Add Artifactory repository via CLI or Rest - rest

Is it somehow possible to configure Artifactory via a CLI or a Rest API?
For example I'd like to add users or repositories.

It looks like its possible to configure it via But Artifactory Pro is necessary to use this features.


How to export jFrog Artifactory repositories through REST API or a jFrog CLI command?

Using the UI, I can export Artifactory repositories. I'll be able to do it as mentioned in the documentation.
But what if I want to do it through a Rest API call or a jFrog CLI command?
JFrog has a CLI that can be used for many kinds of command line, automated or maintenance tasks. This CLI integrates great with CI/CD and with on demand tasks like downloading a file or a full repository.
Another option is to use the Artifactory REST API, which can be used to download a whole repository or folder from it. There are a zillion options for the REST API.
For system export, you need to use the Export System REST API call.

Is there a cli equivalent of Github cli for Bitbucket?

I'm looking for a Bitbucket tool that is similar to the Github cli. I'm aware of API, but that's not what I'm looking for. This tool is for the Bitbucket cloud version.
i don't think so there is one yet officially. If it's of any use, you could make use of my script - it is api based, and its for enterprise.

Is there any way to configure GitHub or ArgoCd to get notified for any updates done in JFrog Artifactory?

I am deploying microservices into Kubernetes,
So whenever a latest version of Docker image is pushed into Jrog Artifactory, it should notify Github or ArgoCD.
Is there any similar solution for this?
If your Artifactory server is installed on-prem, the easiest way is to implement a user plugin. You can use the one from our user plugins repository (and adapt it as needed), or write your own which will notify the services you need on events you need.
Here is a blog post detailing how to use the existing plugin.
Also, a built-in feature is on our roadmap.

How do I configure github autodeploy on heroku using just the heroku REST Platform API

I've searched the platform API docs on heroku and it doesn't appear to be possible. Is there some currently undocumented way to set the github link and enable autodeploy, just using the REST API? I know how to do it through the website, so this is specifically about doing it via REST commands ( specifically I'm using the heroku-client nodejs wrapper but I don't think that's relevant )
No, there is no public API for the GitHub integration so far.
You have to do it through the website.

Azure Github Integration with custom domain

I want to use github to deploy my webapp on Azure. I setup github on Azure as my deployment source. But since I have a custom domain instead of using the free, I think I am having issues seeing the website from github. The webhook on github shows same on azure. I can edit the webhook on github but can't on Azure. What is the best way to integrate github with azure with a custom domain?
You don't need to edit the webhook on github, let it stick with the default
When you setup a custom domain name, your default domain name ( still keeps working. Github will use that to deploy to your site