Null value for Put Request in RestApi - rest

I'm coding Rest API with .NET Core. I am having a problem. I use Postman for test.
For example; My variable: name, surname, age.
(Normally: ID:1, name: Amet, surname: Asar, age:30)
I'm using Put request.
"ID": 1
"name": "Ayhan",
But I don't send "age". So, it's saving null value for age.
id=1, name=Ayhan, surname=Hara, age=null
How can check null variable? If the age value has not enter, don't change.
public ActionResult Update(int id, [FromBody]JsonPutDocument<Customer_UserDTO> customer_UserDTO)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest("İstenilen Datalar Düzgün Değil");
var user = unitOfWork.customer_User.GetById(id);
if (user == null)
return NotFound("İlgili müşteri bulunamadı");
var userToPut = mapper.Map<Customer_UserDTO>(user);
customer_UserDTO.ApplyTo(userToPut, ModelState);
mapper.Map(userToPut, user);
return Ok(mapper.Map<Customer_User>(user));

You probably want to take a look at [Patch]. Specifically, this blog will help you:
Your only other real alternative is to manually map the properties based on your own conditions.
Alternatively, it might be a question for the Automapper guys at:


MongoDB query for equal search with $regex

I have an entity
class Data {
string name;
string city;
string street;
string phone;
string email;
An api has been written to find Data by each param. This is search api so if a param is provided, it will be used if not then everything has to be queried for that param.
#Query("{'name': ?0,'city': ?1,'street': ?2, 'phone': ?3,'email': ?4}")
Page<IcePack> findDataSearchParams(String name,
String city,
String street,
String phone,
String email);
This only works when all the params are sent in the request. It wont work if any of the params are not sent because it will look for null value in the DB for that param.
I want to query everything for that param if it is not requested like the way it is done in SQL. I tired to use $regex with empty string when something is not sent but regex works like a like search but I want to do equal search
anyway to do this
Filtering out parts of the query depending on the input value is not directly supported. Nevertheless it can be done using #Query the $and and operator and a bit of SpEL.
interface Repo extends CrudRepository<IcePack,...> {
{ $and : [
?#{T(com.example.Repo.QueryUtil).ifPresent([0], 'name')},
?#{T(com.example.Repo.QueryUtil).ifPresent([1], 'city')},
Page<IcePack> findDataSearchParams(String name, String city, ...)
class QueryUtil {
public static Document ifPresent(Object value, String property) {
if(value == null) {
return new Document("$expr", true); // always true
return new Document(property, value); // eq match
// ...
Instead of addressing the target function via the T(...) Type expression writing an EvaluationContextExtension (see: json spel for details) allows to get rid of repeating the type name over and over again.

Updating many-to-many relations in Prisma

I have a group of checkboxes for skin concerns. Users can check/uncheck them before submitting, which means the set of skin concerns submitted can be different every time.
I modeled it in Prisma schema as an 'explicit' many-to-many relation.
model User {
id String #id #default(cuid())
name String?
nickname String? #unique
skinConcerns SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcern {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String #unique
user SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcernsForUsers {
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
skinConcern SkinConcern #relation(fields: [skinConcernId], references: [id])
skinConcernId Int
##id([userId, skinConcernId])
Then, SkinConcerns table is seeded with the following values, using prisma.skinConcern.createMany:
SkinConcerns in Update mutation input comes in the form of array of strings, e.g. ["PIGMENTATION", "REDNESS"].
I want to update the skin concerns for users (SkinConcernsForUsers) from the prisma.user.update query, but it's tricky, since I'm not merely creating SkinConcerns, but have to connect to existing set of skin concerns.
I've tried directly setting skinConcerns in user, like
await prisma.user.update({
where: { nickname },
data: {
// ... other user data
skinConcerns: {
set: [
skinConcern: {
connect: { name: "PIGMENTATION" },
skinConcern: {
connect: { name: "REDNESS" },
// ... other user data
among many other things, but of course this is not a correct argument and fails with error
Unknown arg `connect` in data.skinConcerns.update.0.where.connect for type SkinConcernsForUsersWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `select`?
Argument data for is missing.
Unknown arg `connect` in data.skinConcerns.update.1.where.connect for type SkinConcernsForUsersWhereUniqueInput. Did you mean `select`?
Argument data for is missing.
Is there a way to do this? Is it even possible to update this in prisma.user.update?
I guess I could directly update SkinConcernsForUsers. In that case, should I just delete all rows associated to the user that are not in the user input ["PIGMENTATION", "REDNESS"], then create rows that don't already exist? What will it look like in prisma code?
First I would change your schema for SkinConcern. The id field is not necessary and will create complications in queries (you would needlessly need to map each name to id when trying to connect/disconnect records.
The name field is sufficient as the primary key, as it is always unique for a certain record.
The changed schema looks like this
model SkinConcern {
name String #id // name is the new #id.
user SkinConcernsForUsers[]
model SkinConcernsForUsers {
user User #relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId String
skinConcern SkinConcern #relation(fields: [skinConcernName], references: [name])
skinConcernName String
##id([userId, skinConcernName])
The query you want to do can be executed in two steps with the SkinConcernsForUsers model.
Step 1: Remove existing SkinConcernsForUsers records a user is connected to. These are no longer relevant, as you want to overwrite the previous selection.
Step 2: Create new SkinConcernsForUsers records with the new choices.
Here is what the code looks like
// step 1
await prisma.skinConcernsForUsers.deleteMany({
where: {
userId: "1",
// step 2
await prisma.skinConcernsForUsers.createMany({
data: [
userId: "1",
skinConcernName: "REDNESS",
userId: "1",
skinConcernName: "PIGMENTATION",

