Problem with referencing files via "FILE:EXT" in TYPO3 - typo3

I just upgraded a TYPO3 extension with cal and had an exception. This was resolved by changing the constant:
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.list.listTemplate =
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.list.listTemplate =
While the latter is how it is documented in the cal docs and should have been used in the first place, this is an easy mistake to make, because often FILE:EXT is actually used to reference files. I don't know why this worked in TYPO3 8 and not in TYPO3 9.
The part that broke was
$absPath = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName($path);
with $path being the path as defined by the constant.
Also, on this page TypoScript Syntax: Includes both variants are used:
Is there an easy to remember rule what is to be used when, is the variant "FILE:EXT" deprecated?

FILE:EXT: is only for inclusion because there we have also DIR:EXT:. For templates you always need EXT:. The only other exception is with languages: LLL:EXT:. It is like this since TYPO3 3.x.


TYPO3 pure backend extension V11.5

I'm using TYPO3 V11.5 with an extension, which has only a backend module.
Therefore it doesn't exist any configPlugin and also no ext_localconfig and under Configuration->TCA->Overrides no tt_content.php file.
If I try to call the backend I get the following error message:
What is required to avoid this error or is it an TYPO3 bug?
Stupid misteake, forgot to include the extension template under Template->Includes!
Without having too much code I guess it is because the class really does not exist! Is the file really called BackEndController and also the class in it BackEndController with an uppercase E?

TYPO3 website doesn't work after changing db

I want to make a copy of my TYPO3 CMS 6.2.18 website - what I did so far:
Copied the entire website folder (including the TYPO3 installation)
Copied the entire database (with a new name)
Created a new db user for the copied db
Adjusted the file /typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php accordingly to the new DB+User
Now I'm receiving following errors when calling different urls of my copied TYPO3 website:
When I try calling the "Upgrade Wizard" from inside the install tool /typo3/install (which is the only page that currently works):
#1: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>/typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Service/SqlSchemaMigrationService.php line 409
When I call <my-domain>/typo3
#1: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Utility/BackendUtility.php line 3022
4 count(NULL)
03020: $signals = array();
03021: $modData = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getModuleData('TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Utility\\BackendUtility::getUpdateSignal', 'ses');
03022: if (!count($modData)) {
03023: return '';
03024: }
When I call <my-domain>
#1: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/<my-domain>/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Database/PreparedStatement.php line 582
...after calling...
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\PreparedStatement::convertNamedPlaceholdersToQuestionMarks("SELECT * FROM fe_session_data WHERE hash = :hash", array, array)
What's interesting to me:
After copying the website the copy worked, only after referencing it to the copied db it showed these errors.
Anyone an idea what I could do / be looking for?
I tried deleting all cache, all tables shown in the "Cleanup" part of the install tool and all files in the typoe3temp folder already.
So, as I have said in the comment. Probably the issue with PHP version, because of all the mentioned errors (warning actually ;) ) reflect the incompatible PHP code.
The solution is pretty easy, switch your PHP version according to TYPO3's need :)

How to trigger a tx_news search using typolink

We recently switched from tt_news to Georg Ringers News extension and I - as a novice typo3 coder - need help fixing some typoscript code that was used to trigger context specific searches using typolink.
The old snippet was
typolink.parameter = 649
typolink.useCacheHash = 1
typolink.additionalParams.current = 1
typolink.additionalParams.wrap = &tx_ttnews[swords]=|
The new parameter needs to be &tx_news_pi1 but swords does not work. I can't find documentation or examples how the search value can be set. I searched the code itself and dumb tried my luck with &tx_news_pi1[search]=| but that just shows the default numerical typo3 error "Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2018020814150924e87636" if something cannot be rendered. BTW: The referenced search result page works fine if called using the search form.
After grabbing through the code try &tx_news_pi1[overwriteDemand][search][subject]=|.
On the target list you need to allow overwriting of the demand in the plugin flexform!
The solution of Thomas works for me even without the [overwriteDemand] using the search result page as target. Thx.
typolink.parameter = 649
typolink.useCacheHash = 1
typolink.additionalParams.current = 1
typolink.additionalParams.wrap = &tx_news_pi1[search][subject]=|
I really would like to know how this could be grabbed from the code. :-) It seems that I have to learn more about php and the underlying data structure - [search][subject] looks like a kind of array which I didn't expect for that type of parameter.

Display an older version of a CQ page

For audit purposes I got the requirment to create a tool where the authors can look at older versions of a CQ page. I managed to get the available versions with the JCR VersionManager using the following code (used in a SlingServlet with cq:Page as the resourceType):
Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);
VersionManager vm = session.getWorkspace().getVersionManager();
VersionHistory versionHistory = vm.getVersionHistory(request.getResource().getPath());
VersionIterator vIt = versionHistory.getAllVersions();
while (vIt.hasNext()) {
Version version = vIt.nextVersion();
String no = version.getName();
Calendar createdDate = version.getCreated();
// do something with it
The path of the version points to e.g. /jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage/d6/23/4f/d6234f36-3360-4024-bee2-411020ac63ae/1.0 where I can see a child node called jcr:frozenNode which seems to represent the jcr:content node of this specific version.
How can I tell CQ to render the page in this version? I would expect an url with some parameter or selector, but I didn't find any documentation. I tried to reverse engineer it with the Timewarp, but there the URL seems to be still the original and the magic is hidden somewhere.
I was also in contact with adobe support regarding this, and beside the timewarp there seems to be no built in feature to achieve this. Nevertheless I did some experimenting and found a feasible workaround. Though it might not be easy for a complex layout with many fixed components in the template, luckily on our case we mainly have a parsys.
So my solution is the following: I load the older version through two selectors in the url:
I called it "versionhistory" which is used to take another rendering script called versionhistory.jsp on the page component.
contains the actual version/node name (replacing "." with "_" to not add more selectors
In my versionhistory.jsp I just add the correct path for the parsys component (taking the example path from the question), and include the same layout elements as in the default script e.g. page.jsp:
<cq:include path="/jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage/d6/23/4f/d6234f36-3360-4024-bee2-411020ac63ae/1.0/jcr:frozenNode/par" resourceType="foundation/components/parsys" />

Typo3 Indexed Search Local_Lang path

i am wondering what TS code is needed to set path to my own indexed search local_lang.
I changed what i needed in pi1/local_lang but i would like to set it to my own so i can have the edited (Croatian in this case) for future projects.
Something like:
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.templateFile = fileadmin/search_temp.html
but for Local_lang of it?
with this lines you can overwrite individual translations: = value;
plugin.tx_myPlugin_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.en.key = value;
I think that not all extensions supports a complete own localLang file, but not 100% sure.
You could add your translation to the official Translation Server . So your translation will be available trough the Translation Modul in TYPO3 Backend.
The croation translation for indexed_search is managed there:
There is a single-sign-on with implemented. So you need an account on first.