I'm rendering GEOJSON using leaflet, including a variety of linestrings. For whatever reason, I can seldom get the touch events to work. As in, it's very hard to have the fingers actually target the right spot on the screen.
Here's my map:
return (
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
margin: '0 auto'
ref={(el) => {
this.leafletMap = el;
<TileLayer url='https://api.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.outdoors/{z}/{x}/{y}#2x.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYawefawelbnMyNCIsImawefbDRtMzcwMDNmMzJydHdvcjF6ODA5In0.xdZi4pmkhj1zb9Krr64CXw' attribution='© Mapbox' />
<GeoJSON data={locations} ref="geojson" style={this.getStyle} onEachFeature={this.onEachFeature}
/>{' '}
Here's my onEachFeature:
onEachFeature = (feature, layer) => {
mouseover: (e) => this.MouseOverFeature(e, feature),
click: (e) => this.clickFeature(e, feature),
mouseout: (e) => this.resetHighlight(e, feature),
The touch events (click = tap) only seem to work when I get lucky. How does one make leaflet polylines more clickable?
Explored the plugin options but most are outdated:
Use the tolerance option of L.Renderer (i.e. use a tolerance option when instantiating a L.Canvas or a L.SVG renderer). The value for that option is given in pixels.
e.g. take the example code in the Leaflet documentation for L.Canvas and include a tolerance:
var map = L.map('map');
var myRenderer = L.canvas({ padding: 0.5, tolerance: 20 });
var line = L.polyline( coordinates, { renderer: myRenderer } );
PLease see this jsfiddle (scroll down in the JS window to below the geoJSON)
var prevLayer = null;
var map = L.map("map").setView([30, 0], 3);
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
var noStyle = {
fillColor: "#fff",
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
color: 'red',
dashArray: '3',
fillOpacity: 0
var myGeojSonLayerGroup = L.geoJson(world, {
onEachFeature: onEachFeature2
function onEachFeature2(feature, layer) {
if (feature.properties && feature.properties.name) {
layer.bindPopup('<span class="pcA">' + feature.properties.name + '</span>')
mouseover: function (e) {
if (prevLayer !== null) {
// Reset style
var thisLayer = e.target;
prevLayer = thisLayer;
function styleA() {
return {
fillColor: "#fff", fillOpacity: 0.0
function styleX() {
return {
fillColor: "pink", fillOpacity: 0.4
It simply displays a world map and as the user rolls over country a popup appears with the country name (as well as some color styling) - mostly this is positioned "sensibly" more or less in the middle of the country, but for some (esp bigger ones) it's way off - eg the USA, China, Russia, Argentina...
I'm not setting the position of these - leaflet is, somehow... Other than editing the (large) geoJSON to include anchor points for each country, I wonder if there's some way of tweaking whatever leaflet is doing? Why, for example, does it place Antarctica's where it does? Or China's? etc....
So when a Popup is about to be shown, it will check where, in this specific bit of code:
if (!latlng) {
if (source.getCenter) {
latlng = source.getCenter();
} else if (source.getLatLng) {
latlng = source.getLatLng();
} else if (source.getBounds) {
latlng = source.getBounds().getCenter();
} else {
throw new Error('Unable to get source layer LatLng.');
So for popups without an explicit latlng, the position will dpend on themethods available on the source layer - this means that for Rectangles and ImageOverlays that'll run getBounds().getCenter(), for Markers and Circles that'll run getLatLng(), and for Polylines and Polygons that'll run getCenter().
The getCenter() method from Polygon just delegates the work elsewhere:
return PolyUtil.polygonCenter(this._defaultShape(), this._map.options.crs);
...and, finally, the polygonCenter() function will calculate the polygon's centroid.
Note that the implementation only takes into account the first ring of the polygon:
if (!LineUtil.isFlat(latlngs)) {
console.warn('latlngs are not flat! Only the first ring will be used');
latlngs = latlngs[0];
This is due to the centroid algorithm only being able to handle "simple" polygons, with just an outer ring. Remember to read the OGC SFA specification for a refresher on (multi)polygon rings.
I have several days fighting this with no luck. I'm using leaflet 1.4.0 along with leaflet.draw 1.0.4. Instead of using the L.control.draw UI, I'm using my own buttons to create polygons and rectangles. It works perfectly on desktop browsers (except IE, of course), but fails on iPads, Android tablets (I've not checked on phones), even if you switch the latest Chrome to emulate a mobile device (using the 'toogle device toolbar' on the dev tools) it fails.
I have created this jsfiddle to illustrate the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/fsv8jegd/2/
Using Chrome with the 'toggle device' off, click on the 'start poly' button. Cursor changes to a cross and a label 'click and drag to draw rectangle'. Click on the 'cancel' button, the cursor goes back to the regular arrow.
