How can we create docker image from local Keycloak Distribution folder? - keycloak

I have made all the necessary changes which are required for my project in my local keycloak distribution. Now, I want to create docker image of my local keycloak distribution folder (which I downloaded from keycloak website).


How to migrate from gitlab to gitea, keeping users and projects on kubernetes

I am using pvc now to manage data in gitlab. I am trying to migrate data from gitlab to gitea while installing gitea. What should I do? If gitea looks at pvc, will user information and projects be maintained?
I also want to know the internal structure of gitea. Does the sample exist like the gitlab image below?
enter image description here

List available docker tags when creating a release

We have a web app that creates batch jobs in Azure using docker images. In the application configuration there is a parameter to defines which version of the docker image the batch job should use. In our current setup we need to manually change the parameter if we deploy a new version of the docker image.
What I want to do is choose which docker image to use when I create a release for the web app. I already have a working release pipeline where I manually type in which version of the docker image I want to use, but I would like to be able to choose from the available docker images in the repository. The docker images are built in Azure devops and we have a tag on each build with the version number.
Is it possible to achieve this?

How to mount volumes in eclipse che workspaces running in kubernetes?

Users will visit It has the devfile to create the workspace.
First user registration will happen via keycloak and then the workspace will be created. This means a new kubernetes namespace will also be created for the user.
In the devfile I have the environment variable:
- value: /C/Users/Administrator/.m2:/home/user/.m2
But the volume is not available in the workspace. What am I doing wrong?
The way how you can use persistent storage in Che is described in
But I'm afraid it won't satisfy your need.
Are you asking for every user to use your local maven repository? If so, it's not possible.
You can only enable maven repository volume for each workspace, so after workspace restart files will be used from the previous time, but each workspace uses its own private space.

Can you share Docker Images uploaded to Google Container Registry between different accounts?

We'd like to have a separate test and prod project on the Google Cloud Platform but we want to reuse the same docker images in both environments. Is it possible for the Kubernetes cluster running on the test project to use images pushed to the prod project? If so, how?
Looking at your question, I believe by account you mean project.
The command for pulling an image from the registry is:
$ gcloud docker pull
This means as long as your account is a member of the project which the image belongs to, you can pull the image from that project to any other projects that your account is a member of.
Yes, it's possible since the container images are on a per-container basis.

What are the best practices to deploy and host artifacts for a Docker Multicontainer environment in Elasticbeanstalk for Scala Apps?

I have several Scala applications that I want to deploy in a Docker multi-container environment on Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk.
It seems like the whole process is a bit more complicated that I was expecting. So I'm really looking forward to hear some feedback for best practices and other ways to improve my entire process and be able to "automate" some steps (if possible).
This is my current process:
To generate my projects' artifacts I'm using the sbt-docker plugin. This
plugin generates the projects artifacts (jars and Dockerfile) under
I upload these artifacts (jars and Dockerfile) into a git
repository (currently doing this "manually").
As Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk requires for Docker
multi-containers, I need an online repository to "host" the
images: Could be Docker-Hub or Either require me
to have a git repository in which it can find the artifacts to be
able to generate the project's image.
Having created the multi-container environment in Elastic Beanstalk,
I proceed to upload the file as detailed in
Amazon's documentation and also the
.ebextensions/elb-listeners.config file with the settings of the
ports (Since I'm running multiple apps)
Magic! Amazon generates my environment. Same url, different ports
for all my apps (as specified in the configuration files in step
I would love to find a way to automate step 2. Since this requires me to have an extra repo per each app. I have my apps hosted in a git repo, and I have an "extra" repo per each where I host the artifacts generated in step 1 to be able to do step 3.
If you're willing to use a different SBT plugin for step 1, then you can automate step 2.
Although supports building your image from GitHub, they do not require it. (You can publish a local Docker image directly to your repository.)
Use the sbt-native-packager plugin in project/plugins.sbt.
Setup the plugin settings in build.sbt, like: dockerRespository := Some("")
Your step 1 becomes: sbt docker:stage
Followed by: sbt docker:publishLocal
Check your image names and tags with docker images. The new image should have a name like
Before you can publish to, you must docker login Read their tutorial.
Your step 2 becomes sbt docker:publish. Now your account should contain the same IMAGE ID as your local Docker daemon.
Proceed with steps 3+ on the AWS side...
I am not really familiar with Scala however I believe the artifacts could be generated by Jenkins/CircleCI inside of your container that is built on Jenkins/CircleCI then the appropriate image tags referenced within your
Hope that helps.