How do I make use of ILocation source and target in custom routing? - anylogic

This is my sample network and idea of trying how to make a new routing instead of just the shortest path (the path i want to follow is via the pink arrows)
What am I missing here to make my predefined function work?

Fixing the basics
As explained here, you can't instantiate a Java List, because it is an interface. You can however instantiate any implementing Class of a List, for example an ArrayList.
With this in mind your code will look like this:
List<Path> myPath = new ArrayList<Path>();
return myPath;
So far for the basics.
Where to go from here
To get it to consider your actual source and destination for the route planning, define both as input parameters of type ILocation in the properties of the function.
Now comes the really tricky part: writing your own or importing a routing algorithm that can give you that list of paths automatically based on criteria that you define. This is however a topic too broad for this question. The basic steps will be:
Create a graph that represents your AnyLogic path network
Solve the graph routing problem with a solving algorithm (eg. Dijkstra Algorithm), using the graph, the startpoint and the endpoint
Convert the solution you get from the solver back again to an ArrayList that you can work with in AnyLogic
You can do these steps on your own, eg. by implementing the Dijkstra Algorithm yourself, or you import into AnyLogic one of the available graph solving Java packages like JUNG or Graphhopper. In this article I explain step by step how to do so with JUNG.


How to include car ferries in OSMnx graphs

Is it possible to have OSMnx (great tool BTW) include car ferries when building a graph? Failing that, what would be the most direct way to build such a graph? The problem isn't just that the ferry routes themselves aren't present but, without the ferries, islands that are in reality reachable by car aren't included in the road network.
I have tried using osmnx.settings.useful_tags_way to no avail. Using 'route'='ferry' in overpass-api returns what I would like to include in the graph so I have been editing the OSMnx file trying to alter the overpass-api call directly.
First pass (hacky)
I've came up with fairly hacky partial solution by editing osmnx's file and replacing the line (originally around line 350):
query_str = f"{overpass_settings};(way{osm_filter}(poly:'{polygon_coord_str}');>;);out;"
osm_filter2 = f'["route"="ferry"]'
query_str = f"{overpass_settings};(way{osm_filter}(poly:'{polygon_coord_str}');>;way{osm_filter2}(poly:'{polygon_coord_str}');>;);out;"
The query string format took some trial and error. If this, or something like it, turns out to be the best approach, I'll try to make it more broadly applicable (add "ferry" to the predefined filter list rather than hardcoded, pass a list of filters, etc).
Much Better
I found that building separate graphs and unioning them using networkx.union or networkx.disjoint_union did not give usable results. So I have added a multiple filter capability to my version of the osmnx file. I also added some additional network type options. So it's now possible to pass, for instance, "ferry" as a network_type for the osmnx.graph_from_* functions:
network_type = "ferry"
I can also now pass multiple network types using a pipe delimiter:
network_type = "drive|ferry"
to get a graph that is the union of the two. When doing this, I found that it's useful to create a second ferry-only graph and use that as a reference to update the tags in the combined network graph. It is also better to load non-simplified graphs at first and and simplify it/them yourself after this step.
Still experimenting
Still having some issues with non-connectedness - now in the ferry-only network. Car ferries at isolated crossings than don't share a harbor with a through-ferry are not included in the ferries-only graphs and therefore the tags of their counterparts in the combined network aren't getting updated as needed. The ferries in the combined network (network_type = "drive|ferry") are all present and connected correctly and therefore their respective islands are now on the road network - which is great. But, because their tags aren't being updated, these isolated ferries are getting default highway speeds (and I'm doing travel time analysis). I can use work around this using:
if not 'highway' in edge[3]:
but, for a robust solution, I think we want to be able to tag them explicitly.
I'd still love to hear what other think.

OPAL-Regarding implementing construct call graph in OPAL

In Paper [A Software Product Line for Static Analyses(2014)], there is an illustration related constructing call graph(Listing7).
In this example, Line14 is related to construct call graph. while i check the src code and API, what i could find is DefaultCHACallGraphDomain.scala which has no implementation of construct call graph.
As my purpose is using OPAL to construct call graph. Is there any demo or documents help me understanding existing CallGraphDomain in OPAL? currently, i can only find some class declaration.
I'll be really appreciated if anyone can give me some suggestions related this topic.
Thanks in advance.
The interface that was shown in the paper doesn't exist anymore, so you can totally forget about it.
The default interface to get a CallGraph class is provided by the Project object you retrieve when you load the bytecode a Java project.
A general code Example:
val project = ... // a java project
val computedCallGraph = project.get(/* Some call graph key */)
val callGraph = computedCallGraph.callGraph // the final call graph interface.
The computed call graph contains several things. It contains the entry points, unresolved method calls, exceptions when something went wrong at the construction time and the actual call graph.
OPAL provides you several call graph algorithms, you can retrieve each by passing the corresponding call graph key to the Project's get method.
Currently, the following two keys are available and can be passed to Project.get (more information is available in the documentation of this classes):
Analysis mode - Library vs Application
To construct a valid call graph for a software project it depends on the project kind which analysis mode to chose. While applications provide complete information (except incomplete projects, class loading and so on), software libraries are intended to be used by other projects. However, those two different scenarios have to be kept in mind, when construction call graphs. More details can be found here: org.opalj.AnalysisModes
OPAL offers the following analysis modes:
DesktopApplication (safe for application call graphs)
LibraryWithClosePackagesAssumption (safe for call graphs that are used for security-insensitive analyses)
LibraryWithOpenPackagesAssumption (very conservative/safe for security analyses)
The analysis mode can be either configured in OPAL's config file or set as project setting at runtime. You can find the config file in the Common project under /src/main/resources/reference.conf.
All of those analysis modes are supported by the the CHACallGraphKey while VTACallGraphKey only supports applications so far.
NOTE: The interface may change in upcoming versions again.

