super Object>) in the type KStream<Object,Object> is not applicable for the arguments (new Predicate<String,String>(){})
KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
.filter(new Predicate <String, String>() {
public boolean test(String key, String value) {
Hashtable<Object, Object> message;
// put you processor logic here
return message.get("UserID").equals("1");
final KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// attach shutdown handler to catch control-c
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("streams-shutdown-hook") {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
Can someone guide me please? returns KStream<Object,Object> type because you don't specify the generic types. And <Object,Object> is not compatible with <String,String>.
If you know, that the actual type is KStream<String,String> you can specify the type as follows:
To answer you question about "processor nodes": yes, adding a filter() will add a processor node internally. Note, that at DSL level, you don't need to think in term of processors usually.
If you want to use processors explicitly, you can use Processor API instead of the DSL. Check out the WordCount example:
Note, that using the DSL, internally the code will be translated into a processor topology which is the runtime model of Kafka Streams.
Probably you are using Predicate class from another package. You need to use
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.Predicate;