I’m currently using GraphQL transform lib to generate all my schema.
I have a model defined like this:
type Feedback #model {
id: ID!
event: Event! #connection(name: "EventFeedbacks")
submittedDate: AWSDateTime!
and the auto-generated subscription schema is like this:
type Subscription {
onCreateFeedback: Feedback
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createFeedback"])
I would like to have an argument for the subscription so that I can subscribe to that event only, like this:
type Subscription {
onCreateFeedback(eventId: ID): Feedback
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createFeedback"])
What do I need to do to get this subscription auto generated? Thanks!
Customizing the subscription fields arguments is currently not supported. The only supported customization is to create multiple subscription fields tied to a single mutation.
type Feedback #model(subscriptions: { onCreate: ["onCreateFeedback", "onCreateFeedbackById"] }) {
id: ID!
event: Event! #connection(name: "EventFeedbacks")
submittedDate: AWSDateTime!
will generate for the subscription type:
type Subscription {
onCreateFeedback: Feedback
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createFeedback"])
onCreateFeedbackById: Feedback
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createFeedback"])
but then you will have to add the eventId argument manually on the onCreateFeedbackById field.
Though, I would suggest to open a feature request in https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-cli/issues
As #Tinou correctly outlines, you can rename and turn off subscription fields that are generated by #model using the subscriptions arg but you also the ability to create custom subscriptions by adding a Subscription type to your schema.
type Subscription {
customField(arg: String): String #aws_subscribe(mutations:["customPublish"])
With this approach, you can add any fields and arguments that you need.
I added a custom field to the default Users record type in CloudKit, and I'm trying to push a value to that new field.
Here's how my request is structured in Node JS:
var query = {
operations :[{
operationType: 'forceUpdate',
recordType: 'Users',
myCustomField: { value: 'stuff' }
recordName: '_abc123'
I'm getting this response from CloudKit:
records: [{
recordName: '_abc123',
reason: 'invalid id string, id=_abc123',
serverErrorCode: 'BAD_REQUEST'
If I put that same custom field on another, custom Record Type (like if I make my own User (without the "s") type) that also has myCustomField on it, the update works fine. So there must be something special I have to do to update the system Users type.
Does anyone know how to update a field on a Users record with the web services API?
I am using AWS AppSync for a chat app in one of the my applications. We are able to do setup and basic query successfully.
In one of the case I need to write a customized GraphQL query so that I can have additional data using reference of one type from another. For example, I can have allMessageGroup from a user and also allMessages from a particular group.
Now I want to add the last message in the group and its sender with the list of all message group just like what's app home page.
But I am not able to understand how make JOIN or write such query which give mixed results based on Conversation/Message/User types/table.
Language: Swift
For detail below is my Schema and API/Query I am using
type Conversation {
conversation_cover_pic: String
conversation_type: String!
createdAt: String
id: ID!
messages(after: String, first: Int): MessageConnection
name: String!
privacy: String
type Message {
author: User
content: String!
conversationId: ID!
createdAt: String
id: ID!
recipient: User
sender: String
type MessageConnection {
messages: [Message]
nextToken: String
query getUserConversationConnectionThroughUser($after: String, $first: Int)
conversations(first: $first, after: $after)
It sounds like you need multiple requests to one or more datasources to fulfill this graphQL query. In this case, you can use AppSync's pipeline resolver feature.
With pipeline resolvers, you can create multiple functions, each of which can use the results of the previous function and query a database. These functions run in an order you specify.
An example of something you could do with a pipeline resolver:
One function will query the chat group database
A second function will use the results of the chat group to fetch messages
Consolidate all the results into one graphQL response containing group information and messages
Here is the documentation for pipeline resolvers: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/pipeline-resolvers.html
I have the following schema where the author of an Event can make notes on the Event. Only the author of the event should be able to create notes. I store the author in the Event. However, I'm finding other users are able to create a note on an event they didn't author by simply passing the eventId of an another users event, like so:
mutation {
noteOnEvent(input: { eventId: "***", content: "A comment"}) {
How can i prevent this? I don't see a way to access the EventTable author to in the noteOnEvent resolver
type Note {
eventId: ID!
notetId: ID!
content: String
author: String
input CreateNoteInput {
eventId: ID!
noteId: String!
content: String
type Event {
id: ID!
name: String
author: String
notes: [Note]
You can accomplish this using a Nested Resolver.
If you modify your schema slightly, you can accomplish it like so:
type EventCheckedNote {
// Add a resolver on note which creates the note. The event will be available as $cxt.source, and you can make an authZ check before making the mutation.
note: Note
type Mutation {
// Add a resolver on noteOnEvent which queries the Event table.
noteOnEvent(input: CreateNoteInput!): EventCheckedNote
Here is a tutorial on using nested resolvers to perform authorization checks with multiple data sources involved: https://hackernoon.com/graphql-authorization-with-multiple-data-sources-using-aws-appsync-dfae2e350bf2
I'm trying to design a RESTful API as a side project.
I am also using MongoDB as database
(I'm new to NoSQL design, so I need help, If I have misunderstanding in how documents should be designed).
I have example entities as following:
Event {
id: string
name: string
date: date
location: location
subgroups: group[]
Group {
id: string
owners: user[]
members: user[]
parentEvent: event
posts: post[]
User {
id: string
Name: string
attendingGroups: group[]
owningGroups: group[]
post {
id: string
parentgroup: Group
location {
id: string
city: string
For above example,
Should I have a designated get call for having all groups associated with the user?
or should I get a user and get the associated groups from the user retrieved?
Depends how you design it. You can embed resources in other resources to save you from N+1 select problem, nothing is against with that.
Hal+json format is the format you should be embedding resources.
In REST you can even have ?_embed=groups parameter to embed or not.
Embedding or not embedding is up to your applications needs, not embedding way = you should design a filter like /groups?user=eralpb to get the groups. Or sub-resources work as well like /users/eralpb/groups should only return my groups.
I've added a custom field for 'interested parties' (users) in a particular issue, not project specific, and it works fine.
I would like YouTrack to generate emails to their email address on update or change of the issue, like they do to the person who it is assigned to, is this possible?
Let's say you want to send notifications by e-mail when a ticket is ready to be reviewed. People responsible for the review are set via a Reviewer custom field (which can contain multiple values). Then you can send notifications as follows:
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.stateMachine({
title: 'Workflow',
fieldName: 'State',
states: {
'To Be Reviewed': {
onEnter: function(ctx) {
var issue = ctx.issue;
issue.fields.Reviewer.forEach(function(user) {
user.notify("Reminder", "This is a reminder", true);
transitions: {}
requirements: {
Reviewer: {
type: entities.User.fieldType,
multi: true
You can create a custom workflow like the following one:
when {
if (Interested Parties.isNotEmpty) {
for each user in Interested Parties {
user.notify("subj", "body");
Another point is that you probably do not need this field since you can 'star' an issue on behalf of a user and the user thus will be notified about any changes. Just type star user_name in the command window.