As you can see in the screenshot, some folders/files are colored grey. What does it mean?
Those files and folders are not under version control.
Whereas the others are part of your git repository (assuming you are using git because of the gitignore file)
grey for ignored files,
review options>misc >files
We are currently running a meta repo, which is causing VSCode to believe that files & folders are not in our workspace, even though they actually are. Due to this, I am trying to determine how I can stop VSCode from dimming out files & folders which are not in the workspace, such as node_modules in the screenshot below:
Files or folders in your .gitignore file will get dimmed out. I haven't found a way to avoid that with a specific SCM or git setting other than to disable the generic setting:
Explorer > Decorations: Colors
but then you will lose the altered colors of modified files too for example, which might be acceptable.
I would think the Git > Decorations: Enabled setting might affect that dimmed-out color but it doesn't seem to.
I recently had some issues with my local github repository, so I deleted the entire folder (including all the .git files) and cloned a new fresh copy. However, when I open the files in VScode, the code does not match what is on the online github repository. Instead the actual updated code I want is displayed in gutter indicators. The code that isn't in the gutter indicators is an old version of the code. However, if I open the files in another editor not linked to github, it displays the file correctly. I suspect it might be related to a local commit or stash, but I am fairly new to github so I am not sure what to do.
Or possibly a vscode issue?
I tried git revert and hard reset, but so far nothing has fixed it. Also, if I try to save I get a VSCode error: "Failed to save 'filename': The content of the file is newer. Please compare your version with the file contents."
This is an Angular project by the way (not sure if that matters)
EDIT I fixed it. I just completely removed and reinstalled all the add-ons on VSCode. So I guess it wasn't a git issue, just some kind of bug with VS Code
EDIT2 Turns out it didn't fix all of it, because I am still getting some gutter indicators, even though it removed some of them.
EDIT3 I did git rm --cached . -r -f in the local repository and then completely recloned it again. Seemed to remove all the gutter indicators so far...
Try and:
clone a fresh copy in a new folder (separate from your old one)
Add that new folder to your VSCode workspace with "Add Folder to workspace"
open files from the ones displayed in Explorer tab.
Those files should be the updated ones, not the old ones.
I already took a look at the JDT Icons but did not find this icon:
Does it say something about git-related information, since that is a project connected to a git repo. The status of the local repository is updated, since I recently used git pull on the project.
Does it show some other git-related status?
Thanks in advance.
This means the resource (Project, Folder, File) is checked in to some source control system such as Git, SVN, CVS, using the 'Team' menus.
When using Git the icon means that the folder contains one or more files that have been committed once before (and does not only contain files that have all been excluded via .gitignore. In short, the folder contains at least one tracked file.
Please note, Git does not track folders (e. g. in contrast to SVN which uses the same icons with a slightly different meaning), but only files, so the icon refers to the files the folder contains and not to the folder itself.
See also:
Window > Preferences: Team > Git > Label Decorations
EGit User Guide - Icon Decorations
I have a dynamic web project in eclipse. I used the Git GUI tool to place it under source control.
Then, suddenly my project icons were decorated with git related images. Anyway, after that
I wanted to keep the content of the images folder (inside WebContetnt folder) out of source control.
So, I went into my project folder and modified the .gitignore file adding /WebContent/img/*.
This does not change anything in eclipse.
So, I used an alternate approach. Project > Team > Git > Ignore. This works and the question
mark image on the img folder icon vanishes.
I am not able to understand why my manual change does not work and also how eclipse suddenly
put it into source control. Please help me to understand.
To ignore contents of the folder you have to have a folder name + forward slash and no asterisk: WebContent/img/
And, as #janos noted, don't forget to refresh your project/repository after manual change of your .gitignore file
Git noob here. Having a hard time figuring out why git shows some files changed, while Eclipse EGit does not.
When I use EGit within Eclipse and view a project, it shows no files changed. There is no little caret next to each file. When I use Git for Windows, or go to the command line and type "git status", it shows that all the files have been modified. When I type "git diff" it shows two different versions of a file, first red, then green, and there appears to be some whitespace differences, but I can't be sure, and I can't figure out how the whitespace changed in every file in the project. (Something here doesn't add up.) "git diff -w" returns nothing. "git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn" does nothing.
I might be having a basic conceptual problem with git.
In any case, why do EGit and the git command line show different results?
EGit understands the notion of Derived resources (e.g. used for generated .class files in JDT). In other words, files in derived resources are not added to version control by default in EGit. However, the command line git client does not know these markers, but relies on .gitignore files to avoid checking in generated files.
To check whether your problematic files are derived, open the file properties dialog (right click on the file in the explorer, and select Properties...), and on the Resources page check for the Derived checkbox (it should be around the middle of the dialog).
It turns out that git is playing games with newlines. It's inexplicable. Bottom line: EGit and the git command line cannot both be used on a Windows box. To get consistency, you have to use one or the other.