How to create a Trusted CA Signed certificate for Service Fabric - azure-service-fabric

All the documentation for Service Fabric mentions that for a production cluster you should use an X509 certificate from a trusted CA with the common name of the cluster address. The problem is I can't find any documentation on the process of obtaining the certificate. As far as I can tell for creating a certificate you need to prove you are who you say you are and to do so you either need to own the domain or expose some sort of file on the specified address.
The problem is that the url of the cluster is on a domain owned by Microsoft and my cluster is not exposed to the outside world as a website. Am I missing something? Do I have to create a web service and expose it in order to just create a certificate?

You can use any a free solution like Letsencrypt, for this it's not required to own the domain (specifically; control the DNS records). They also provide the option to respond to a HTTP based challenge, as proof of control.
To kick off the process, the agent asks the Let’s Encrypt CA what it
needs to do in order to prove that it controls The Let’s
Encrypt CA will look at the domain name being requested and issue one
or more sets of challenges. These are different ways that the agent
can prove control of the domain. For example, the CA might give the
agent a choice of either: Provisioning a DNS record under,
or Provisioning an HTTP resource under a well-known URI on
An easy way to get started with Letsencrypt is by using CertBot.
This needs to run on the domain, so it can respond to the HTTP challenge, which results in the issuing of a certificate for your specific cluster endpoint.
Maybe this sample project helps.


Support wildcard domain, kubernetes

My problem is very specific and I dont know how to achieve in kubernetes.
Im trying to configure an application called presto
All my nodes should have a certificate to talk to each other a wildcard certificate would be much simpler, but in kubernetes I dont have a pods domain.
I need way to configure a certificate to all my pods.
For example, if I have a way to call my pods like this:
I could generate a certificate with *
How to achieve that in kubernetes?
Trino is much easier to configure, but I can't use trino yet because Trino doesn't work with metabase.
You can store or save the certificate in secret and use it also. Instead of creating cert at POD level better to manage for each service level.
However, looks like you are looking for something similar to Mtls :
In mTLS, each microservice in a service mesh verifies the other's certificate and uses the public keys to create encryption keys unique to each conversation. This enables the communications between pairs of microservices to be authenticated and encrypted.
You can read more about it :,to%20be%20authenticated%20and%20encrypted.
Description :
Microservice A sends a request for the certificate of microservice B.
Microservice B replies with its certificate and requests the certificate of Microservice A.
Microservice A checks with the certificate authority that the certificate belongs to Microservice B.
Microservice A sends its certificate to microservice B and also shares a session encryption key (encrypted with the public key of microservice B).
Microservice B checks with the certificate authority that the certificate it received belongs to microservice A.
With both microservices mutually authenticated and a session key created, communication between them can be encrypted and sent via the secure link.
If are looking for the above scenario managing service communication with certs i would recommend using the service mesh with the Mtls.

SSL application load balancer on AWS WITHOUT a custom domain

Is it possible to give a application load balancer on AWS a SSL certificate, allowing allowing only HTTPS connections, if I don't want to use a custom domain?
Currently developing some internal dashboard applications, so have no need/want for a domain name attached to them.
I can only dig up info and tutorials of creating to a certificate in Cloudformation, when wanting to add a domain forwarding to the LB.
The SSL certificate has to have a valid DNS name associated with it in order to work. You need to request a certificate via ACM and then attach that to the ELB. You can configure the ELB to only have an HTTPS listener to force secure communication.
Probably not.
It's not generally kosher to issue an SSL certificate to an IP address, and since all * style DNS names are floating and could be reassigned at any moment, they damn well won't issue one for them either. (Same stands for Let's Encrypt, by the way: you have to have a DNS name not issued by a provider.)
Just give your internal service a DNS name, be it something like or whatever; it'll be easier to access, too.

