Flink Multiple Windows on same data - streaming

My flink application does the following
source: read data in form of records from Kafka
split: based on certain criteria
window : timewindow of 10seconds to aggregate into one bulkrecord
sink: dump these bulkrecords to elasticsearch
I am facing issue where flink consumer is not able to hold data for 10seconds, and is throwing the following exception:
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Size of the state is larger than the maximum permitted memory-backed state. Size=18340663 , maxSize=5242880
I cannot apply countWindow, because if the frequency of records is too slow, then the elasticsearch sink might be deferred for a long time.
My question:
Is it possible to apply a OR function of TimeWindow and CountWindow, which goes as
> if ( recordCount is 500 OR 10 seconds have elapsed)
> then dump data to flink

Not directly. But you can use a GlobalWindow with a custom triggering logic. Take a look at the source for the count trigger here.
Your triggering logic will look something like this.
private final ReducingStateDescriptor<Long> stateDesc =
new ReducingStateDescriptor<>("count", new Sum(), LongSerializer.INSTANCE);
private long triggerTimestamp = 0;
public TriggerResult onElement(String element, long l, GlobalWindow globalWindow, TriggerContext triggerContext) throws Exception {
ReducingState<Long> count = triggerContext.getPartitionedState(stateDesc);
// Increment window counter by one, when an element is received
// Start the timer when the first packet is received
if (count.get() == 1) {
triggerTimestamp = triggerContext.getCurrentProcessingTime() + 10000; // trigger at 10 seconds from reception of first event
triggerContext.registerProcessingTimeTimer(triggerTimestamp); // Override the onProcessingTime method to trigger the window at this time
// Or trigger the window when the number of packets in the window reaches 500
if (count.get() >= 500) {
// Delete the timer, clear the count and fire the window
return TriggerResult.FIRE;
return TriggerResult.CONTINUE;

You could also use the RocksDB state backend, but a custom Trigger will perform better.


Mongo change-Stream with Spring resumeAt vs startAfter and fault tolerance in case of connection loss

Can't find an answer on stackOverflow, nor in any documentation,
I have the following change stream code(listen to a DB not a specific collection)
Mongo Version is 4.2
public class DatabaseChangeStreamListener {
//Constructor, fields etc...
public void initialize() {
MessageListenerContainer container = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer(mongoTemplate, new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor(), this::onException);
ChangeStreamRequest.ChangeStreamRequestOptions options =
new ChangeStreamRequest.ChangeStreamRequestOptions(mongoTemplate.getDb().getName(), null, buildChangeStreamOptions());
container.register(new ChangeStreamRequest<>(this::onDatabaseChangedEvent, options), Document.class);
private ChangeStreamOptions buildChangeStreamOptions() {
return ChangeStreamOptions.builder()
.filter(newAggregation(match(where(OPERATION_TYPE).in(INSERT.getValue(), UPDATE.getValue(), REPLACE.getValue(), DELETE.getValue()))))
//more code
I want the stream to start listening from system initiation time only, without taking anything prior in the op-log, will .resumeAt(Instant.now().minusSeconds(1)) work?
do I need to use starAfter method if so how can I found the latest resumeToken in the db?
or is it ready out of the box and I don't need to add any resume/start lines?
second question, I never stop the container(it should always live while app is running), In case of disconnection from the mongoDB and reconnection will the listener in current configuration continue to consume messages? (I am having a hard time simulation DB disconnection)
If it will not resume handling events, what do I need to change in the configuration so that the change stream will continue and will take all the event from the last received resumeToken prior to the disconnection?
I have read this great article on medium change stream in prodcution,
but it uses the cursor directly, and I want to use the spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer, as it is much more elegant.
So I will answer my own(some more dumb, some less :)...) questions:
when no resumeAt timestamp provided the change stream will start from current time, and will not draw any previous events.
resumeAfter event vs timestamp difference can be found here: stackOverflow answer
but keep in mind, that for timestamp it is inclusive of the event, so if you want to start from next event(in java) do:
private BsonTimestamp getNextEventTimestamp(BsonTimestamp timestamp) {
return new BsonTimestamp(timestamp.getValue() + 1);
In case of internet disconnection the change stream will not resume,
as such I recommend to take following approach in case of error:
private void onException() {
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> recreateChangeStream(executorService), 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void recreateChangeStream(ScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
try {
mongoTemplate.getDb().runCommand(new BasicDBObject("ping", "1"));
} catch (Exception ignored) {
First I am creating a runnable scheduled task that always runs(but only 1 at a time newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()), I am trying to ping the DB, after a successful ping I am stopping the old container and starting a new one, you can also pass the last timestamp you took so that you can get all events you might have missed
timestamp retrieval from event:
BsonTimestamp resumeAtTimestamp = changeStreamDocument.getClusterTime();
then I am shutting down the task.
also make sure the resumeAtTimestamp exist in oplog...

