Notepad++ plugin server down, any alternatives? - plugins

I hope this is the right sub, it has the most hits for NP++ questions.
This morning I opened Notepad++ and went looking for a JSON plugin. However, the Plugin Manager shows no plugins and returns "There was an error downloading the plugin list..."
Poking about I found the reason; the list is held at and his cert expired. Does anyone know of a workaround? I tried setting it to "Use development plugin list", but that didn't help (not surprisingly).
The list appears to be a text file, can it be installed "manually"?


The type or namespace name 'UniRx' could not be found on Unity

I pretty much looked everywhere... but couldn't find anything that could debug my problem.
The only thing I do in a script is "using UniRx" to have the following error : The type or namespace name 'UniRx' could not be found.
What i tried:
On Unity, downloading from Package Manager with "Add Package with git URL"
On Unity, downloading from Package Manager with the normal way: Download -> import (into folder Plugins)
On each part, i also tried:
"Reimport All"
Closing and opening back Unity Hub then Unity
I found nothing much on google except for having this problem only on Visual Studio (which is not my actually problem since Unity itself doesn't accept UniRx)
But those who have that problem, i read that you need to "Assets" -> "Open C# Project"
Can anyone help me with my problem on Unity ? Searched for hours but still stuck :(
Unity Version: 2021.3.3f1
Well seems like my problem was like fafase said... I totally forgot about assemblies since i don't use Unity much and since it's been a long time i didn't continue my project.

what is the URL for JetBrains IDE plug-in repository?

I thought this was a simple question, and still nothing works.
My first use-case is that the IDEA 15 (Community) appears to NOT have a repository configured. The *Plugins" tab in the Settings window / dialogue supports three operation aside from clicking on a plugin.:
A button for [Install JetBrains plugins] ... This seems to be things downloaded with the installer or updates;
A [Browse repositories plugins] button ... which contains an "empty" list Further this dialogue contains two buttons for:
A [Manage repositories]
[HTTP proxy settings] - Proxy configuration / setup
An [Install plugins from disk] button ... which does what it says ;-)
This question to ask is, what URL do I need to put into that:
* The [Manage repositories]
... list because the clean install had "nada" in that list.
The list of JetBrains plugins isn't the same as the list on the plugins repository web page:
In fact IDEA help pages recommend using the JetBrains repository... They do not seem to want to let one know the URL.
Also, what is the "Community" plugins URL? At the very least I'd like to verify that/IF the JetBrains plugin-list is updating (as there's no "update list" option to be seen).
Weird huh?
I had the same problem while using the Community edition and trying to install the lombok plugin. Setting the HTTP Proxy to "Auto-detect proxy settings" resolved it for me.
It's under browse repositories -> HTTP Proxy Settings -> HTTP Proxy -> Auto detect proxy settings.
The [Manage repositories] list should be empty, unless you have some private plugins repository.
A [Browse repositories plugins] button should show you all the plugins, if not then check your firewall or proxy settings, or click on the Reload button.
I don't know the specific URL, either, but Meo's answer is correct in saying that there's no need to add it manually. It sounds like you're confused by the difference between the list you see on the site and the list you see in IDEA CE.
The reason for the difference isn't a missing URL at all, but rather that many of the plugins listed on the site are not enabled for the Community Edition, so it doesn't display them. The PHP plugin at is an example. While that page doesn't make it clear that it requires the Ultimate Edition, you can find out by scrolling down to the Updates list and clicking the (latest) version number. There you'll find a Supported Products list, where the Community Edition is listed as being incompatible because the plugin requires the "ultimate" module (a module that is only included in IDEA Ultimate Edition).
If Browse Repositories... is empty, perhaps something happened with your version of Android studio?
If you're on the Canary channel your build might be too advanced for plugins, for instance. At least, that's what I think my issue was, as I switched to another (older) instance and everything was fine after this
I felt a bit stupid upon realising this!!
I had the exact same issue on my Android Studio 3.6.1 but a quick restart after looking for solutions turned out to be the way to go.

