Powershell Output Question when running Forms - powershell

When I run my Forms code I have different objects that are added to the Form (buttons, labels, etc) I attache the objects to the form by using the command $Form1.Controls.Add([ObjectType]).
My question is, when I run my code I get an instant sequence of numbers in my console and output dialogue box of:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
When after I click Submit button the string "OK" is added to the numbers shown above
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 OK
Why is this happening and how can I remove these or atleast omit them from displaying.
The OK displays once the Submit button is pressed.

Some actions like .Add() are producing output. To prevent this, pipe the output into the [void] by adding | Out-Null at the end of the line or [void] directly infront of the variable that is used, like:
$foo.SomethingThatGeneratesOutput() | Out-Null
[void]$foo = SomethingThatGeneratesOutput

As T-Me has stated, to prevent output being generated when executing methods as you are use [Void].
If your code is still returning unwanted data, open the script in PowerShell ISE, and execute the script line by line (select the line and press F8). This will help you determine which line of code is generating output still.


MaskedTextField with mask overwrites characters to the right, how can I prevent this?

If I type 12345 and set the cursor between 3 and 4 and start typing this will overwrite the 4 and 5. What I want is to be able to eg. add 77 inbetween and the output will be: 123 774 5. Is there any way I can do this?
My code is essentially just:
label="With input mask"
mask="999 999 999"
Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/keen-sunset-khegc?file=/src/App.js

remove some string from a text file

I have a text file and I want to remove a part of text using Python 3.7.
helloooooooooooooo ### 122
How Are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
GigaEthernet 0 1 0
GigaEthernet 1 2 0
GigaEthernet 2 1 3
helloooooooooooooo ### 122
helloooooooooooooo ### 122
i want the text file change to:
GigaEthernet 0 1 0
GigaEthernet 1 2 0
GigaEthernet 2 1 3
It maybe "FastEthernet" instead of GigaEthernet so we should consider "Ethernet" as a key word).
Instead of giving you a complete solution, I'll help on how to approach this kind of problem.
What do you have? A file.
What do you want? A modified file.
First, you need to load in the file as a data structure that you can work with, see: How to read a text file into a list or an array with Python
Second, you need to remove some lines, see: How to remove specific element in an array using python
Third, you need to save the changes to a file, see: Correct way to write line to file?
I hope that this helps.

AutoHotkey remap keys to swich two keys with each other

I'm new to AHK and I wanted to make a script that remaps all the number keys to the relative symbol above it and the symbol to the number. So for example when I press 2 "#" is printed, and SHIFT+2 actually prints 2.
my code is as follows:
2::send #
#::send 2
and so on for all other number keys...
but apparently the # printed by the first send triggers the second and it gets stuck in a loop.
I know it's probably a stupid and basic mistake but I couldn't find anything about how to go around this. Anybody know how to do it?
Just use the shift key (which is how you get to # anyway) and the $ keyboard hook modifier (so the hotkey is only activated if actually pressed):
$2::send #
$+2::send 2
and so on for all other number keys...
I added this to an existing .ahk file and confirmed it does exactly what you want.
$1::SendRaw !
$!::SendRaw 1
$2::SendRaw #
$#::SendRaw 2
$3::SendRaw #
$#::SendRaw 3
$4::SendRaw $
$$::SendRaw 4
$5::SendRaw `%
$%::SendRaw 5
$6::SendRaw ^
$^::SendRaw 6
$7::SendRaw &
$&::SendRaw 7
$8::SendRaw *
$*::SendRaw 8
$9::SendRaw (
$(::SendRaw 9
$0::SendRaw )
$)::SendRaw 0

