Youtube unique views data available via API? - youtube-analytics-api

I'm aware the "uniques" metric has been deprecated in the Youtube analytics API. However, the new youtube studio beta shows some sort of derived "unique viewers" metric, as per
Indeed, I can see this metric by clicking on "Analytics", then "Reach Viewers" via the Youtube Studio Beta web interface.
It seems there should be a way to grab this metric via the Youtube analytics API, and yet I can find no documentation on how to do this. Is this possible, and if so, how?


Developing a "Flash Briefing" on Google Home

I publish a flash briefing skill on Amazon's Alexa. It is a brief news update on a specific topic. I provide the information to Alexa via a json file that is updated every 10 minutes.
I'd like to publish something similar on Google Home devices. However, when I look at DialogFlow, that API appears to be conversational-based. Is that the right API for this type of app? Is there a Template for flash-briefing-like apps (i.e., easy to launch apps that don't require any additional user input after launching)?
No, you don't need a conversational Action for what you're doing.
Depending on the specifics of how you're providing the content, you may wish to look at either Podcast Actions or News Actions. These methods document what Google is looking for to make structured content available to the Google Assistant.

Actions on Google

Is there any way to implement a music streaming service for Google Assistant using Action on Google? I have tried SSML simple responses but the limitation is 120 seconds. I would like to play a continuous stream. Google has a streaming service called Podcasts that works with Google Assistant but I cannot find any references in the developer docs to address such applications.
No streaming support on Actions on Google yet, but it's coming.
Google just released information on creating a Podcast Action.
In short - you need to have a page that will be found by Google's bot that contains correctly formatted information about a valid RSS2 feed containing the podcast info. From there, it should be picked up and made available in Google's index.

Google analytics, adwords, facebook data on my server

I've got client who has several different websites, each website having Google analytics account.
Our marketing department is also running Google Adwords/Facebook/Instagram ads for each of those websites.
I want data/leads from Google and Facebook on my local server. I also want real-time data that should automatically update from Google & Facebook with fixed time interval.
I've been Googling and experimenting with the Analytics API docs, but no luck.
Any one please help me to find better solution.
#This question is not for this website but I didn't find any other option.
Thank you.
There are several services that your are looking for. Use this info like a getting started. Every service has his own simplicities and complexities.
Use Campaign Performance Report to download your campaign's metrics. See examples in PHP, Java, Python, etc.
Use RealTime API to get real time data. See examples
Use Core Reporting API to get general data. See examples
There is a very useful tool: Query Explorer to see Analytics API working
Facebook / Instagram
Use Ads Insights API to download your campaigns's metrics. See examples

YouTube API: Dashboard vs API Console

I'm implementing server-side interactions with YouTube and I'm a bit lost with the kind of Product/App you need to create in order to publish videos via the API for example.
Looking at the OAuth2 doc, it says that I need to register my app with the API Console (looks good so far, very similar to creating a Facebook App).
But then, I looked at the Google .NET library and here it says that a Product needs to be registered in the YouTube dashboard... Not sure to understand how these are complementary. If anyone has a synthetic explanation (which I didn't found in the docs), I would be grateful.
I'm not 100% sure but I believe:
The YouTube Dashboard was originally setup prior to the announcement of YouTube API v3, which is yet to be released. You use the Dashboard to register your application and get a YT Dev Key. You can also use the Dashboard for some extremely low level application statistics.
The API Console is Google's attempt to form one administrative console for ALL of their APIs. Since Google is transistioning to oAuth 2 authorization, you will need to use the API console as well in order to apply for a clientID, redirectURI, and clientSecret if you want to authorize with oAuth 2.
At this time, if you do not want to use oAuth2 you do not need access to the API Console. However, know that in February of next year YouTube is going to kill all other forms of authorization (sub, clientLogin, oAuth1).
So to try and simplify things:
Use the API Console to get your oAuth2 in order
Use the YT Dashboard to get a YT Dev Key
In the future, when Google goes lives with YouTube API v3, you will probably want to switch to a new Dev Key from the API Console and leave the Dashboard all together.

Google analytics and Facebook pages/apps

I have been doing a bit of research trying to figure out if i can get Google analytics to work with a Facebook app/page. So far I have looked at analytics offered by Facebook, which will be deprecated later this year and also using FBGAT to create a tracking image. from what i found, the tracking image won't work anymore and i was wondering what the community had to say about it or if it is possible to track traffic coming in to an app/page?
Facebook Insights aren't deprecated, some of the specific metrics are/were - these are itemised in the documentation.
You should have no problem using Google Analytics in your app; I believe many developers do this