Google Smart Home - Report State Real-Time Feed - actions-on-google

I have an application that receives and run correctly the SYNC, QUERY, EXECUTE sent by Google Actions.
I too configured Report State in HomeGraph console. It works fine, but when I send a change report command to HomeGraph and it's accepted, nothing is updated in the Google home app, is this right? is the correct behavior?
I forget to do something else?
My sync response sends the device with willRportSate: true
tks in advance

If you are getting an HTTP 200 response from your report state command, you're doing it correctly.

I have recently implemented HomeGraph to my action. I found that if there is something wrong with the request google will return some error in the form of JSON with a different status code.
But as it is said above, if you got 200 OK, then everything is OK from your side. For my requests, I get a response with the uuid that I give with a 200 OK status code.


Binance BSC logs API request data failed

I am submitting a request for data from the Binanance API as follows:
However, I can't get any data from this URL. I have double-checked, and I know that the parameters are correct.
Here is an example of using Binanace's API, which works well:
Why is that working but mine not working?
I would highly suggest using Postman, which you can use to quickly test requests. I ran your request, with api-key, through Postman and was able to get a 200 response with data. See this screenshot.
Please note I blanked out the api key value. I suggest you do the same in your post unless its fake.
I had to remove the line breaks in the code you pasted. Could this possibly be the issue?

W5100S-EVB-Pico is not connecting with server other than

I have purchased W5100S-EVB-Pico to send data over airtable. I write down python script and configured network by following this link.
When I try to make request on either get or post as mentioned in above link, its worked and response I get fine.
But If I use same code to connect any other server either get or post nothing happened. It keeps sending data but no response from server. And it keeps busy.
Can please someone help me where I am making mistake.
URL I'm trying to send data are working fine, if I open it that url in browser it worked fine but when used it in W5100S-EVB-Pico no response.
I followed exactly same step same in above link.

Data Factory Web task - getting full output from a post

I am passing json data to a post request via a web task.
The body contains a number of records that are to be saved by the api.
The body returned contains a status per record sent, but within the webtask i cannot see the over all status of the post request.
In postman, the overall status shows up like below:
This status and response code (429 in this case) is not visible in the output of the webtask.
Is anyone aware if i can view this in the webtask, as its clearly visible via postman.
I don't believe there's any way to get this; some time ago the MS response was to create a fn app to capture it and call that from adf :)
However you can at least distinguish 2xx from 4xx by using the On Success and On Failure dependencies in the pipeline

HTTP 302 redirect caching on Opera Mini

I'm developing a site where I am using the common Post/Redirect/Get pattern ( when submitting forms. In my particular case this is items for a todo list - so I'm POSTing to say, processing that request server side adding the new item to a database, and then returning a 302 response ( to indicate the browser should redirect (GET) to which then displays a list of all the todos submitted to the db. This partly works as expected on Opera Mini, but on both Opera Mini on Android (v12) and on the microemulator on Mac OSX (I haven't tested on other versions), the resulting page shows the list of todos without the new item, until I refresh the page manually at which point the list returned does include the new item.
I'm assuming what's happening here is that the page being shown after the redirect is the version which has been cached on Opera's proxy server previous to the POST request. If this is the case, is there a way I can indicate to the proxy server that it should display a fresh version of the page from my server rather than the cached version? I have also tried the more correct 303 status code ( but the same thing happens - although the spec says for this:
The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second (redirected) request might be cacheable'
although I have found no references to how this redirected request can me marked as non-cacheable. Incidentally all other browsers seem not to cache this redirected request at all.
Thanks very much for you help in advance.

use pingdom to monitor soap service

I'm sending a SOAP request to my server via Pingdom -- just put the XML content in the POST data field.
When clicking "Test Check", the button greys out for a few seconds and then comes back.
I've tried with SoapUI and Postman respectively, it works there -- is this possible with Pingdom at all?
OK, found the answer myself -- Pingdom can do this without a problem, I only needed to remove line breaks from the SOAP message.