Now turn on 'toggle device' on Chrome dev tools and choose 'responsive' or any of the 'iPhone' or 'iPads'. Click on the 'start poly' button. Cursor changes to the cross. Try to click on the 'cancel' button. Nothing happens. It doesn't receive the click event. The only way to cancel this is actually drawing the rectangle.
Any ideas?
<div id="map"> </div>
<button class='buttons' type="button" style="top:0" onclick="startpoly()">START POLY</button>
<button class='buttons' type="button" style="top:20px" onclick="cancelpoly()">CANCEL</button>
#map { height: 200px !important; width: 80%; }
.buttons {position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 999999}
polygon_query_options = { shapeOptions: { stroke: true, color: '#6e83f0', weight: 4, opacity: 0.9, fill: true, fillColor: null, fillOpacity: 0.2, clickable: false, dashArray: '10,10' } };
$(document).ready(function() {
map = L.map('map', { preferCanvas: true, zoomControl: true, zoom: 10, maxZoom: 20, center: [29.8, -95.5]});
var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup();
L.Browser.touch = true;
var baseMapGroup = new L.featureGroup();
basemapLayer = L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-d.global.ssl.fastly.net/rastertiles/voyager_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'CartoDB', maxZoom: 20, maxNativeZoom: 20 });
basemapLabelLayer = L.tileLayer('https://cartodb-basemaps-d.global.ssl.fastly.net/rastertiles/voyager_only_labels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'CartoDB', maxZoom: 20, maxNativeZoom: 20 });
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var layer = e.layer;
function startpoly() {
polygonDrawer = new L.Draw.Rectangle(map, polygon_query_options);
function cancelpoly() {
if (polygonDrawer != undefined) { polygonDrawer.disable(); }
I found this is a bug on the leaflet.draw library. So I followed the trail, and in the line 1260 of the leaflet.draw 1.0.4 the following code causes the problem:
document.addEventListener('touchstart', L.DomEvent.preventDefault, { passive: false });
I replaced that line with this code:
var tempMap = document.getElementById("map");
tempMap.addEventListener('touchstart', L.DomEvent.preventDefault, { passive: false });
Basically instead of preventing the touchstart event on the document, now is applied only to the map object.
Hope this helps anyone out there.
I am using Leaflet to render a floor plan map on my page. I am able to render my image, but because a user can upload any size of map, I need to be able to account for that.
I am capturing the height/width when the image is uploaded, but not sure how to pass that to my view.
I am trying this (without much luck):
<div #map id="map" ng-style="{'height' : '{{ myObject.mapHeight }}px' }"></div>
mapHeight is available in my .ts file. and I can output it to the view to check that a value is actually coming through. What is the best way to pass the image height to the view?
Here is my .ts file:
map: L.Map = null;
#ViewChild('map') mapContainer: ElementRef;
this.map = L.map(this.mapContainer.nativeElement, {
crs: L.CRS.Simple,
let geoJson = L.geoJSON(this.geoData, {
style: function (feature) {
return {
weight: 0.8
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
let bounds: any = [[0, 0], [this.myObject.mapHeight, this.myObject.mapWidth]];
let image: any = L.imageOverlay(this.myObject.mapUrl, bounds).addTo(this.map);
If I do this, I can get the height, but watching the logs, it seems this method just runs and runs and runs. I can immagine at some point I'll consume all memory and that's no good.
<div #map id="map" [ngStyle]="getMapStyle()"></div>
getMapStyle() {
console.log('--> getMapStyle called');
console.log('map height: ', this.mapHeight + 'px');
return {
'height': this.myObject.mapHeight + 'px'
For anyone else trying to do the same, here is what ended up working for me.
<div #map id="map" [style.height.px]="myObject?.mapHeight"></div>
I have geoJson map regions rendered on a map with an initial opacity. I have a slider to change that opacity on the fly.
Here is the bit where I set the opacity on the fly (typescript), which I perform on the input change event within my custom leaflet control:
this.layers.forEach((r: L.GeoJSON<any>) => {
r.eachLayer((layer: any) => {
layer.setStyle({ fillOpacity: vm.mapOptions.heatmapOpacity });
setTimeout(() => this.map.invalidateSize());
I also have the ability to hover over the regions, in which case I lower the opacity and put a border on the active region when they hover.
