HOTOSM data is the same with data - openstreetmap

I extracted road networks from HOTOSM website ( I don't know whether it is the same with data used for rendering maps on


Google fit elevation gain

I'm creating a server-side app using the Google Fit REST API. One of the data points I want to retrieve is the elevation gain done by the user in a session. According to Google fits documentation on location, where altitude is one of the data points, only apps that wrote to the platform can read the data.
I found this previous question, unfortunately it has no solution. That's why I'm duplicating the question
My question is, how can I retrieve elevation data, for a session, without access to location data?

Tile styling in Open Street Map (with Leaflet)

Is it possible to use different colors for Tiles in Open Street Map?
In Google Maps API you can style the map - is there a same feature in Open Street Map or even better are there any different tile templates on the web for download and use in OSM?
OpenStreetMap project provides map data. In order to display web maps OSM data needs to be pre-processed and rendered. Depending on whether you use raster (for example default leafler) or vector tiles (mapbox-gl) steps to modify styles are completely different. Raster styles are usually generated using mapnik rendering library with mod_tile and apache web server. OSM data needs to be imported into PostgreSQL database. Depending on the amount of data you want to process it can take different time from couple of hours for single city to days for the whole planet and require very good hardware (6-8 cores/ 32 GB ram and higher). Then you need to edit special CartoCSS styles to change map appearance. Vector maps and tiles is completely different story but it will require comparable efforts to create your custom map style.
What I suggest is to go and find OSM maps provider that have different styles from default OSM by the way here is an excerpt their tile usage policy (
OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not.
So look at these providers, they can save you a lot of time and money:
and others from

Mapbox GL JS Geocoding to only reference Tileset

I'm using Mapbox's Geocoding (search box) and was wondering if there's a way that it would only reference my Tileset data rather than the generic global address search? Looks like Mapbox has a "Supplement geocoding search results from another data source", however the example is referencing geographic coordinates rather than addressing. So I'm still not sure if this is possible?
Basically I want to enter an address in the Geocoding search box and to have a particular polygon selected from my dataset on the map. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The example you linked to shows how to supplement search results with a local source, not a remote source in the
Currently Mapbox doesn't provide a Geocoding API against your own data however depending on how large your dataset is (and assuming it's a Mapbox Dataset and not just a Mapbox Tileset) you could use the Datasets API to read in every feature into the client with and use the results of that to power the mapbox-gl-geocoder search like

Efficiently shading multiple county polygons in MapBox (web and mobile)

I'm working on a visualization project where I'd like to use a fill color over US Counties that fall into my data set. (weather data)
I have shapefiles for the counties, but there are hundreds (if not thousands) of points per county, and some parts of my data can cover 20+ counties. I'm thinking that manually drawing the polygons may not be the approach to take.
Is there an efficient approach using the MapBox SDKs for accomplishing what I'm trying to do? I'd like to do it both in web and mobile if possible, but I'll start with web.
You want to look into TileMill in order to make custom map tiles with your source data. Then, you can use those tiles on web and mobile both.

Extract map information from Bing Maps

I would like to write a navigation software for windows phone 7 that is available without being on the internet. Therefore, I would like to download the map information from Bing maps. Not the entire world or country, just a small city - because this software is just for me and I only need navigation within my home town.
What I basically need is something similar to the map export that OpenStreetMap offers. I could not find anything equivalent on bing maps, so I wrote a program that queries bing maps (through the API) for routes. It then saves intersections and thus builds a graph. This technically works and I get a lot of streets, but sometimes bing leaves out a single intersection. In that case, my data will become invalid.
So I was wondering if there is any way of asking the API directly for a map export, returning something like an array of streets that is within a certain boundary rectangle. (Or something similar)
Thanks for your help
No, there is no standard API call in Bing Maps API that will let you do this.
Downloading all the street data within "a small city" would violate the terms of service. See 8.2(r) at
If you want that data, you can try OpenStreetMap or else you would probably have to license the data from a commercial provider of such things which is no doubt very expensive.