How to interpret permanova adonis output with fixed nested factors? - vegan

I am not quite sure how to interpret ":" in adonis2 output (vegan package) when using both nested factors and interactions.
For exemple, without nested factors :
adonis_data <- adonis2(Y ~
A*B*C , data=factors,
permutations = 9999, method = "euclidean")
Interactions between factors are represented with ":" in the result output such as:
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
A ***
B ***
C ***
A:C ***
B:C ***
However, when integrating a nested effect (either with ":" or "/") :
adonis_data <- adonis2(Y ~
A:B*C , data=factors,
permutations = 9999, method = "euclidean")
I have difficulty to interpret this output as I don't know how nested factors are showed here (with or without ":")
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
A ***
C ***
A:B ***
A:C ***
A:C:B ***
So here, I'm not quite sure if A:B is showing an effect of my nested factor rather than an interaction...
My last thought on the matter was that if nested factors are written as interactions in the output (e.g. A:B), we could differentiated both by the order of results considering that the terms are added sequentially.
So, if this is correct, that would mean that nested B should be between A and C and that A:B here is rather an interaction ?
Is it correct to conclude here that the B effect within A on Y is different according to A value ?
Does anyone can enlighten me ?
Many thanks,

This is a general issue with R formula and in no way special to adonis or vegan. Anyway, in default adonis2 (which currently is just adonis), the tests are sequential, and this really means that previous terms will influence the results, but later (subsequent) terms have no effect. What the terms are, depends on the way you define your model, like you demonstrated in you question.


Access variable after its assumptions are cleared

After this
restart; about(x); assume(x>0); f:=3*x; x:='x': about(x);
Originally x, renamed x~:
is assumed to be: RealRange(Open(0),infinity)
f := 3*x~
nothing known about this object
I can use indets to access the variable x (looks like it's still x~ in f), for example
but it's not efficient when f has many variables. I've tried to access variable x (or x~) directly, but it didn't work:
since the result in all those cases was 3*x~ (not 6).
Is there a way to access a specific variable directly (i.e. without using indets) after its assumptions are cleared?
There is no direct way, if utilizing assume, without programatically extracting/converting/replacing the assumed names in the previously assigned expression.
You can store the (assumed) name in another variable, and utilize that -- even after unassigning x.
Or you can pick off the names (including previously assumed names) from f using indets -- even after unassigning x.
But both of those are awkward, and it gets more cumbersome if there are many such names.
That is one reason why some people prefer to utilize assuming instead of the assume facility.
You can construct lists/sets/sequences of the relevant assumptions, and then re-utilize those in multiple assuming instances. But the global names are otherwise left alone, and your problematic mismatch situation avoided.
Another alternative is to utilize the command Physics:-assume instead of assume.
Here's an example. Notice that the assumption that x is positive still allows some simplification that depend upon it.
Originally x, renamed x:
is assumed to be:
f := 3 x
nothing known about this object
eval(f, [x=2]);
As for handling the original example utilizing assume, and substituting in f for the (still present, assumed names), it can be done programmatically to alleviate some awkwardness with, say, a larger set of assumptions. For example,
# re-usable utility
assume(x>0, y>0, t<z);
f := 3 x
g := 3 x + y - sin(t)
x:='x': y:='y': t:='t':
6 + 2 - sin(11)

`alldifferent` method in MiniZinc

The following is the constraint I tried to implement in MiniZinc
constraint forall (t in trucks)
(all_different(c in customers where sequence[t,c] !=0) (sequence[t,c]));
that is, I want every row element to be different for the sequence matrix when the sequence value doesn't equal to 0.
and got the error
MiniZinc: type error: no function or predicate with this signature found: all_different(array[int] of var opt int)'.
As indicated by some other threads I've added include "alldifferent.mzn"; command, still showing that error.
This is part of assignment, sorry for not able to push all my code here, please let me know if there is any extra information needed.
To clearly understand what you are doing, you can write your expression in a different way:
all_different([sequence[t,c] | c in customers where sequence[c,t] != 0])
Note that this uses array comprehensions. These are great to express a lot of things, but if sequence is an array of variables then the number of variables in this comprehension is unknown. This is a big problem for many solvers. And is thus not supported by many of them.
It is at least impossible with the all_different predicate.
Your problem however is a well known one, thus a different predicate is available. You can express the same constraint in the following way:
for(t in trucks) (
alldifferent_except_0([sequence[c,t] | c in customers])

