How to install Mongodb 4 on ubuntu 15.10 - mongodb

I am struggling to install Mongodb 4.0 on Ubuntu 15.10 but I am not able to.
I tried Mongodb's official guide too:
But Mongodb official installation guide has no instructions for Ubuntu 15.10.
When I try to start Mongodb instance I get:
Mongodb 4: Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found
I also tried to remove Mongodb completely and then fresh install.
Can anyone help me with this?


MongoDB Installation error. what is solution for this error?

what is solution for this error.
I want to install MongoDB in Mac with home-brew but this error in terminal
❯ brew tap mongodb/brew
❯ brew install mongodb-community
Error: No such file or directory - /opt/homebrew/var/homebrew/linked/mongodb-community
I want to install MongoDB...
Download the MongoDB Community Server version suitable for your Mac from the official website:
Install MongoDB by double-clicking the downloaded .pkg file.
Note: To run MongoDB as a service on macOS, refer to the official MongoDB documentation on setting up launchd:

Can't start Mongodb shell on MacOS Mojave 10.14.2

Installed MongoDB Community Edition version 3.6 (because my work project requires that version). I am for some reason unable to run the MongoDB shell, so when trying to run mongo or mongod from the terminal I just get -bash: mongod: command not found. When checking which Brew services are running with brew services list, mongodb-community#3.6 is listed. The application I'm working on also utilises MongoDB succesfully. My main issue is that I can't access the MongoDB shell.
The solution to my problem was that I was supposed to install the shell separately with brew. This was not the case with previous MongoDB versions and it is not mentioned in the official MongoDB documentation.

Mongodb 4: Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found

I am trying to install mongodb 4 on Ubuntu 15.10 but its giving me this error when I start mongod:
Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found
I followed this official installation guide:
There is no official installation instructions for Ubuntu 15.10
I was successfully able to install on Ubuntu 16 but I am getting issues on Ubuntu 15.10.
Since ubuntu 15 isn't officially supported, you might have installed either the version for ubuntu 14 or 16.
Ubuntu possibly upgraded the init system to upstart/systemd (around v15). It's possible that the mongo release for ubuntu 14 varies as in it's packaged for a different init system.
You could write your own init script and install it into /etc/init.d. Alternatively using process control systems like supervisor.
Your other option (probably better for security) is to get a new server and migrate there. It could be potentially done without downtime.
If Ubuntu 16 isn't working for you, and you need to go back in time to an earlier version, I would choose the previous Long Term Support version, so the last 14.x rather than 15.x.
You are correct in using Mongo 3.6 with Meteor, there are likely to be compatibility issues with 4.0

After installing mongoDB 3.4, mongod still runs old version of mongodb

I just installed mongoDB v3.4 on my mac using homebrew however when I run mongod from terminal it still run the old v2.6 mongoDB. What do I need to do to fix this?
I had to run
brew link --overwrite mongodb

How to install mongodb in windows 8.1 operating system?

I am using windows 8.1 os. I want to install mongodb in my system. How to install mongodb in windows 8.1 os?
I tried the following link. But I couldn't install mongodb properly.
Try to follow the instructions given in the following link. This may help you to install mongodb in your windows system.'
mongodb installation
You can download it from download mongodb