(q/kdb+) Merge items in a list - kdb

I have a list of items and need to merge them into a single column
using the list
list:(1 2;3 4 5 7;0 1 3)
index value
0 1 2
1 3 4 5 7
2 0 1 3
my goal is
select from list2

'raze' function flattens out 1 level of the list.
q) raze (1 2;3 4 5 7;0 1 3)
q) 1 2 3 4 5 7 0 1 3
If you have list with multi level indexing then use 'over' adverb with raze:
q) (raze/)(1 2 3;(11 12;33 44);5 6)
To convert that to table column:
q) t:([]c:raze list)

ungroup would also work provided your table doesn't have multiple columns with different nesting (or strings)
q)ungroup ([]list)

If you just wanted your list to appear like that I would do the following.
1 cut raze list
I see that you have used a select statement, however if you want your column defined as this in your table do the following
a:raze list
tab:([] b:a)
Your output from this should look like this
Overall, a more concise way to achieve what you want to do would be
select from ([]raze list)
To avoid any errors you should not call the column header 'value' as this is a protected keyword in kdb+ and when you try to reassign it as a column header kdb will through an assign error
Hope this helps


Sum of each two elements using vector functions

How to get sum of eath two elements with the vector functions? I want the same result as:
{x+y}':[1 2 3 2 1]
Why this approach gives something different than first one?
sum':[1 2 3 2 1]
sum is not the same as {x+y}.
sum has rank 1 meaning it takes one input and sums the elements of that input.
It can sum an atom:
q)sum 1
a uniform list
q)sum 1 2
or a list of lists
q)sum(1 2;3 4)
4 6
{x+y} is rank 2 meaning it requires two inputs.
q){x+y}[1 2;3 4]
4 6
Giving it an atom, a single list, or a list of lists leads to projections
q){x+y}1 2
{x+y}[1 2]
q){x+y}(1 2;3 4)
{x+y}[(1 2;3 4)]
Since each-prior (':) creates binary pairs from the input and attempts to apply a rank 2 function, it works as intended on your rank 2 function {x+y}.
But since sum is not rank 2 the each-prior doesn't generate pairs in the same way, it's equivalent to doing
q){x}':[1 2 3 2 1]
1 2 3 2 1
q){sum x}':[1 2 3 2 1]
1 2 3 2 1
You could force it to be rank 2:
q){sum(x;y)}':[1 2 3 2 1]
1 3 5 5 3
but this gives a different result since sum ignores nulls while + doesn't.
Finally, an alternative way to achieve this using sum (and without using each-prior) is to shift the vector using prev and then sum
q){sum(prev x;x)}[1 2 3 2 1]
0N 3 5 5 3

How to update multiple tables in kdb

Say I have a list of tables. (sym1, sym2, sym3 etc)
How would I add a new column to each table called Sym containing the table name?
Thank you
You could use something like:
q){#[value x;`Sym;:;x]}each tables[]
+`a`b`c`Sym!(0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;`sym1`sym1`sym1`sym1`sym1)
+`a`b`c`Sym!(0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;`sym2`sym2`sym2`sym2`sym2)
+`a`b`c`Sym!(0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;0 1 2 3 4;`sym3`sym3`sym3`sym3`sym3)
If you remove value from the first argument of #, this will update the tables in place.
Otherwise, since this returns a list, you can use indexing to return the table you want from the list:
q)({#[value x;`Sym;:;x]}each tables[])0
a b c Sym
0 0 0 sym1
1 1 1 sym1
2 2 2 sym1
3 3 3 sym1
4 4 4 sym1
Hope this helps,
Another way to achieve this :
q){update Sym:x from x}each `sym1`sym2`sym3
q)raze (sym1;sym2;sym3)
p s Sym
2.08725 75 sym1
2.065687 6 sym1
2.058972 63 sym2
2.095509 62 sym2
2.036151 90 sym3
2.090895 63 sym3
If you are getting these tables (sym1,sym2,sym3) as the output of another function call like :
f each `s1`s2`s3
then I'll suggest updating the function to add the column Sym just before return these individual tables.
/some logic
update Sym:x from t
This will save an operation of adding a new column separately

How to implement combinations of a list

I need to get the combinations and permutations of a list.
A function have been implemented for permutations.
perm:{[N;l]$[N=1;l;raze .z.s[N-1;l]{x,/:y except x}\:l]}
However, I have no idea about combinations, just like this:
l: 1 2 3
1 2
1 3
2 3
l: 1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
From your solution, you can do:
q)comb:{[N;l]$[N=1;l;raze .z.s[N-1;l]{x,/:y where y>max x}\:l]}
q)comb[2;1 2 3]
1 2
1 3
2 3
Another approach using over:
q)perm:{{raze x{x,/:y except x}\:y}[;y]/[x-1;y]}
q)comb:{{raze x{x,/:y where y>max x}\:y}[;y]/[x-1;y]}
One option is to use your permutation function like this:
q) comb:{[N;l] distinct asc each perm[N;l] }
q)l: 1 2 3 4
q) comb[3;l]
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4
Note: This will change the order of elements because of asc. So if your list should have (1 3 2) in answer, it will give (1 2 3).
To maintain order, use any other function/logic in place of asc to filter duplicate elements in sets (ex: (1 2 3) and (1 3 2) are duplicates).

find group of elements in matrix matlab

I have an array of elements E = [1 2 3 4 5 10] and matrix A of couples of elements
A=[ 1 2;
2 3;
3 1;
4 1;
4 3;
5 1]
You can read this matrix as
1 is similar (with a certain probability) to 2
2 is similar (with a certain probability) to 3
3 is similar (with a certain probability) to 1 etc...
I would like to know how many different groups of element are in the array E given the matrix A
In this case I have
1 group = 1 2 3
2 group = 1 3 4
3 group = 1 5
4 group = 10
so there are 4 different groups of elements in E
if 1 is similar to 2 (first row)
and if 5 is similar to 1 (sixth row)
5 is not similar to 2!!! (if it is not written anywhere)
so 1 2 5 don't belong to the same group
On the other hand
1 is similar to 2 (first row),
2 is similar to 3 (second row)
and 3 is similar to 1 (third row)
so 1 2 3 belong to the same group

Pass multiple arguments to a function within select

I'd like to calculate a new column which is a function of several columns using select.
My actual application will involve a grouping in the select so the columns entries which I will pass to the function will contain lists. But this simple example illustrates my question
t:([] a:1 2 3; b:10 20 30; c:5 6 7)
/ Pass one argument, using projection (set first two arguments to 1)
select s:{[x;y;z] x+y+z}[1;1;] each a from t
/ Pass two arguments using each-both (set first arg to 1)
select s:a {[x;y;z] x+y+z}[1;;]'b from t
Now, how can I pass three or more arguments?
Each' will work in general but it's best to use vector operations where possible. Here I use the . operator to apply our function, \t to time both methods. I store their results to r1/r2 to show they are the same:
q)t:([]a:til n;b:til n;c:til n:1200300)
q)\t r1:update d:{x+y+z}'[a;b;c] from t
q)\t r2:update d:{x+y+z} . (a;b;c) from t
a b c d
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 3
2 2 2 6
3 3 3 9
4 4 4 12
5 5 5 15
The following form works in general
q)t:([]a:til 10;b:til 10;c:til 10)
q)select d:{x+y+z}'[a;b;c] from t