Coda 2.2 Plugins don't stay installed

I am having a small problem with plugins not staying installed with Coda 2.2 for Mac on OSX 10.6. Every time I close Coda and open it back up and then click on plugins half of them are gone even though the are in the plugins folder for the application. I have to close Coda and uninstall and reinstall the plugin then open it back up. That is only good until I close it then it starts all over again. Is there anything I can do or is there something I am overlooking that is causing this to happen?
I've been working with Panic support and we've discovered there's an issue with certain plugins. Most likely, it's only one that's problematic. For me, it was WVCPs plugin. Removing that from the plugin folder allows all other plugins to work fine.
I found it helpful looking at the Console app for messages from Coda and one by one dropped the plugins back into the plugins folder until I found the one that caused an error about incompatible architecture.
You can ignore the error about two plugins implementing the same class, that seems to be a mutual exclusion sort of warning but still allows the other plugins to work.
One other plugin had a different error but again, appears to work fine so probably it was just a warning.
This is probably your best solution until Panic push out an update, which I am assured is on the way.
Hope that helps!

How to diagnose metro app deployment errors?

When trying to debug a Metro project from VS, I came across this error:
DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. Another user has already installed a packaged version of this app. An unpackaged version cannot replace this. The conflicting package is PACKAGENAME and it was published by CN=some Guid. (0x80073cf9)
But I have already uninstalled the app from the Start page, also, I can confirm that there is no entry left in Add/Remove program.
And since the access to the "%PROGRAMFILES%\WindowsApps" folder where the app files reside in is blocked, so I have no way to see if the app is still there.
However, I can still find many 'PACKAGENAME' occurances in the registry.
How to diagnose this? How to get rid of the "packaged version" so I can start debugging from VS?
Try installing the app from the windows store again, and then uninstall it from the start page. It appears that when Visual Studio does the uninstall it doesn't do it right.
1) Go to your Package.appxmanifest file in your solution
2) Go to the identity tag.
<Identity Name="xxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-tttt-bbbbbbbbbbbbb"
Version="" />
3) Change the value of the Identity Name (Ex from ...bbbbb to ...bbbbc)
4) Rebuild and run
Are you sure you didn't just unpin the app? Try doing a search for it and see if it is still there.
I find a solution to the problem. It's said it is a "staged package" that does not show up in my start page so I can not uninstall it in normal way. I follow the steps, and successfully get rid of that "un-uninstallable" :) package.
This blog post was helpful, although after an hour or so of troubleshooting it turns out that I had indeed installed the package under another user account. After switching accounts and uninstalling from the start screen it worked fine.

Eclipse for php on Mac OSX 10.5: "Animation Start" error

I am having a terrible time getting Eclipse with php/pdt installed on my older 2006 MacBook running 10.5.8.
I have MAMP installed and running php 5.3.5. That works fine. The zend debugger information shows up correctly in phpinfo() and I have dummy.php in the correct location. is allowed in the config file.
I have eclipse itself installed. I also have tried "Eclipse for php Developers" v3.0.2.
Both installations return errors when I try and run or debug a script. I am trying to use Zend Debugger.
The error is:
"Animation Start has encountered a problem". An Internal error has occurred.
An internal error has occurred.
I have the php executable set as
/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/php (CLI)
The problem with the "Animation Start has encountered a problem" error dialog doesn't have to do with the php scripts but rather is just an UI quirk/error that is irritating and is likely because of a mis-configured dock:icon property on the eclipse.ini (or whatever eclipse product the zend product uses).
Find the root executable that launches eclipse-based product.
Open up the application executable (.app) package contents
Go to the Contents/MacOS/ folder
Edit the ini file
Make sure that you have this line correctly specificed:
Then restart eclipse/zend
Now you should be able to invoke scripts and not see that invalid error dialog.
You can uncheck "launch in background" in the "common" tab of debug/run configuration.
Ok, I wanted to simply comment on my "success", following gamerson's answer with a slight adaptation... But it seems like I don't have enough "rep" to do that yet, so here goes ;-)
I had this annoying issue for a little while, and also had a second copy of eclipse for java installed on my macbook. It seems like my eclipse pdt did not contain any .icns files (I did a full recursive search of the dir with "find ."... So I thought, I'll copy it from that other eclipse app I have. And I made sure the ini config file (mentioned by gamerson) had the correct path. And voila! No more of that annoying error popup in eclipse, and also the dock where I had a link to the app now has a nice icon (which before was some ugly "generic" icon with pencils and paper, that all makes sense now). Only downside is that I now have two similar dock icons (the PDT one and the Java one lol) but that is a totally minor annoyance. I guess I could "hack" my dock and give it a funky icon while at it ;-)
Thanks internets!