SSL certificate for WebAPI

We have a simple system with a REST service (WebAPI) that will be hosted on one machine (hosted on IIS on a custom port, port numer 3031) and with a website hosted on another machine that will be talking to the service.
We want both to use SSL, so as I understand we will need to purchase two separate SSL certificates for the production deployment on the Internet.
Does that sound right?
If so, then I don't know how do I request and purchase a certificate for the WebAPI REST service... The service will be hosted on a custom port 3031, should I purchase a normal certificate for the domain name of the machine where the service will be hosted? And then should I basically install the certificate on the IIS on that machine (like it's described here:
How will I be able to perform a verification of the domain for the purchased certificate if I'm going to use the certificate for a REST service on a custom port? (not for a regular website).
Apologies for my ignorance, I have searched the forum to find an answer to my issue, but I didn't find one, maybe it's because my very limited knowledge about certificates and security.

Certificates being renewed yearly - how to reliably find them in the cert store?

I've been tasked to add security by means of certificates to an external web service we call from our ASP.NET 4.0 Webforms application.
I've been able to play around with the certificate and get the code to work properly, but there are still a lot of questions unanswered when it comes to deployment of that solution. I'm pretty new to actually using (and dealing with) certificates - I understand the basic theory behind them, just never used them much myself.
The service is an external REST webservice provided by a company which also issues the certificates - and those will expire on a yearly basis and need to be renewed yearly. So "baking" them into the ASP.NET app as an internal resource doesn't seem like a good idea.
I'm leaning towards putting them into the certificate store on the Windows 2008 Server. That works fine, but what I'm not sure about: how do I FIND the appropriate certificate from code? I know about the X509Certificate2 and X509Store classes - but what criteria should I search for?
What item (Serial number? Thumbprint?) would remain the same if that cert has to be renewed every year? Or do I have to update my config and store a new serial number or thumbprint every time the cert has been renewed?
If I understand correctly you need to ensure that you are communicating with correct web service.
You are using https to connect to the REST service. Is it a WCF service or Web API? Either way the web server will handle the SSL part (hmm, only if hosted on a web server and not self hosted). So if we make it easy then the web service is hosted on a web server. The web server will handle establishing SSL connection and will send you server certificate.
Then you need to check if you are communicating with correct web server. Your options are:
manually update config file with thumbprint that will change every time the certificate of web server will be renewed. Also serial number will change when they renew the certificate.
check for common name in the subject or better if the is correct DNS name (of the web server) in Subject alternative name (SAN = extension in the certificate) or in CN (when SAN is not in the certificate)
build a certificate chain (using X509Chain.Build method) from web server's certificate and check if it contains a CA certificate that you have embedded in ASP.NET application or if it matches given thumbprint of CA from you config.
1) - will work but you have to ensure to update config file every year
2) - will work nice until they change DNS name of the web server, but it would result in change of your web.config so ... it will work. One thing to note is that extracting any extension from X509Certificate2 class using standard .NET framework is not easy. You would need to either go to ASN.1 level or use some crypto library that can extract the SAN in a friendly way.
3) - will work nicely. You can use Root CA certificate or dedicated intermediate CA certificate. You have to ensure that web server certificate is trusted for certificate chain to be built but that applies generally to all solutions. It will work pretty long time because CA certificates are issued to i.e. 20-30 years.

Installing Wildcard SSL Certificate on Azure VM

I'm developing an application on Azure VM and would like to secure it by using the wildcard SSL certificate that I'm already using with my main domain. The SSL cert works with any * and the application on Azure VM is accessible through
Based on the research that I've done, CNAME should be the best option to do that (I can't use A record since we need to shutdown the VMs every week and turn them back on the next week and will lose the ip addresses).
My two questions are:
How can I have be shown as
Will doing that make it possible for wildcard SSL certificate to be used for Azure application too?
How can I have be shown as
Yes - this is just the CNAME forwarding and ensuring that the appropriate SSL certificate is installed on the server.
Will doing that make it possible for wildcard SSL certificate to be used for Azure application too?
Well as you're already exposing the Application through the VM - this should happen seemlessly.
Just a word of caution, you mention that you're using the certificate on the main domain, but haven't mentioned where you're using this. Be aware that, out-of-the-box, you can only assign one SSL per HTTPS endpoint. You can enable multiple SSL certificates on an Endpoint for Azure / IIS using Server Name Identification and can be enabled directly or automatically. If you do take this route, remember to configure your SNI bindings first, then apply the default binding - it kinda screws up otherwise.