unable to understand the else if statement in scala code below - scala

I am pretty new to Scala and was going through the docs when I came across this code in the below link
def filter(xs: List[Int], p: Int => Boolean): List[Int] =
if (xs.isEmpty) xs
else if (p(xs.head)) xs.head :: filter(xs.tail, p)
else filter(xs.tail, p)
Can anyone please tell me what the else if line does?

The second parameter to the filter function p is a function that takes Int as a parameter and returns Boolean.
So, in the else if, it is calling the function p with xs.head which is first element from xs which is Int. If it returns true, it adds an element at the beginning of a list and returns a list with the added element.
To test this -
You can try two variations of p one which returns true when number is even and one which returns true when the number is odd and see what it prints.
val output = filter(List(1,2,3,4), (p) => p % 2 != 0);
print(output) // prints `List(1, 3)`
val output = filter(List(1,2,3,4), (p) => p % 2 == 0);
print(output) // prints `List(2, 4)`
Hope this helps!


How to send the output of the FOR loop as the input to itself in Scala?

Add elements to the array buffer such that the element to be added is the product of the previous two elements of the input array buffer. The elements in the output array buffer should not exceed 10000.
Input ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3)
Expected Output ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3, 6, 18, 108, 1944)
Actual Output ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3, 6, 18)
def main(args: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Unit = {
for(k <- 1 to args.length if(args(k) < 10000)){
args += args(k)*args(k-1)
Here I took args from main function as input to the for block. Then it calculates and appends the result to args only upto the previous length of the input say (2, 3) that is 2. But the length should increase as the elements keep appending to the arraybuffer. Say after the 1st iteration args will be (2, 3, 6, 18). Now this should be fed as input to the FOR block and it should continue till last value reaches closest min value to 10000.
If I find solution for this, I will update here. Until then, please help me solving this 🤞
Following is an adder version,
def adder(args: List[BigDecimal], size: Int = args.length): List[BigDecimal] = {
args.reverse match {
case first :: second :: rest if size < 10000 => adder(((first + second) :: first :: second :: rest).reverse, size + 1)
case _ => args
But this won't work for multiplication as even a simple input of List(1,2) would crash with ArithmeticException: Overflow at size 48.
I had misunderstood the OP as the total number of elements to be less than 10000.
updated version:
def multiplier(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
args.reverse match {
case first :: second :: rest if first * second < 10000 => multiplier(((first * second) :: first :: second :: rest).reverse)
case _ => args
def multiplier(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
def generate(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
args match {
case first :: second :: rest if first * second < 10000 => generate((first * second) :: first :: second :: rest)
case _ => args
An implementation in FP style would be
2 :: 3 :: List.unfold((2, 3)) { case (x, y) =>
val p = x * y
Option.when(p < 10000)((p, (y, p)))
Thanks for your responses. As I like to solve any question in a simple and easy way, I found this one too in same manner. I've replaced for loop with a while loop and made tiny changes like below
while(args(i)*args(i-1) < 10000){
args += args(i)*args(i-1)
i += 1
Now I got the expected Output as I mentioned in my question above
See you all when my next doubt pops up...👋

Passing a function to another function as statement

I want to write a function which will return true if given an even number as an argument or false otherwise. additionally, write a function that will filter a list of numbers returning just the even numbers. All done using Scala functional programming. This is what I have:
def isEven(n:Int): Boolean = n % 2 == 0
val filterEven = ( xs :List[Int] ) => {
for( x <- xs; if x % 2 == 0 ) yield x
My question is, how can I pass the first function "isEven" to to the "filterEven" function in order to replace the "if-statement"?
You can pass isEven as a parameter to xs.filter
def filterEven(xs: List[Int]) = xs.filter(isEven)
This is functionally equivalent to:
def filterEven(xs: List[Int]) = for { x <- xs if isEven(x) } yield x
First you give it a name when it is passed in.
val filterEven = (xs :List[Int], filterFunc: Int => Boolean) => {
Then you invoke it under its new name.
for(x <- xs; if filterFunc(x)) yield x
Note that now filterEven is not a good name for your function. The parameter passed in as filterFunc will determine whether you filter even, or odd, or less than 100, or .....

Getting an error trying to map through a list in Scala

I'm trying to print out all the factors of every number in a list.
Here is my code:
def main(args: Array[String])
val list_of_numbers = List(1,4,6)
def get_factors(list_of_numbers:List[Int]) : Int =
return list_of_numbers.foreach{(1 to _).filter {divisor => _ % divisor == 0}}
I want the end result to contain a single list that will hold all the numbers which are factors of any of the numbers in the list. So the final result should be (1,2,3,4,6). Right now, I get the following error:
error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 1.to(x$1))
return list_of_numbers.foreach{(1 to _).filter {divisor => _ % divisor == 0}}
How can I fix this?
You can only use _ shorthand once in a function (except for some special cases), and even then not always.
Try spelling it out instead:
list_of_numbers.foreach { n =>
(1 to n).filter { divisor => n % divisor == 0 }
This will compile.
There are other problems with your code though.
foreach returns a Unit, but you are requiring an Int for example.
Perhaps, you wanted a .map rather than .foreach, but that would still be a List, not an Int.
A few things are wrong here.
First, foreach takes a function A => Unit as an argument, meaning that it's really just for causing side effects.
Second your use of _, you can use _ when the function uses each argument once.
Lastly your expected output seems to be getting rid of duplicates (1 is a factor for all 3 inputs, but it only appears once).
list_of_numbers flatMap { i => (1 to i) filter {i % _ == 0 }} distinct
will do what you are looking for.
flatMap takes a function from A => List[B] and produces a simple List[B] as output, list.distinct gets rid of the duplicates.
Actually, there are several problems with your code.
First, foreach is a method which yields Unit (like void in Java). You want to yield something so you should use a for comprehension.
Second, in your divisor-test function, you've specified both the unnamed parameter ("_") and the named parameter (divisor).
The third problem is that you expect the result to be Int (in the code) but List[Int] in your description.
The following code will do what you want (although it will repeat factors, so you might want to pass it through distinct before using the result):
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val list_of_numbers = List(1, 4, 6)
def get_factors(list_of_numbers: List[Int]) = for (n <- list_of_numbers; r = 1 to n; f <- r.filter(n%_ == 0)) yield f
Note that you need two generators ("<-") in the for comprehension in order that you end up with simply a List. If you instead implemented the filter part in the yield expression, you would get a List[List[Int]].

Scala for comprehension of sequence inside a Try

I am writing a Scala program in which there is an operation that creates a sequence. The operation might fail, so I enclose it inside a Try. I want to do sequence creation and enumeration inside a for comprehension, so that a successfully-created sequence yields a sequence of tuples where the first element is the sequence and the second is an element of it.
To simplify the problem, make my sequence a Range of integers and define a createRange function that fails if it is asked to create a range of an odd length. Here is a simple for comprehension that does what I want.
import scala.util.Try
def createRange(n: Int): Try[Range] = {
Try {
if (n % 2 == 1) throw new Exception
else Range(0, n)
def rangeElements(n: Int) {
for {
r <- createRange(n)
x <- r
} println(s"$r\t$x")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Range length 3")
println("Range length 4")
If you run this it correctly prints.
Range length 3
Range length 4
Range(0, 1, 2, 3) 0
Range(0, 1, 2, 3) 1
Range(0, 1, 2, 3) 2
Range(0, 1, 2, 3) 3
Now I would like to rewrite my rangeElements function so that instead of printing as a side-effect it returns a sequence of integers, where the sequence is empty if the range was not created. What I want to write is this.
def rangeElements(n: Int):Seq[(Range,Int)] = {
for {
r <- createRange(n)
x <- r
} yield (r, x)
// rangeElements(3) returns an empty sequence
// rangeElements(4) returns the sequence (Range(0,1,2,3), 0), (Range(0,1,2,3), 1) etc.
This gives me two type mismatch compiler errors. The r <- createRange(n) line required Seq[Int] but found scala.util.Try[Nothing]. The x <- r line required scala.util.Try[?] but found scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int].
Presumably there is some type erasure with the Try that is messing me up, but I can't figure out what it is. I've tried various toOption and toSeq qualifiers on the lines in the for comprehension to no avail.
If I only needed to yield the range elements I could explicitly handle the Success and Failure conditions of createRange myself as suggested by the first two answers below. However, I need access to both the range and its individual elements.
I realize this is a strange-sounding example. The real problem I am trying to solve is a complicated recursive search, but I don't want to add in all its details because that would just confuse the issue here.
How do I write rangeElements to yield the desired sequences?
The problem becomes clear if you translate the for comprehension to its map/flatMap implementation (as described in the Scala Language Spec 6.19). The flatMap has the result type Try[U] but your function expects Seq[Int].
for {
r <- createRange(n)
x <- r
} yield x
createRange(n).flatMap {
case r => r.map {
case x => x
Is there any reason why you don't use the getOrElse method?
def rangeElements(n: Int):Seq[Int] =
createRange(n) getOrElse Seq.empty
The Try will be Success with a Range when n is even or a Failure with an Exception when n is odd. In rangeElements match and extract those values. Success will contain the valid Range and Failure will contain the Exception. Instead of returning the Exception return an empty Seq.
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def createRange(n: Int): Try[Range] = {
Try {
if (n % 2 == 1) throw new Exception
else Range(0, n)
def rangeElements(n: Int):Seq[Tuple2[Range, Int]] = createRange(n) match {
case Success(s) => s.map(xs => (s, xs))
case Failure(f) => Seq()
scala> rangeElements(3)
res35: Seq[(Range, Int)] = List()
scala> rangeElements(4)
res36: Seq[(Range, Int)] = Vector((Range(0, 1, 2, 3),0), (Range(0, 1, 2, 3),1), (Range(0, 1, 2, 3),2), (Range(0, 1, 2,3),3))

Finding character in 2 dimensional scala list

So this might not be the best way to tackle it but my initial thought was a for expression.
Say I have a List like
I would like to find the row and column for a character, say 'e'.
def findChar(letter: Char, list: List[List[Char]]): (Int, Int) =
for {
r <- (0 until list.length)
c <- (0 until list(r).length)
if list(r)(c) == letter
} yield (r, c)
If there is a more elegant way I'm all ears but I would also like to understand what's wrong with this. Specifically the error the compiler gives me here is
type mismatch; found : scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] required: (Int, Int)
on the line assigning to r. It seems to be complaining that my iterator doesn't match the return type but I don't quite understand why this is or what to do about it ...
In the signature of findChar you are telling the compiler that it returns (Int, Int). However, the result of your for expression (as inferred by Scala) is IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] as the error message indicates. The reason is that (r, c) after yield is produced for every "iteration" in the for expression (i.e., you are generating a sequence of results, not just a single result).
EDIT: As for findChar, you could do:
def findChar(letter: Char, list: List[List[Char]]) = {
val r = list.indexWhere(_ contains letter)
val c = list(r).indexOf(letter)
(r, c)
It is not the most efficient solution, but relatively short.
EDIT: Or reuse your original idea:
def findAll(letter: Char, list: List[List[Char]]) =
for {
r <- 0 until list.length
c <- 0 until list(r).length
if list(r)(c) == letter
} yield (r, c)
def findChar(c: Char, xs: List[List[Char]]) = findAll(c, xs).head
In both cases, be aware that an exception occurs if the searched letter is not contained in the input list.
EDIT: Or you write a recursive function yourself, like:
def findPos[A](c: A, list: List[List[A]]) = {
def aux(i: Int, xss: List[List[A]]) : Option[(Int, Int)] = xss match {
case Nil => None
case xs :: xss =>
val j = xs indexOf c
if (j < 0) aux(i + 1, xss)
else Some((i, j))
aux(0, list)
where aux is a (locally defined) auxiliary function that does the actual recursion (and remembers in which sublist we are, the index i). In this implementation a result of None indicates that the searched element was not there, whereas a successful result might return something like Some((1, 1)).
For your other ear, the question duplicates
How to capture inner matched value in indexWhere vector expression?
scala> List(List('a','b','c'),List('d','e','f'),List('h','i','j'))
res0: List[List[Char]] = List(List(a, b, c), List(d, e, f), List(h, i, j))
scala> .map(_ indexOf 'e').zipWithIndex.find(_._1 > -1)
res1: Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((1,1))