How to trigger window if one of multiple Kafka topics are idle

I'm consuming multiple Kafka topics, windowing them hourly and writing them into separate parquet files for each topic. However, if one of the topics are idle, the window does not get triggered and nothing is written to the FS. For this example, I'm consuming 2 topics with a single partition. taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 2 and parallelism.default: 1. What is the proper way of solving this problem in Apache Beam with Flink Runner?
.read[String, String]
.apply("ConvertToMyEvent", MapElements.via(new KVToMyEvent()))
.writeDynamic[String, MyEvent]()
.by(new BucketByEventName())
TimeWindow needs data. If the topic is idle, it means , there is no data to close the Window and the window is open until the data arrives. If you want to window data based on Processing time instead of actual event time , try using a simple process function
public class MyProcessFunction extends
// The data type can be primitive like String or your custom class
private transient ValueState<Long> windowDesc;
public void open(final Configuration conf) {
final ValueStateDescriptor<Long> windowDesc = new ValueStateDescriptor("windowDesc", Long.class);
this.windowTime = this.getRuntimeContext().getState(windowDesc); // normal variable declaration does not work. Declare variables like this and use it inside the functions
public void processElement(InputType input, Context context, Collector<OutPutType> collector)
throws IOException {
this.windowTime.update( <window interval> ); // milliseconds are recommended
context.timerService().registerProcessingTimeTimer(this.windowTime.value());//register a timer. Timer runs for windowTime from the current time.
if( this.windowTime.value() != null ){
// delete any existing time if you want to reset timer
public void onTimer(long timestamp, KeyedProcessFunction<KeyDataType,InputDataType,OutputDataType>.OnTimerContext context,
Collector<OutputType> collector) throws IOException {
//This method is executed when the timer reached
collector.collect( < whatever you want to stream out> );// this data will be available in the pipeline

Esper EPL window select not working for a basic example

Everything I read says this should work: I need my listener to trigger every 10 seconds with events. What I am getting now is every event in, it a listener trigger. What am I missing? The basic requirements are to create summarized statistics every 10s. Ideally I just want to pump data into the runtime. So, in this example, I would expect a dump of 10 records, once every 10 seconds
class StreamTest {
private final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
private final EPRuntime runtime;
private final CompilerArguments args = new CompilerArguments();
private final EPCompiler compiler;
public DatadogApplicationTests() {
runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.getRuntime(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), configuration);
compiler = EPCompilerProvider.getCompiler();
void testDisplayStatsEvery10S() throws Exception{
// Display stats every 10s about the traffic during those 10s:
EPCompiled compiled = compiler.compile("select * from CommonLogEntry.win:time(10)", args);
(old, newEvents, epStatement, epRuntime) ->
Arrays.stream(old).forEach(e -> System.out.format("%s: received %n", LocalTime.now()))
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/access.log"))).lines().map(CommonLogEntry::new).forEachOrdered(e -> {
runtime.getEventService().sendEventBean(e, e.getClass().getSimpleName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Which currently outputs every second, corresponding to the sleep in my stream:
11:00:54.676: received
11:00:55.684: received
11:00:56.689: received
11:00:57.694: received
11:00:58.698: received
11:00:59.700: received
A time window is a sliding window. There is a chapter on basic concepts that explains how they work. Here is the link to the basic concepts chapter.
It is not clear what the requirements are but I think what you want to achieve is collecting events for a while and then releasing them. You can draw inspiration from the solution patterns.
This will collect events for 10 seconds.
create schema StockTick(symbol string, price double);
create context CtxBatch start #now end after 10 seconds;
context CtxBatch select * from StockTick#keepall output snapshot when terminated;

