Multiple common ancestors were found and merging them resulted in a conflict - eclipse

I am performing salesforce deployments. The current setup is:
Dev org is pushed from develop1 branch.
UAT org is pushed from UAT1 branch.
Every 2 weeks we do a Mergeback of UAT1 into develop1. Which is later deployed onto the dev org.
This has been working for me until now. Currently I have been continuously seeing below error while merging in eclipse:
**"Multiple common ancestors were found and merging them resulted in a
I tried using Eclipse Neon/Mars with Egit 4.*. I am unable to carry out the merge activity and resolve the conflicts.
Based on the answers in the below question:
How to work around "multiple merge bases" error in EGit Eclipse plugin?
I do not want to go about the cherry picking of the merge activity since It will be a very cumbersome task.
Is there another tool which can handle this? I have installed sourcetree, but I am not sure if this would help.

I was able to get this working by doing the following:
Used source tree to merge the local copies of the remote branches develop1 and UAT1---> Source tree was able to handle the multiple ancestor problem and gave me a list of conflicts.
Since I was not very comfortable with using Source tree for conflict resolution, I eclipse to open the code and resolve the conflicts in the Git staging window.(I'd like to know if there is a similar external editor that allows you to accept the changes and reject like eclipse).
Staged and committed the files using eclipse.
This is a long workaround, and I wonder if I will see the Multiple ancestor issue when I perform the mergeback again after 2 weeks.

TortoiseGit on Windows was also successful in merging such a situation.


How to correct «unable to merge unrelated histories»?

I use github desktop ( ) while developing the application with several other people, so, for some reason, when trying to merge two branches into one, the error "unable to merge unrelated histories" is displayed for one of the target branches.
What could be the problem?
First of all: You may also be able to find a solution using the search.
Potential reasons for the error message
Here are some common scenarios where fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories can occur.
You have a new Git repository with some commits. You then try to pull from an existing remote repo. The merge becomes incompatible because the histories for branch and remote pull are different. Git sees the situation as you trying to merge two completely unrelated branches, and it doesn’t know what to do.
There’s something wrong with the .git directory. It may have been accidentally deleted at some point or got corrupted. This can happen if you’ve cloned or cleaned a project. Here the error occurs because Git doesn’t have the necessary information about your local project’s history.
The branches are at different HEAD positions when you try to push or pull data from a remote repo and cannot be matched due to a lack of commonality.
Options to resolve the issue
The article describes two options on how to resolve/avoid such issues but targets command line /terminal users. I guess I would prefer option 2 over option 1 anyway, also using git in the terminal.
The article explains it like this:
The alternative (and longer) way of fixing refusing to merge unrelated histories issues is to unstage your current commits, stash them, clone your required remote repository, and then place your stashed branch contents into the new clone. This will ensure that any conflicts that you may encounter in the code are addressed before merging and prevent application errors from occurring.
How it (should) work in GitHub Desktop
In GitHub Desktop you should be able to use a modified version of option 2:
To unstage all the files in your last commit, double click staged files. This moves them to the unstaged area. Learn more in this GitHub issue.
To stash your unsaved files, right-click an unstaged file. Learn more about stashing files.
This will give you a clean working tree to pull your remote repository into. Once you’ve successfully pulled into your branch, you can:
unstash your files (see link above again) to reapply them to your current working copy.
commit them as a separate commit.
resolve any file conflicts that you may have.
I hope this explanation adds some clarity. Let me know if there are any wrong or misleading information in my text please.
This problem has several reasons.
But probably your project clone just differs from GitHub (main project).
First of all, save your project (because you probably don't want to code everything again).
Remove repo from GitHub desktop (not GitHub!!!)
Go to the project page in GitHub
Click code, open with GitHub Desktop, and code again.

