I read this blog saying that it is not recommended to use NAS as a firebird data media. Is there an experience that you use NAS as firebird data storage?
I plan to buy NAS synology to store the firebird database.
NAS in fact is a file server that uses network protocols for data exchange.
Firebird uses intensive small block reads/writes file operations at different offsets.
Some network protocols like FTP, FTPS, SFTP works at file level, meaning they are incompatible with Firebird.
Other network protocols like SMB, NFS supports file block level operations. But their problem is low latency, which will result in poor performance, due to multiple layers and long chain of involved components compared to a local/direct storage and low guarantee that your database keep its logical integrity and atomicity due to network communication, multiple caches and power failures.
Recent protocol versions SMBv3, NFSv4 have added many improvements and optimizations working with small blocks, decreased latency, RDMA support and accordingly network cards that support it, using 10Gbps+ bandwidth, ethernet/or fiber channel. Devices with persistent cache or even not NAS but SAN solutions. But they cost a lot and are used now mainly at Enterprise level.
Concluding, better to keep databases near to your Firebird server, using direct file access.
I am learning about the characteristics of distributed database and I came across this website that describes some of the advantages of distributed database:
According to that site, the advantages of distributed database are listed below:
Reliability – Building an infrastructure is similar to investing: diversify to reduce your chances of loss. Specifically, if a failure occurs in one area of the distribution, the entire database does not experience a setback.
Security – You can give permissions to single sections of the overall database, for better internal and external protection.
Cost-effective – Bandwidth prices go down because users are accessing remote data less frequently.
Local access – Similarly to #1 above, if there is a failure in the umbrella network, you can still get access to your portion of the database.
Growth – If you add a new location to your business, it’s simple to create an additional node within the database, making distribution highly scalable.
Speed & resource efficiency – Most requests and other interactivity with the database are performed at a local level, also decreasing remote traffic.
Responsibility & containment – Because any glitches or failures occur locally, the issue is contained and can potentially be handled by the IT staff designated to handle that piece of the company.
However, parallelism (I mean not concurrent write, but processing data in parallel in each node) is not on the list. This makes me wonder: are all distributed databases (i.e. Mongo DB, Cassandra, HBase) designed to process data in parallel? If this is false, which distributed databases support parallel processing and which ones don't?
To find out what I mean by Parallel Processing (not concurrent write), please see: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/190719/the-difference-between-concurrent-and-parallel-execution
I've got a task to do and some limited hardware resources, as always.
I need to setup postgres server with single database, with a table of largeobjects (3TB+) and a few small, heavily accessed tables (<10 GB).
I've got old physical server with ~5 TB of harddisk space, with limited CPU and RAM, I can also use much faster (in CPU and RAM) virtual server - but limited in storage.
I won't have much DELETE statements, most SELECT statements will be to recent data. There will be one simultanous connection doing all the job, client on one host only.
I see a few scenarios:
Postgres on virtual machine with remote storage (single instance)
Postgres on old hardware with local storage (single instance)
Postgres on both, with some kind of replication (high speed virtual machine for new data, low speed for older data on the old hardware)
Any other ideas?
Is it even possible to replicate just the most recent part of the postgres database?
90% of SELECT queries will be to the most recent ~5-10 gigabytes of data, but I need seamless access to the rest 2,990 TB.
What should I do? (except buying appropriate hardware;)
It doesn't really matter as long as you have enough RAM to buffer the 10GB of heavily accessed data.
You'll need some additional RAM to read large objects without pushing the 10GB out of the cache, but that shouldn't be a problem on today's machines.
If all your work is done on one connection, that sounds like there will be no high load on the database.
So I wouldn't really worry about scaling with requirements like that.
Your biggest worry should probably be how to backup 3TB of data in a reasonable time.
Edit: If you have much less memory, you should take the machine with the faster storage.
Finally I've checked several different scenarios and decided not to keep files/largeobjects in database.
Postgres with database location mounted over NFS (v4) had some lags - It was faster but it was choking for a few seconds periodically, i decided to store plain files over NFS which is significantly slower but more stable.
I'm sure there was a way to tune it, but this solution is fine too.
Postgres is used for file index and keeps their files on local harddisk.
As per my understanding when we want to share the particular part of author and publish,we use binary less replication. But what can be the use case,where i should use binary less replication.
I want to know the best practices of binary less replication.
Binaryless replication or shared data store works on the basis that binaries are not copied across datastores. Only the metadata is replicated or transferred between the instances. The setup can be applied between authors and publishers. Alternatively data store can be shared between author instances also in a cold standby setup. It has 3 major use cases:
When you are dealing with very large DAM assets (high res images or videos), any replication involving binary copies over network is very costly. Binaryless is shared data store so binaries are not copied and you save on internal network traffic. It saves time and cost for some setup.