When they leave the region, it currently uses resetStyles on that region to reset it back to the previous style. I set this up in the options onFeature callback. The region is highlighted in the mouseover event, and reset in the mouseout event, as seen below.
options = {
style: { stroke: false,
fillColor: regionColor,
fillOpacity: mapOptions.heatmapOpacity },
onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => {
mouseover: (e)=> {
const lr = e.target;
weight: 5,
color: "#666",
dashArray: "",
fillOpacity: 0.7,
stroke: true
if (!L.Browser.ie && !L.Browser.opera12 && !L.Browser.edge) {
mouseout: (e) => {
The problem is, if I have used setStyle to set the opacity to a different value, then I go into a region, then I leave the region again, calling resetStyle resets the style back to the original default style, before the change to the opacity was made.
Is it possible to set the default style on the layer, so that calling resetStyle will set the styles to my value with the new opacity, and not to the original opacity set when the region was created? How would I do that?
The resetStyle method of a Leaflet GeoJSON Layer Group re-applies the style that was applied at the time of creation of that group, or the default one if you did not provide style:
Resets the given vector layer's style to the original GeoJSON style, useful for resetting style after hover events.
If you later change the style of one or all of the vector layers in that group, it will be therefore overridden when you use resetStyle, and the initial style will be applied.
An easy workaround is simply to modify the GeoJSON Layer Group's style option as well. However, it will affect all its child layers:
group.options.style = newStyle;
(that is what is suggested in #GabyakaGPetrioli's answer, but you have to apply it on the group, not on individual features)
Another solution would be to record the new style of each vector layer, and use that recorded value when you want to restore the previous state, instead of using the group's resetStyle method.
var map = L.map("map").setView([48.85, 2.35], 12);
var geojson = {
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [2.35, 48.85]
var point;
var startStyle = {
color: "red"
var newStyle = {
color: 'green'
var group = L.geoJSON(geojson, {
style: startStyle,
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
point = L.circleMarker(latlng);
assignStyle(point, startStyle);
return point;
// Record the style to the individual vector layer if necessary.
function assignStyle(leafletLayer, newStyle) {
leafletLayer._recordedStyle = newStyle;
// When desired, apply the style that has been previously recorded.
function reassignStyle(leafletLayer) {
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// Either use the wrapper function that records the new style…
//assignStyle(point, newStyle);
// Or simply modify the group's style option, if it is acceptable affecting all child layers.
group.options.style = newStyle;
mouseover: function(e) {
color: 'blue'
mouseout: function(e) {
L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.0.3/dist/leaflet.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.0.3/dist/leaflet-src.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="height: 100px"></div>
<button id="button">Change color to Green…</button>
<p>…then mouseover and mouseout</p>
Use L.Util.setOptions
so instead of
layer.setStyle({ fillOpacity: vm.mapOptions.heatmapOpacity });
L.Util.setOptions(layer, { style: { fillOpacity: vm.mapOptions.heatmapOpacity } });
I'm working on a map with a few circleMarkers. When a user is clickin on one of this circleMarker, I would like to center the map on this circleMarker and to zoom in. It works when I try this on multipolygon layers, but I didn't succeed on circleMarkers. Does anyone can help me?
Here is the code for my circleMarkers:
var map = L.map('map', {
center: [41.8, 12.5],
zoom: 5,
zoomControl:true, maxZoom:15, minZoom:4,
var feature_group = new L.featureGroup([]);
var raster_group = new L.LayerGroup([]);
var basemap = L.tileLayer('http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Shaded_Relief/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', {
attribution: 'Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri',
function style1(feature) {
return {
weight: 2,
radius: 10,
opacity: 1,
color: 'black',
weight: 1,
fillOpacity: 1,
fillColor: 'red'
L.geoJson(villes, {
style: style1,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng)
return L.circleMarker(latlng).bindLabel( feature.properties.Name, {className: "ville", noHide: true });
Here is a link to the complete map.
Thank you.
This can be achieved really simply.
Let's assume marker points to your leaflet marker and map to your leaflet map.
Quick way (recommended)
marker.on("click", function(event) {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), 16);
}, marker);
Here, I don't even compute the needed zoom level, because I assume leaflet will have to zoom to its max level anyway.
I could also have added my marker to a L.LayerGroup, even if the main point of a LayerGroup is to group multiple markers.
Anyhow, the more precise way
marker.on("click", function(event) {
map.setView(marker.getLatLng(), map.getBoundsZoom(layerGroup.getBounds());
}, marker);
Note that the quick way will do it nicely too. The second solution might seem more precise but it also slower, and implies a use of LayerGroup which is not the way it has been designed to work (create a new layergroup for each marker).
Don't forget to take yout time reading the docs, it's well-designed and pretty easy to understand.
I find the solution:
function onClick(e) {map.setView(this.getLatLng(),15);}
L.geoJson(villes, {
style: style1,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng)
return L.circleMarker(latlng).bindLabel( feature.properties.Name, {className: "ville", noHide: true }).on('click', onClick);
Thanks Stranded Kid for your help.