Different git merge between eclipse and intellij

I'v tried to merge a hotfix of my current deployed release branch into my develope branch.
Intellij found only the changes that were in the hotfix.
eclipse on the other hand found additionally some changes between the release and the develope and put them on the unstaged files.
Why is there a difference between the 2 IDEs? Do they use different git merge or diff? Do they choose different common ancestors?
Thank you!
No, IDEs don't have anything to do with GIT internal commands.
I think it was a mistake from your own side. I suppose you have two local repos for two IDEs, right?
May be you accidentally merged with different branch.
You said eclipse put some files to upstaged change, may be there's a conflict to that merge. Resolve it.

EGit wants to archive Eclipse project data and other inappropriate files

OK, I admit that I must have screwed up when I started using EGit. I started using Eclipse Galileo as a welcome alternative to Notepad edit and command-line compilation. Somewhat later I discovered that Git was integrated into Eclipse, and happily started using it.
I do not remember all the details, but it seems that I made an initial mistake that has been carried on from one computer to another and one Eclipse upgrade to another.
I have consistently tried to specify that source files are in project subdirectory src and their products are in project subdirectory bin. Git wants to archive anything in bin, as well as project metadata at the same directory level.
In the past I have been so mono-focused on the project that I just sprinkled gitignore files everywhere and clicked on "Ignore" when preparing a commit. But now that the project has been brought to a dead halt due to problems in Eclipse Kepler I have resolved to try to disentangle the mess while upgrading to Eclipse Luna.
As I see it, there are three alternatives: (1) Figure out a way to separate the various directories, (2) Brute force copy-and-paste the 300 some-odd source files into a new, clean directory structure (complicated by the fact that there are currently four open Git branches and several uncommitted changes) or (3) copy the current mess and continue to deal with extraneous "changed" files.
Alternative number one is of course the most desired.
Any suggestions?
Please be patient with me. I am a newby in this venue. But quite experienced in other venues, where I learned to search for similar questions before posting.
I did try to search for similar problems, to no avail. I also noticed that, while composing my question, there appeared a list of other questions that might be related. None seemed applicable, so I ignored it. When I came back to see if there were any answers, there was the list again and this time I found Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace. Perhaps it was there at the top of the list when I finished composing. I'll know to look next time.
I tried the first recommendation, cloning via EGit from the current location to a new one. It seemed to work okay, but there are a couple of things missing: Only the specified branch is available (not MASTER) and the extensive history for the last three years is reduced to one entry dated at the time of cloning.
Fortunately, the other three branches (including MASTER) are not currently divergent. If necessary, I can manually create them again - if there is some way to recover or display the complete history in the clone.
I was not surprised to see that the several unstaged changes in the source were not present. I can deal with those manually, but I wonder if it would help if I staged them before my next attempt to clone?
(Staging those changes may or may not be possible. I became very frustrated with problems using Eclipse Kepler and gave up trying to do anything more to resolve the problems several months ago. I did not document the problems, and by now have forgotten what they were. I have a vague memory of trying to commit current changes and running into fatal errors.)
Now I think I have a more focused question - or rather several questions:
(1) When upgrading Eclipse to a new version, is EGit cloning the easiest way to continue an existing project on the same disk? Should I just copy the original directory? Should I first clone to GitHub and then clone back to the disk from there?
(2) Should I attempt to stage the uncommitted changes before cloning?
(3) Why is Git history reduced to one entry? Would it help if I let MASTER be the default branch and then what? Check out the current (rather lengthy) branch? Or something else?
(4) What should I do about .project, .settings and other configuration files? Is it okay to copy them into the new directory structure in the desired places? Or should I make note of all settings and reconstruct them in Eclipse Luna?

Which sequence should be follow to synchronize code (commit and update) using Egit?

I am quite new with Egit (An Eclipse plugin for git).
I am getting weird errors (like dirty tree, conflict exception) while synchronizing code when there is conflict between local file and remote file.
So which sequence I should follow for use git in better way?
Right now I am performing following steps:
Merging (in this step I am getting errors using Team synchronization.)
Add to Git index (in case there is conflict)
Please help me better way if any.
That seems correct, as described in the "Resolving a merge conflict" of the EGit User Guide.
This EGit tutorial adds the following tips:
Use the Git staging view to find the conflicting files, in large projects that is usually faster than navigating the Package Explorer view.
The rest follows what you are doing:
Once you have manually merged the changes, select Team → Add from the context menu of the resource to mark the conflicts as resolved and commit the merge resolution via Team → Commit.