Convert Matlab Console output to new expression

In order to debug a very complex set of functions, I want to isolate a subfunction from the workspace in order to make different test. Therefore a need selected values from the function workspace to be defined already. By setting a break point at the specific position I can "look" into the current workspace by displaying the values in the console, like the variable HF33
HF33 =
1.0777 0.0865 0.0955
-0.1891 0.8110 -0.1889
0.0935 0.0846 1.0755
Is there some function / script that could convert this result to a new Matlab expression that can be pasted somewhere else (for example at the head of a new script), e.g.:
HF33 = [ 1.0777, 0.0865, 0.0955;
-0.1891, 0.8110, -0.1889;
0.0935, 0.0846, 1.0755 ];
With that I could test the subfunction and its behavior by easily changing the given values and see whats happening without having the huge debug workspace running.
Is there some easy function like res2exp(HF33)?
First: Create this function to get the variable name
function out = varname(var)
out = inputname(1);
you can print it direct to console:
fprintf('%s =%s\n',varname(varToSave),mat2str(varToSave));
Or use fopen and fprint to write it in a file
fop = fopen('filename','w');
fprint(fop,'%s = %s' ,varname(varToSave),mat2str(varToSave));
I think this will help you
It might be a function like mat2str() you are looking for but it will not give exactly the printout you are asking for. Here is an example of how it could be used:
>> A = magic(4)
A =
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
>> B = mat2str(A)
B =
[16 2 3 13;5 11 10 8;9 7 6 12;4 14 15 1]
And if you want the output to be totally copy/paste-able you could use:
disp(['C = ',mat2str(A)])
C = [16 2 3 13;5 11 10 8;9 7 6 12;4 14 15 1]
I made this up just now. It is not formatted beautifully, but it achieves what you are trying to do - if I understand you correctly.
a = [ 2 3 4 5
4 5 5 6
3 4 5 6];
fprintf('\nb = [\n\n');
Copy and paste this and see if it does what you want. It's also very simple code, so you could modify it if the spacing and newline characters aren't where you want them.
You could also make a small function out of this if you wanted to.
If you want me to make a function of it, let me know... I can do it tomorrow. But you can probably figure it out.
Ehh, I just made the function. It didn't take long.
function reprint_matrix(matrix)
var_name = inputname(1);
fprintf('\n%s = [\n\n', var_name);
I'm not sure what you are looking for, but I think this will help you:
Did not use it because I use mat-files to transfer data.
You can combine it with the clipboard function:
Though there are several ways to write variables to text, saving variables as text is definitely bad practice if it can be avoided. Hence, the best advice I can give you is to solve your problem in a different way.
Suppose you want to use HF33 in your subfunction, then here is what I would recommend:
First of all, save your variable of interest:
save HF33 HF33
Then when you are in the function where you want to use this variable:
load HF33
This assumes that your working directory (not workspace) is the same in both cases, but otherwise you can simply add the path in your save or load command. If you want to display it you can now simply call the variable HF33 without a semicolon (this is probably the only safe way to display it exactly the way you expect in all cases).
Note that this method can easily be adapted to transfer multiple variables at once.

How to extract certain columns from a big Notepad text file?

I have a big text file and the data in it are in 5 columns, but I need just the first and the last column of that.
It will take many days and probably with mistake if I want to enter the data of this two column one-by-one from here to another file.
Is there a fast way to do this?
For example:
1 1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000 S {0}
2 1.5000000000000000 0.3010299957 C {2}
3 1.7500000000000000 0.6020599913 S {0,2}
4 2.0000000000000000 0.7781512504 C {3}
5 2.3333333333333333 1.0791812460 C {3,2}
6 2.5000000000000000 1.3802112417 S {3,0,2}
7 2.5277777777777778 1.5563025008 S {0,3}
8 2.5833333333333333 1.6812412374 S {3,0,0,2}
9 2.8000000000000000 1.7781512504 C {5,2}
10 3.0000000000000000 2.0791812460 C {5,0,2}
I need the first column (numbering) and the last inside { }.
ALT + Left Mouse Click puts you in Column Mode Select. It's quite an useful shortcut that may help you.
in Notepad++, you can use regular expression to do replacement:
the regex for find and replace is:
^( +\d+).+\{([\d,]+)\}$
\1 \2
then can change the:
1 1.0000000000000000 0.0000000000 S {0}
2 1.5000000000000000 0.3010299957 C {2}
3 1.7500000000000000 0.6020599913 S {0,2}
4 2.0000000000000000 0.7781512504 C {3}
5 2.3333333333333333 1.0791812460 C {3,2}
6 2.5000000000000000 1.3802112417 S {3,0,2}
7 2.5277777777777778 1.5563025008 S {0,3}
8 2.5833333333333333 1.6812412374 S {3,0,0,2}
9 2.8000000000000000 1.7781512504 C {5,2}
10 3.0000000000000000 2.0791812460 C {5,0,2}
1 0
2 2
3 0,2
4 3
5 3,2
6 3,0,2
7 0,3
8 3,0,0,2
9 5,2
10 5,0,2
if not want the leading space, then use:
^( +\d+).+\{([\d,]+)\}$
\1 \2
will change to:
1 0
2 2
3 0,2
4 3
5 3,2
6 3,0,2
7 0,3
8 3,0,0,2
9 5,2
10 5,0,2
You should use awk or gawk which is available on windows platform also. Use gawk "{print $1,$5}" inpfile > outfile. I copied your file named it 'one'. You can see the output which consists of 1st and 5th column of your file.
>gawk "{print $1, $5}" one
1 {0}
2 {2}
3 {0,2}
4 {3}
5 {3,2}
6 {3,0,2}
7 {0,3}
8 {3,0,0,2}
9 {5,2}
10 {5,0,2}
You can import it into Excel and manipulate it there.
If you are using .NET, FileHelpers may save you a lot of time. From your post we can't tell what technology you are hoping to use to accomplish this.
Ultraedit has a tool for selecting columns and opens large files (I tried a 900 Mb file on a 2008 desktop and it opened in 3 minutes). I think it has a demo version fully operational.
Excel could work if you do not have too many rows.
One more way is to copy the data to MS word file.
Then use
{Alt + left mouse click}
Then you can drag on the selected column and you can see only a single column is selected.
Copy and paste wherever you want.
There is only one way to convolve ungodly amounts of data. That is with the command prompt.
$cat text.txt | sed 's/{.*,//;s/ */ /g;s/[{}]//g' | awk '{print $1","$5}' > clean_text.csv
This 15 second fix is not available in Windows OS. It will take you less time to download and install Linux on that old dead computer in your closet than it will to get your data in and out of Excel.
Happy coding!