When you have lots of publishers, binary copy can bottleneck your author network. This reduces the load of that transfer and publishers can be scaled without impacting network usage exponentially.
TarMK cold standby has a limit of 2GB binary sync transfer across primary and standby standalone data stores. Binaryless (or shared datastore) is the only workaround for this limit.
For very large datastores you also save time in backups and restores as there is only one store as opposed to 2 stores for author and publishers.
Disclaimer: I'm quite new for the etcd project and ZooKeeper project.
I'm recently getting interested in the distributed open source products.
I found they seems to require configuration(coordination?) systems such as ZooKeeper for Presto DB, Hive and Etcd for kubernetes and I think that understanding the role of etcd and ZooKeeper is the first step to understand the distributed systems.
But now, I feel like getting lost... I could not yet understand what is the good and unique points of the etcd and ZooKeeper. They look for me a well-distributed key-value storage or file systems.
Here is the impression that I have for the products. I know the impressions don't reflect the feature of the products. but I don't know what is the remaining feature that I should know.
ZooKeeper: According to the overview page of ZooKeeper, it guarantees the following things.
Sequential Consistency - Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Atomicity - Updates either succeed or fail. No partial results.
Single System Image - A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
Reliability - Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that time forward until a client overwrites the update.
Timeliness - The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date within a certain time bound.
The sequential consistency and atomicity are the unique features which is not supported by most file systems but others are common among other file systems.
Etcd: According to the README of etcd. it focuses on
Simple: curl'able user-facing API (HTTP+JSON)
Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication
Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance
Reliable: properly distributed using Raft
Most of them seems common with Amazon S3 (S3 doesn't support such a fast access.)
I know those products are very good ones because most of the distributed open source products depend on them. but what is the key, unique feature that the distributed open source product choose them?
I think you're confusing the file-system-like interface with an actual file system. The systems you are mentioning are well suited for cluster coordination, in particular ZooKeeper. What they are not designed for is storing large amounts of data like a file system would. You should think of them more as suited for coordinating a file system. That is, one could imagine a file system storing paths to files in a consistent store like ZooKeeper or etcd, but not the files themselves. That they expose a file system-like interface does not correlate to any ability to store files. Indeed, these systems are designed to store small amounts of data that can be held in memory. By using a consistent store like ZooKeeper for storing file information in a distributed file system, the file system would ensure that clients see changes in the file system in sequential order.
ZooKeeper is really a set of primitives with which distributed systems can be coordinated. Particularly relevant to coordinating distributed systems with ZooKeeper are its session events (watches) which allow clients to listen for changes to the cluster state. Distributed systems typically use watches in ZooKeeper for things like locks, and the strong consistency guarantees of ZooKeeper make it perfectly suitable for that use case.
If you want a good idea of what systems like ZooKeeper and etcd are used for, you should check out the Apache Curator recipes. Atomix also implements similar types of APIs for coordinating distributed systems on top of a consensus algorithm. All of these tools are demonstrative of typical use cases for consensus-based distributed systems.
What's important to note is that these types of systems are built on top of consensus algorithms and usually store state in memory. They're suitable for operations that involve a small amount of data but require a high level of consistency, and that's why they're frequently used for things like distributed locking, configuration management, and group membership.
I am trying to build a distributed task queue, and I am wondering if there is any data store, which has some or all of the following properties. I am looking to have a completely decentralized, multinode/multi-master self replicating datastore cluster to avoid any single point of failure.
Supports Python pickled object as Value.
More, the better, In decreasing order of importance (I do not expect any datastore to meet all the criteria. :-))
Synchronous Replication across multiple nodes supported.
Runs/Can run on multiple nodes, in multi-master configuration.
Datastore cluster exposed as a single server.
Round-robin access to/selection of a node for read/write action.
Decent python client.
Support for Atomicity in get/put and replication.
Automatic failover
Decent documentation and/or Active/helpful community
Significantly mature
Decent read/write performance
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Cassandra (open-sourced by facebook) has pretty much all of these properties. There are several Python clients, including pycassa.
Edited to add:
Cassandra is fully distributed, multi-node P2P, with tunable consistency levels (i.e. your replication can be synchronous or asynchronous or a mixture of both). Clients can connect to any server. Failover is automatic, and new servers can be added on-the-fly for load balancing. Cassandra is in production use by companies such as Facebook. There is an O'Reilly book. Write performance is extremely high, read performance is also high.