Basic Subversion questions

I've just started using subversion, and have read the official documentation (svn book), cheat sheet and a couple of guides. I know how to install subversion (in linux), create a repository (svnadmin create), and import my Eclipse project into the repository (SVN import), view the repository files (using svn list).
But I am unable to understand some of the other terminologies. For example, after importing my Eclipse project into the newly created repository I have made changes to my Eclipse project (more than 1 file). Now, how should I update the repository with this added files/changes made to my Eclipse project?
The svn update command brings the changes from the repository into your working copy - which is the opposite of what I want i.e. bring the changes I made in my Eclipse project into the previously imported project in repository. If I am correct, you update the repository more often (as you keep extending your project implementation) than your current project (with update).
Also, I do not understand when would you use svn merge. The svn book states it applies the differences between 2 sources to a working copy. Is there a scenario which would explain this?
Finally, can I have more than 1 project checked into the repository? Or is it better to create a new repository for each project?
The term you are looking for is "commit".
Subversion does not exclusively lock a file for editing (though there is a command to do this if you really, really want to). So it is possible that you will need to merge two different users' sets of edits on a file, or even edits from two different working copies in two different locations on your machine.
Multiple projects is fine. Best approach IMHO is repository/project/trunk etc rather than repository/trunk/project.
Three things about SVN you should know:
Trunk - The main version of your code
Tags - 'Tagged' Versions of your code (i.e. v1.2.5-release)
Branches - Forks of the code for divergent development paths. We typically fork new branches to work on different versions, so if the current version is 1.2.4, you'd branch for 1.3's development. So if emergency changes to 1.2 need to be made (i.e. 1.2.5) you can work on it without worrying about what you broke by refactoring / feature adding in your 1.3 branch. The merge operation is designed so you can merge 1.3's branch back into trunk when you're ready to release 1.3, or a similar operation. You can also merge individual files (if two or more developers edited the same file at the same time and now you need to 'merge' the changes into the same file.
Each project in your repository should have 3 folders in it:
These house the three points above. You don't have to have these folders, but you should. Other more mature VCS like Mericual/Git have the concepts of tags and branches baked into the system. In SVN these are more of a convention/reccomendation.
Working Copy - The copy on your hard-drive, that contains all your edits, etc...
Add - Registers a file for tracking in version control
Update - Updates the working copy with changes from the server repository
Commit - Updates the server repository with changes from the working copy
Switch - Replaces the working copy with another folder within the server repository
Diff - Does a differential analysis of two files / versions of a file to see the changes between them.
Merge - Attempts to apply the changes from one or more files into another, highlighting conflicts.
Patch - A set of differences that can be used to update a file.
You commit changes to the repository
Merge is useful when you need to maintain two branches of a repository. For examples v1.x with most recent security fixes and the alpha version 2. That allows you to make the fixes in the 1.x code, whith the resulting binary for existing customers, and you can merge the changes into version 2 so fixing the bugs that weren't already caught.
I suggest you look around for 'typical svn workflows'. They will give you the big picture of the 'most common tasks'.
What you want to do is 'commit' the changes made to your files to the repository.
You need to merge in case of a conflict (when 2 or more people are working on a project and commit to the same repo. conflicts might arise).
Check the available articles on SVN kai remember to read about the sample/typical workflows or working scenarios with SVN.
Fully agree with David, but as far as question 3 is concerned, personally, I would distinguish between use cases:
Production: One project per repository. And do get warm with the mentioned tag/trunk/branch concept, it really helps a lot
Testing: I have one single repository where I have put virtually all my experimental codes (approx. 10 languages with x codes per language). Reason is: One experimental code takes me 1-2 minutes, creating a repository on a remote host, using ssh-security sometimes takes longer ;-)