clearer explanation of function level scope for recursion

This is an example from the book 'Matlab for Neuroscientists'. I don't understand the order in which, or why, g gets assigned a new value after each recursion. Nor do I understand why "factorial2" is included in the final line of code.
here is a link to the text
Basically, I am asking for someone to re-word the authors explanation (circled in red) of how the function works, as if they were explaining the concept and processes to a 5-year old. I'm brand new to programming. I thought I understood how this worked from reading another book, but now this authors explanation is causing nothing but confusion. Many thanks to anyone who can help!!
A recursive method works by breaking a larger problem into smaller problems each time the method is called. This allows you to break what would be a difficult problem; a factorial summation, into a series of smaller problems.
Each recursive function has 2 parts:
1) The base case: The lowest value that we care about evaluating. Usually this goes to zero or one.
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
2) The general case: The general case is what we are going to call until we reach the base case. We call the function again, but this time with 1 less than the previous function started with. This allows us to work our way towards the base case.
out = num + factorial(num-1);
This statement means that we are going to firstly call the function with 1 less than what this function with; we started with three, the next call starts with two, the call after that starts with 1 (Which triggers our base case!)
Once our base case is reached, the methods "recurse-out". This means they bounce backwards, back into the function that called it, bringing all the data from the functions below it!It is at this point that our summation actually occurs.
Once the original function is reached, we have our final summation.
For example, let's say you want the summation of the first 3 integers.
The first recursive call is passed the number 3.
function [out] = factorial(num)
%//Base case
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
%//General case
out = num + factorial(num-1);
Walking through the function calls:
factorial(3); //Initial function call
factorial(1) + factorial(2) + factorial(3) = returned value
This gives us a result of 6!

Interfaces in Fortran

I stumbled over a particular problem with interfaces while debugging some code, where a called subroutine has a dummy argument of rank 2 but an actual argument of rank 1. The resulting difference in the arguments resulted in an invalid read.
To reproduce I created a small program (ignore the comments ! <> for now):
USE mtest ! <>
REAL :: s
n = 10
CALL stest(n, field, s)
WRITE(*,*) s
and a module
MODULE mtest ! <>
SUBROUTINE stest(n, field, erg)
REAL, DIMENSION(n,n) :: field
REAL :: erg
erg = SUM(field)
As far as I understand, this subroutine gets an automatic (explicit?) interface from being placed in the module. The problem is, that the actual field has length 10, while the subroutine sums a field of length 10x10=100 which is clearly visible in valgrind as an invalid read.
Then I tested this same code without the module, i.e. all lines marked with ! <> got removed/commented. As a result, gfortran's -Wimplicit-interface threw a warning, but the code worked as before.
So my question is: What is the best way, to deal with such a situation? Should I always place a generic interface à la
in the module? Or should I replace the definition of field with an deferred-shape array (i.e. REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: field)?
EDIT: To be more precise on my question, I don't want to solve this particular problem, but want to know, what to do, to get a better diagnostic output from the compiler.
E.g. the given code doesn't give an error message and does, in principle, produce a segmentation fault (though, the code doesn't notice it). Placing a generic interface produces at least an error, complaining, that no matching definition for stest is found, which is also not really helpful, especially in the case, where you don't have the source code. Only a deferred-shape array resulted in an understandable error message (rank mismatch).
And this is, were I'm wondering, why the automatic module interface doesn't give a similar warning/error message.
The compiler cannot warn you, because the code is legal! You just pass wrong n and a non-square number of points. For explicit shape arrays you are responsible for correct dimensions. Consider
CALL stest(10, field, s)
this code will work although the number of elements of the actual and dummy arguments is not the same. Maybe suggest to gfortran developers to check whether the dummy argument is not larger, but I am not sure how difficult that is.
The generic interface causes the compiler to check the TKR rules. No sequence association of arrays of different rank is allowed and the compilation will fail. Therefore it will disable all legal uses of passing arrays of different rank to explicit shape and assumed size dummy arguments and limit your possibilities.
What is the solution? Use explicit shape arrays for situations they are good for and use assumed shape arrays otherwise (possibly with the contiguous attribute). The generic interface might help too, but changes the semantics and limits the possible use.

Need an explanation for a confusing way the AND boolean works

I am tutoring someone in basic search and sorts. In insertion sort I iterate negatively when I have a value that is greater than the one previous to it in numerical terms. Now of course this approach can cause issues because there is a check which calls for array[-1] which does not exist.
As underlined in bold below, adding the and x > 0 boolean prevents the index issue.
My question is how is this the case? Wouldn't the call for array[-1] still be made to ensure the validity of both booleans?
the_list = [10,2,4,3,5,7,8,9,6]
for x in range(1,len(the_list)):
value = the_list[x]
while value < the_list[x-1] **and x > 0**:
the_list[x] = the_list[x-1]
the_list[x] = value
print the_list
I'm not sure I completely understand the question, and I don't know what programming language this is, but most modern programming languages use so-called short-circuit Boolean evaluation by default so that the logical expression isn't evaluated further once the outcome is known.
You can use that to guard against range overflow, like this:
while x > 0 and value < the_list[x-1]
but the check of x's range here must come before the use.
AND operation returns true if and only if both arguments are true, so if one of arguments is false there's no point of checking others as the final value is already known at that point. As for your example, usually evaluation goes from left to right but it is not a principle and it looks the language you used is not following that rule (othewise it still should crash on array lookup). But ut may be, this particular implementation optimizes this somehow (which IMHO is not good idea) and evaluates "simpler" things first (like checking if x > 0) before it look up the array. check the specs why this exact order works for you as in most popular languages you would still crash if test x > 0 wouldn't be evaluated before lookup