Why there is no "OR" operator in "...WhereInput" anymore? (prisma 1.25.4) - prisma

Prisma 1.23 had "OR,AND" in "...WhereInput", but in version 1.25.4 there is no "OR" operator, it's just "AND"
The database is mongodb
input ProvinceWhereInput {
AND: [ProvinceWhereInput!]
id: ID
id_not: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
id_lt: ID
id_lte: ID
id_gt: ID
id_gte: ID
id_contains: ID
id_not_contains: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_not_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_not_ends_with: ID
name: String
name_not: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_in: [String!]
name_lt: String
name_lte: String
name_gt: String
name_gte: String
name_contains: String
name_not_contains: String
name_starts_with: String
name_not_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_not_ends_with: String
cities_some: CityWhereInput

These were disabled to allow for a quicker implementation of relational filters towards non-embedded types (cities_some in your case if it is a non-embedded type would not have been available in 1.23 for example).
You can follow this issue to get notified once they get reenabled.


MongoDB query for equal search with $regex

I have an entity
class Data {
string name;
string city;
string street;
string phone;
string email;
An api has been written to find Data by each param. This is search api so if a param is provided, it will be used if not then everything has to be queried for that param.
#Query("{'name': ?0,'city': ?1,'street': ?2, 'phone': ?3,'email': ?4}")
Page<IcePack> findDataSearchParams(String name,
String city,
String street,
String phone,
String email);
This only works when all the params are sent in the request. It wont work if any of the params are not sent because it will look for null value in the DB for that param.
I want to query everything for that param if it is not requested like the way it is done in SQL. I tired to use $regex with empty string when something is not sent but regex works like a like search but I want to do equal search
anyway to do this
Filtering out parts of the query depending on the input value is not directly supported. Nevertheless it can be done using #Query the $and and operator and a bit of SpEL.
interface Repo extends CrudRepository<IcePack,...> {
{ $and : [
?#{T(com.example.Repo.QueryUtil).ifPresent([0], 'name')},
?#{T(com.example.Repo.QueryUtil).ifPresent([1], 'city')},
Page<IcePack> findDataSearchParams(String name, String city, ...)
class QueryUtil {
public static Document ifPresent(Object value, String property) {
if(value == null) {
return new Document("$expr", true); // always true
return new Document(property, value); // eq match
// ...
Instead of addressing the target function via the T(...) Type expression writing an EvaluationContextExtension (see: json spel for details) allows to get rid of repeating the type name over and over again.

Golang official MongoDB driver ObjectID weird behavior

I am trying to use the official mongodb driver in golang and am seeing something unexpected.
If I have a struct like
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
I create a new instance of this with Name and Email but omit ID expecting that the DB will fill this with its value. Instead it uses all zeroes and so the second and so on inserts fail with
multiple write errors: [{write errors: [{E11000 duplicate key error collection: collection.name index: _id_ dup key: { : ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }}]}, {<nil>}]
If I use a *primitive.ObjectID I get the same class of error only on null instead of zeroes
multiple write errors: [{write errors: [{E11000 duplicate key error collection: collection.name index: _id_ dup key: { : null }}]}, {<nil>}]
It doesn't matter if I use the omitempty directive or not, same result.
If I omit the ID field entirely, it works, but then my struct doesn't have that data on it.
Is there a way to have the DB handle the ID? Or MUST I explicitly call the NewObjectID() function on the struct?
It doesn't matter if I use the omitempty directive or not, same result.
omitempty tag on ID should work. For example:
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
collection.InsertOne(context.Background(), User{Name:"Foo", Email:"Baz"})
If you don't specify the omitepmty tag, then the behaviour that you observed is just Go structs behaviour; whereby if any of struct fields are omitted it will be zero-valued. In this case because you have specified the field type to be primitive.ObjectID, ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') is the zero value.
This is the reason why you need to generate a value first before inserting, i.e.:
User{ ID: primitive.NewObjectID(),
Name: "Foo",
Email: "Bar"})
Is there a way to have the DB handle the ID?
Technically, it's the MongoDB driver that automatically generates the ObjectId if it's not supplied before sending to server.
You can try to use bson.M instead of a struct when inserting to leave out the _id field, i.e.
bson.M{"name":"Foo", "email":"Bar"})
Code snippet above is written using mongo-go-driver v1.3.x
The omitempty struct tag should work:
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
The primitive.ObjectID type implements the bsoncodec.Zeroer interface, so it should be omitted from the document if it's the empty object ID (all 0's) and the driver will generate a new one for you. Can you try this and post the output?

Matching structure to mgo result

I have the following document in my local mongodb:
_id 25dd9d29-efd5-4b4e-8af0-360c49fdba31
name Reykjavik
initialDiseaseColouring blue
In my code I set up a city structure as the following:
type City struct {
ID bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string
InitialDiseaseColouring string
I'm querying it using
result := City{}
When I try to access the initialDiseaseColouring attribute it's not there
This is result when I print it:
{ObjectIdHex("32356464396432392d656664352d346234652d386166302d333630633439666462613331") Reykjavik }
Does anyone know why?
I was following the example on https://gist.github.com/border/3489566
By default, the bson codec uses the lowercased field name as the key. Use the field tag to specify a different key:
type City struct {
ID bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string
InitialDiseaseColouring string `bson:"initialDiseaseColouring"`
The addition of the field tag changes the key from "initialdiseasecolouring" to "initialDiseaseColouring".

Spring Data MongoDb - Manual Reference ObjectId to String

Say I have a User class which has a manual reference to a customer document:
public class User(){
public String id;
public String name;
public String customerId;
I want both the id & customerId to be stored as an ObjectId in mongo.
When saving a User document, the "id" gets converted to an ObjectId, however, the customerId gets saved as a string. I could have customerId of type ObjectId, but I would rather have the POJO as a string and have the customerId automatically convert to ObjectId when saving/querying. There does not seem to be any built in annotation which behaves like #Id, but can be used for manual references. How would I go about creating one, or is there a better solution? I have read a bit above converters, but I do not want to re-map the whole POJO to a DBObject.
Any advice would be appreciated.
when you get your customer data you have to create the objectId yourself.
Db.Customer.find({"_id" : new ObjectId("$valueFromUserTable")});
so in Spring Java you would:
ObjectId objId = new ObjectId("$valueFromUserTable");
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(objId));
Customer customer = super.mongoOps.find(query, Customer.class);

Relationships in mgo

I've written some simple program with golang and mgo. My question is how to properly to relationships in mgo.
1st Approach:
type User struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username" bson:"username"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
Password string `json:"password" bson:"password"`
Friends []User `json:"friends" bson:"friends"`
"Friends" is a slice of Users. I can $push a pointer to a User and it just works fine. The thing is that I only want to store a reference to the user and not nesting it:
2nd Approach:
type User struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username" bson:"username"`
Email string `json:"email" bson:"email"`
Password string `json:"password" bson:"password"`
Friends []bson.ObjectId `json:"friends" bson:"friends"`
This gives me the output I want - but now it's not visible from the struct which nested structs are referenced. Does mgo provide some mechanism to deal with this?
mgo is a db driver library and not an ORM..
What I'd do is have the ids array as in the 2nd example (unexported, with lowercase) and have a Friends() method which queries the db by those ids and return a []User