Flutter: Issue while converting json to model using json_serializable

Suppose there are two models User and City
class User {
int id;
String name;
City? city;
class City {
int id;
String name;
Now suppose during API call, we've got a user model but in the city object model, we only get id not name. Something like this
"id": 5,
"name": "Matthew",
"city": {
"id": 12
But due to the default nature of json_serializable and json_annotation.
This JSON is not mapped to the User model, during mapping, it throws the exception.
type Null is not a subtype of type String. (because here name key is missing in city object)
But as we already declared in the User object that City is optional, I wanted that it should parse the User JSON with city as null.
Any help or solution would be really appreciated, Thank you
There is currently no support for ignoring a certain field only while serializing or only while deserializing. You can either ignore both or none. However, there is a workaround that I use.
Make a global method in your model file that just returns null like this:
T? toNull<T>(_) => null;
Inside your User model add a custom JsonKey for City:
#JsonKey(fromJson: toNull, includeIfNull: false)
City? City;
What this does is when converting from Json it uses your specificed function for converting city and replaces your value with null. Then due to includeIfNull property it just skips parsing.

GORM - get raw DB value for domain class properties

I'm using GORM for MongoDB in my Grails 3 web-app to manage read/writes from DB.
I have the following 2 domain classes:
class Company {
String id
class Team {
String id
Company company
For teams, their company is saved on DB as String, and with GORM I can simply use to get an instance of Company domain class.
However, I need to override the getter for company, and I need the raw value for company id (as stored on DB), without GORM getting in the way and performing its magic.
Is there a way to get the raw String value?
Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance
Update (May 27)
Investigating #TaiwaneseDavidCheng suggestion, I updated my code to
class Company {
String id
class Team {
String id
Company company
String companyId
static mapping = {
company attr: "company" // optional
companyId attr: "company", insertable: false, updateable: false
Please note that I'm using GORM for MongoDB, which (citing the manual) tries to be as compatible as possible with GORM for Hibernate, but requires a slightly different implementation.
However I found out (by trial&error) that GORM for MongoDB doesn't support a similar solution, as it seems only one property at a time can be mapped to a MongoDB document property.
In particular the last property in alphabetical order wins, e.g. companyId in my example.
I figured out a way to make the whole thing work, I'm posting my own answer below.
given a non-insertable non-updateable column "companyId" in domain class
class Company {
String id
class Team {
String id
Company company
Long companyId
static mapping = {
company column:"companyId"
companyId column:"companyId",insertable: false,updateable: false
(Follows the edit to my question above)
I defined a custom mapping, and made use of Grails transients by also defining custom getter and setter for team's company.
class Company {
String id
class Team {
String id
Company company
String companyId
static mapping = {
companyId attr: "company" // match against MongoDB property
static transients = [ 'company' ] // non-persistent property
Company getCompany() {
return Company.get(companyId)
void setCompany(Company company) {
companyId =

Grails 3 & relational domain mapping with Mongo

Trying to figure out if there is a way that I can relate these two domain objects in a similar way that I would if I were connected to an Oracle db.
compile "org.grails.plugins:mongodb:6.1.3"
compile "org.mongodb:mongodb-driver:3.4.2"
Domain objects:
class Store {
Long id
// other properties
Long sellerId
class Seller {
Long id
// other properties
I thought to do something like this:
class Store {
Long id
// other properties
Long sellerId
Seller seller
Seller getSeller {
In the case above, only sellerId is persisted to Mongo since it is not marked as embedded. This works great if I reference it in grails code - giving me valid values for all of the properties in store.seller. However, if I return a store from a controller, store.seller does not come through fully. The response JSON for store looks like this (notice how seller ONLY has the id property):
id: 1,
// other properties
seller: {
id: 22
I have also tried something like this but afterLoad never gets hit:
class Store {
Long id
// other properties
Long sellerId
Seller seller
def afterLoad() {
seller = Seller.findById(this.sellerId)
Is there a better way to go about doing this?