How to pass heatPorts.T to DynamicPipe flowModel?

In the implementation of a flow models that function with Modelica Standard Library DynamicPipe (or a similar model that builds from PartialTwoPortFlow) there are examples of flow models that take place in an environment with heat transfer that requires wall properties (e.g., heatPorts.T and/or heatPorts.Q_flow) in order to calculate the pressure drop.
For example, a pressure drop model may need to calculate a new visocisty or Prandtl number based on the medium pressure and the wall temperature to capture cooling/heating effects, etc.
The heat transfer model obtains properties of the medium via passing the "states" however there is no existing connection in DynamicPipe or PartialTwoPortFlow that goes the other way.
I've tried numerous variations of ideas and have had no success, including creating a new PartialTwoPortFlow that contains all the heat transfer calls that exist in DynamicPipe.
I hesitate to post this question as I am surprised I am having so much difficulty with this and would not be surprised to find a straight forward solution. Nevertheless I need this ability and curious if others have already solved this issue as I am running short on ideas.
So my questions is:
What is a proper/efficient means of passing the heatPorts.T values to the flowModel?
For those familiar with the MSL Fluids library and more specifically the Pipe models provided, this answer should (hopefully) make sense.
It seems the dynamic pipe could be improved a little bit by not restricting the heat transfer area to the perimeter x lengths and instead introduce a parameter (e.g., heatTransferArea) that would permit the user to define it and default to perimeter x lengths. See below
parameter SI.Area heatTransferArea = perimeter*lengths "Total heat transfer area";
HeatTransfer heatTransfer(
final surfaceAreas=heatTransferArea , //perimeter*lengths <- replaced
End Aside:
In order to communicate heatPorts.T to the flowModel and to not have errors when I checked each of the models I had to do the following:
Make an "input" in the flowModel for Ts_w. Not parameter (take a look at how mediums.state is passed)! Might have to do some finagling with it like "diameters" (see DetailedPipeFlow) to make it be used how you think it's going to be used.
Duplicate PartialTwoPortFlow and add the final Ts_w = Ts_wFM to flowModel. Additionally define the variable SI.Temperature[nFM+1] Ts_wFM in PartialTwoPortFlow and establish definitions similar to statesFM in the equation section.
This will require adding a HeatPorts model to be added.
Duplicate DynamicPipe and change the extension to the new PartialTwoPortFlow. Set use_HeatTransfer to true (as I've set it up this has to be true now for this to work which isn't ideal but manageable). Might be good to make it a final parameter so it can't be changed.
Don't forget to connect heatPorts to the heatports added in step 2.
I believe that this capture a quick version of how I was able to get the wall temperature passed to the flowModel. Perhaps there is a more elegant way but I though this was pretty serviceable. I now simply have one more Partial model and one more pipe model called PartialTwoPort_wTemp and GenericDynamicPipe (I also incorporated my surfaceArea correction in the new pipe).

Is it possible to update and use updated .ini and .ned files when Omnet++ simulation is running?

I am trying to run Omnet++ and matlab software in parallel and want them to communicate. When Omnet++ is running, I want to update the position of the node and for that I want to edit the .ned and .int files with matlab results continuously. During simulation I want to generate the result file using the updated files. I want just to update the position and don't want to add or delete any node. Please suggest me a way for proceeding?
//sca and vec should update;
Thank you.
NED and Ini files are read only during initialization of the model. You can't "read" them again after the simulation started. On the other hand, you are free to modify your parameters and create/delete modules using OMNeT++'s C++ API. What you want to achieve is basicaly: set your node position based on some calculations carried out by matlab code. The proper way to do it:
Generate C code from your matlab code.
Link that code to your OMNeT++ model
Create a new mobility model (assuming you are using INET) that is using the matlab code
What you are looking for seems to be more of a project rather than a question/problem which can be solved in Q&A site like stackoverflow.
Unfortunately, I have little understanding of matlab and V-REP to provide you a satisfactory answer. However, it seems that you will need to play around with APIs in lower levels.
As an example of coupling different simulation tools to form a simulation framework in case of need consider reading this paper and this
Also note the answer given by #Rudi. He seems to know what he is talking about.

training a new model using pascal kit

need some help on this.
Currently I am doing a project on computer vision that requires me to train a new model to detect a certain object.
In this case, I am using the system provided by P. Felzenszwalb, D. McAllester, D. Ramaman and his team => Discriminatively trained deformable part models which is implemented in Matlab.
Project webpage:
However I have no idea how to direct the system to use my dataset(a collection of images and annotation) which is different from the the PASCAL datasets so as to train a new model.
By directing, I meant a line of code that allows me to change the dataset the system reads from, for training a model.
% directory for caching models, intermediate data, and results
cachedir = ['/var/tmp/rbg/YOURPATH/' VOCyear '/'];
I tried looking at their Readme and documentation guides but they do not make any mention. Do correct me if I am wrong.
Let me know if I have not made my problem clear enough.
I tried looking at some files such as global.m but no go.
Your help is much appreciated and thanks in advance!
You can try to read pascal.m in the DPM package(voc-release5), there are similar code working on VOC2007/2010 dataset.
There are plenty of parts that need to be adapted to achieve this. For example the voc_config has to be adapted in order to read from your files.
The same with the pascal_train.m function. Depending on the images and the way you parse them, this may require quite some time to adapt this function.
Other functions to consider: