how does the Operating Systems code and user applications code run on same processor - operating-system

We all know that the Operating Systems is responsible for handling resources needed by user application. The OS is also a piece of code that runs, then how does it manages other user programs?
does the OS runs on dedicated processor and monitor the user program on some other processor?
how does the OS actually handles user applications?

It depends upon the structure of the operating system. For any modern operating system the kernel is invoked through exceptions or interrupts. The operating system "monitors" processes during interrupts. An operating system schedules timer interrupts. When the timer goes off the interrupt handler determines whether it needs to switch to a different process.
Another OS management path is through exceptions. An application invokes the operating system through exceptions. An exception handler can also cause the operating system to switch to another process. If a process invokes a read and wait system service, that exception handler will certainly switch to a new process.
In ye olde days, it was common for multi-processors to have one processor that was the dedicated master and was the only processor to handle certain tasks. Now, all normal operating systems use symmetric multi-processing where any processor can handle any task.

An entire book is needed to answer your too broad question.
Read Operating System: Three Easy Pieces (a freely downloadable book).
does the OS runs on dedicated processor and monitor the user program on some other processor?
In general no. The same processor (or core) is either in user-mode (for user programs; read about user space and process isolation and protection rings) or in supervisor-mode (for the operating system kernel)
how does the OS actually handles user applications?
Often by providing system calls which are done, in some controlled way, from applications.
Some academic OSes, e.g. Singularity, have been designed with other principles in mind (formal proof techniques for isolation).
Read also about micro-kernels, unikernels, etc.


Practical ways of implementing preemptive scheduling without hardware support?

I understand that using Hardware support for implementing preemptive scheduling is great for efficiency.
I want to know, What are practical ways we can do preemptive scheduling without taking support from hardware? I think one of way is Software Timers.
Also, Other way in multiprocessor system is using the one processor acting as master keep looking at slave processor's processor.
Consider, I'm fine with non-efficient way.
Please, elaborate all ways you think / know can work. Also, preferably but not necessarily works for single processor system.
In order to preempt a process, the operating system has to somehow get control of the CPU without the process's cooperation. Or viewed from the other perspective: The CPU has to somehow decide to stop running the process's code and start running the operating system's code.
Just like processes can't run at the same time as other processes, they can't run at the same time as the OS. The CPU executes instructions in order, that's all it knows. It doesn't run two things at once.
So, here are some reasons for the CPU to switch to executing operating system code instead of process code:
A hardware device sends an interrupt to this CPU - such as a timer, a keypress, a network packet, or a hard drive finishing its operation.
The software running on a different CPU sends an inter-processor interrupt to this CPU.
The running process decides to call a function in the operating system. Depending on the CPU architecture, it could work like a normal call, or it could work like a fake interrupt.
The running process executes an instruction which causes an exception, like accessing unmapped memory, or dividing by zero.
Some kind of hardware debugging interface is used to overwrite the instruction pointer, causing the CPU to suddenly execute different code.
The CPU is actually a simulation and the OS is interpreting the process code, in which case the OS can decide to stop interpreting whenever it wants.
If none of the above things happen, OS code doesn't run. Most OSes will re-evaluate which process should be running, when a hardware event occurs that causes a process to be woken up, and will also use a timer interrupt as a last resort to prevent one program hogging all the CPU time.
Generally, when OS code runs, it has no obligation to return to the same place it was called from. "Preemption" is simply when the OS decides to jump somewhere other than the place it was called from.

What does kernel of an operating system do?

What exactly is a kernel of an operating system? What does it do? I tweaked my linux kernel a couple of times but didn't know why did I do it or what did it change.
The kernel is the central part of the operating system. It handles the 'behind the scenes' tasks so that your user space application (end user application) may run without knowing the inner details and complexities of the hardware.
Most importantly, a kernel performs:
Memory Management
Process Management
Virtual Filesystem support
Interrupt handlers
+ more.
You can read more about the inner working of Linux kernel in the wonderful book "Linux Kernel Development" by Robert Love.
The kernel is the software that handles exceptions and interrupts in the system.

what is the difference between user mode and kernel mode in terms of total number of machine instructions available?

I read this paragraph from " Modern Operating Systems , Tanenbaum "
Most computers have two modes of operation: kernel
mode and user mode. The operating system is the most fundamental piece of software and runs in kernel mode (also called supervisor mode). In this mode it has complete access to all the hardware and can execute any instruction the machine is capable of executing. The rest of the software runs in user mode, in which only a subset of the machine instructions is available.
I am unable to get how they are describing difference in these two modes on basis of machine instructions available , at user end any software has the capability to make any changes at the hardware level ,like we have software which can affect the functioning of CPU , can play with registry details , so how can we say that at user mode , we have only subset of machine instructions available ?
The instructions that are available only in kernel mode are tend to be very few. These instructions are those that are only needed to manage the system.
For example, most processors have a HALT instruction that stops the CPU that is used for system shutdowns. Obviously you would not want any user to be able to execute HALT and stop the computer for everyone. Such instructions are then made only accessible in kernel mode.
Processors use a table of handlers for interrupt and exceptions. The Operating system creates such a table listing the handlers for these events. Then it loads register(s) giving the location(and size) of the table. The instructions for loading this register(s) are kernel mode only. Otherwise, any application could create total havoc on the system.
Instructions of these nature will trigger an exception if executing in user mode.
Such instructions tend to be few in number.
Well, in user-mode, there is definitely a subset of instructions available. This is the reason we have System Calls.
A user wants to create a new process in C. He cannot do that without entering kernel-mode, because certain set of instructions are only available to kernel-mode, So he uses the system call fork, that executes instructions for creating a new process (not available in user-mode). So System call is a mechanism of requesting a service from kernel of the OS to do something for the user, which he/she cannot write code for.
Following excerpt from above link sums it up in the best way:
A program is usually limited to its own address space so that it
cannot access or modify other running programs or the operating system
itself, and is usually prevented from directly manipulating hardware
devices (e.g. the frame buffer or network devices).
However, many normal applications obviously need access to these
components, so system calls are made available by the operating system
to provide well defined, safe implementations for such operations. The
operating system executes at the highest level of privilege, and
allows applications to request services via system calls, which are
often initiated via interrupts. An interrupt automatically puts the
CPU into some elevated privilege level, and then passes control to the
kernel, which determines whether the calling program should be granted
the requested service. If the service is granted, the kernel executes
a specific set of instructions over which the calling program has no
direct control, returns the privilege level to that of the calling
program, and then returns control to the calling program.

In an operating system, what is the difference between a system call and an interrupt?

In an operating system, what is the difference between a system call and an interrupt? Are all system calls interrupts? Are all interrupts system calls?
Short Answer:
They are different things.
A system call is call by software running on the OS to services
provided by the OS.
An interrupt is usually external hardware component notifying the CPU/Microprocessor about an event that needs handling in software (usually a driver).
I say usually external, because some interrupts can be raised by software (soft interrupt)
Are all system calls interrupts? Depends
Are all interrupts system calls? No
Long answer:
The OS manages CPU time and other hardware connected to the CPU (Memory (RAM), HDD, keyboard, to name a few). It exposes services that allow user programs to access the underlying hardware and these are system calls. Usually these deal with allocating memory, reading/writing files, printing a document and so on.
When the OS interacts with other hardware it usually does so through a driver layer which sets-up the task for the hardware to perform and interrupt once the job is done, so the printer may interrupt once the document is printed or it runs out of pages. It is therefore often the case that a system call leads to generation of interrupts.
Are all system calls interrupts - Depends as they may be implemented as soft interrupts. So when a user program makes a system call, it causes a soft interrupt that results in the OS suspending the calling process, and handle the request itself, then resume the process. But, and I quote from Wikipedia,
"For many RISC processors this (interrupt) is the only technique provided, but
CISC architectures such as x86 support additional techniques. One
example is SYSCALL/SYSRET, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT (the two mechanisms were
independently created by AMD and Intel, respectively, but in essence
do the same thing). These are "fast" control transfer instructions
that are designed to quickly transfer control to the OS for a system
call without the overhead of an interrupt"
The answer to your question depends upon the underlying hardware (and sometimes operating system implementation). I will return to that in a bit.
In an operating system, what is the difference between a system call and an interrupt?
The purpose of an interrupt handler and a system call (and a fault handler) is largely the same: to switch the processor into kernel mode while providing protection from inadvertent or malicious access to kernel structures.
An interrupt is triggered by an asynchronous external event.
A system call (or fault or trap) is triggered synchronously by executing code.
Are all system calls interrupts? Are all interrupts system calls?
System calls are not interrupts because they are not triggered asynchronously by the hardware. A process continues to execute its code stream in a system call, but not in an interrupt.
That being said, Intel's documentation often conflates interrupt, system calls, traps, and faults, as "interrupt."
Some processors treat system calls, traps, faults and interrupts largely the same way. Others (notably Intel) provide different methods for implementing system calls.
In processors that handle all of the above in the same way, each type of interrupt, trap, and fault has a unique number. The processor expects the operating system to set up a vector (array) of pointers to handlers. In addition, there are one or more handlers available for an operating system to implement system calls
Depending upon the number of available handlers, the OS may have a separate handler for each system call or use a register value to determine what specific system function to execute.
In such a system, one can execute an interrupt handler synchronously the same way one invokes a system call.
For example, on the VAX the CHMK #4 instruction, invokes the 4th kernel mode handler. In intel land there is an INT instruction that does roughly the same.
Intel processors have supported the SYSCALL mechanism that provides a different way to implement system calls.

Why do we need software interupt to start the execution of the system call?

This may be very foolish question to ask.
However I want to clarify my doubts as i am new to this thing.
As per my understanding the CPU executes the instruction of a process step by step by incrementing the program counter.
Now suppose we have a system call as one of the instruction, then why do we need to give a software interrupt when this instruction is encountered? Can't this system call (sequence of instructions) be executed just as other instructions are executing, because as far i understand the interrupts are to signal certain asynchronous events. But here the system call is a part of the process instruction, which is not asynchronous.
It doesn't require an interrupt. You could make an OS which uses a simple call. But most don't for several reasons. Among them might be:
On many architectures, interrupts elevate or change the CPU's access level, allowing the OS to implement protection of its memory from the unprivileged user code.
Preemptive operating systems already make use of interrupts for scheduling processes. It might be convenient to use the same mechanism.
Interrupts are something present on most architectures. Alternatives might require significant redesign across architectures.
Here is one example of a "system call" which doesn't use an interrupt (if you define a system call as requesting functionality from the OS):
Older versions of ARM do not provide atomic instructions to increment a counter. This means that an atomic increment requires help from the OS. The naive approach would be to make it a system call which makes the process uninterruptible during the load-add-store instructions, but this has a lot of overhead from the interrupt handler. Instead, the Linux kernel has chosen to map a small bit of code into every process at a fixed address. This code contains the atomic increment instructions and can be called directly from user code. The kernel scheduler takes care of ensuring that any operations interrupted in this block are properly restarted.
First of all, system calls are synchronous software interrupts, not asynchronous. When the processor executes the trap machine instruction to go to kernel space, some of the kernel registers get changed by the interrupt handler functions. Modification of these registers requires privileged mode execution, i.e. these can not be changed using user space code.
When the user-space program cannot read data directly from disk, as it doesn't have control over the device driver. The user-space program should not bother with driver code. Communication with the device driver should take place through kernel code itself. We tend to believe that kernel code is pristine and entirely trustworthy; user code is always suspect.
Hence, it requires privileged instructions to change the contents of register and/or accessing driver functionalities; the user cannot execute system call functions as a normal function call. Your processor should know whether you are in the kernel mode to access these devices.
I hope this is clear to some extent.