Apache Beam: Error assigning event time using Withtimestamp

I have an unbounded Kafka stream sending data with the following fields
{"identifier": "xxx", "value": 10.0, "ts":"2019-01-16T10:51:26.326242+0000"}
I read the stream using the apache beam sdk for kafka
import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.kafka.KafkaIO;
pipeline.apply(KafkaIO.<Long, String>read()
.updateConsumerProperties(ImmutableMap.of("enable.auto.commit", "true"))
.updateConsumerProperties(ImmutableMap.of("group.id", "Consumer1"))
Since I want to window using event time ("ts" in my example), i parse the incoming string and assign "ts" field of the incoming datastream as the timestamp.
PCollection<Temperature> tempCollection = p.apply(new SetupKafka())
.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadFromTopic()))
.apply("ParseTemperature", ParDo.of(new ParseTemperature()));
tempCollection.apply("AssignTimeStamps", WithTimestamps.of(us -> new Instant(us.getTimestamp())));
The window function and the computation is applied as below:
PCollection<Output> output = tempCollection.apply(Window
.apply(new ComputeMax());
I stream data into the input stream with a lag of 5 seconds from current utc time since in practical scenrios event timestamp is usually earlier than the processing timestamp.
I get the following error:
Cannot output with timestamp 2019-01-16T11:15:45.560Z. Output
timestamps must be no earlier than the timestamp of the current input
(2019-01-16T11:16:50.640Z) minus the allowed skew (0 milliseconds).
See the DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() Javadoc for details on changing
the allowed skew.
If I comment out the line for AssignTimeStamps, there are no errors but I guess, then it is considering the processing time.
How do I ensure my computation and windows are based on event time and not for processing time?
Please provide some inputs on how to handle this scenario.
To be able to use custom timestamp, first You need to implement CustomTimestampPolicy, by extending TimestampPolicy<KeyT,ValueT>
For example:
public class CustomFieldTimePolicy extends TimestampPolicy<String, Foo> {
protected Instant currentWatermark;
public CustomFieldTimePolicy(Optional<Instant> previousWatermark) {
currentWatermark = previousWatermark.orElse(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE);
public Instant getTimestampForRecord(PartitionContext ctx, KafkaRecord<String, Foo> record) {
currentWatermark = new Instant(record.getKV().getValue().getTimestamp());
return currentWatermark;
public Instant getWatermark(PartitionContext ctx) {
return currentWatermark;
Then you need to pass your custom TimestampPolicy, when you setting up your KafkaIO source using functional interface TimestampPolicyFactory
KafkaIO.<String, Foo>read().withBootstrapServers("http://localhost:9092")
.withValueDeserializerAndCoder(KafkaAvroDeserializer.class, AvroCoder.of(Foo.class)) //if you use avro
.withTimestampPolicyFactory((tp, previousWatermark) -> new CustomFieldTimePolicy(previousWatermark))
This line is responsible for creating a new timestampPolicy, passing a related partition and previous checkpointed watermark see the documentation
withTimestampPolicyFactory(tp, previousWatermark) -> new CustomFieldTimePolicy(previousWatermark))
Have you had a chance to try this using the time stamp policy, sorry I have not tried this one out myself, but I believe with 2.9.0 you should look at using the policy along with the KafkaIO read.

KTable Reduce function does not honor windowing

Requirement :- We need to consolidate all the messages having same orderid and perform subsequent operation for the consolidated Message.
Explanation :- Below snippet of code tries to capture all order messages received from a particular tenant and tries to consolidate to a single order message after waiting for a specific period of time
It does the following stuff
Repartition message based on OrderId. So each order message will be having tenantId and groupId as its key
Perform a groupby key operation followed by windowed operation for 2 minutes
Reduce operation is performed once windowing is completed.
Ktable is converted again to stream back and then its output is send to another kafka topic
Expected Output :- If there are 5 messages having same order id being sent with in window period. It was expected that the final kafka topic should have only one message and it would be the last reduce operation message.
Actual Output :- All the 5 messages are seen indicating windowing is not happening before invoking reduce operation. All the messages seen in kafka have proper reduce operation being done as each and every message is received.
Queries :- In kafka stream library version reduce function used to accept timewindow as its argument. I see that this is deprecated in kafka stream version 1.0.0. Windowing which is done in the below piece of code, is it correct ? Is windowing supported in newer version of kafka stream library 1.0.0 ? If so, then is there something can be improved in below snippet of code ?
String orderMsgTopic = "sampleordertopic";
JsonSerializer<OrderMsg> orderMsgJSONSerialiser = new JsonSerializer<>();
JsonDeserializer<OrderMsg> orderMsgJSONDeSerialiser = new JsonDeserializer<>(OrderMsg.class);
Serde<OrderMsg> orderMsgSerde = Serdes.serdeFrom(orderMsgJSONSerialiser,orderMsgJSONDeSerialiser);
KStream<String, OrderMsg> orderMsgStream = this.builder.stream(orderMsgTopic, Consumed.with(Serdes.ByteArray(), orderMsgSerde))
.map(new KeyValueMapper<byte[], OrderMsg, KeyValue<? extends String, ? extends OrderMsg>>() {
public KeyValue<? extends String, ? extends OrderMsg> apply(byte[] byteArr, OrderMsg value) {
TenantIdMessageTypeDeserializer deserializer = new TenantIdMessageTypeDeserializer();
TenantIdMessageType tenantIdMessageType = deserializer.deserialize(orderMsgTopic, byteArr);
String newTenantOrderKey = null;
if ((tenantIdMessageType != null) && (tenantIdMessageType.getMessageType() == 1)) {
Long tenantId = tenantIdMessageType.getTenantId();
newTenantOrderKey = tenantId.toString() + value.getOrderKey();
} else {
newTenantOrderKey = value.getOrderKey();
return new KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>(newTenantOrderKey, value);
final KTable<Windowed<String>, OrderMsg> orderGrouping = orderMsgStream.groupByKey(Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), orderMsgSerde))
.reduce(new OrderMsgReducer());
orderGrouping.toStream().map(new KeyValueMapper<Windowed<String>, OrderMsg, KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>>() {
public KeyValue<String, OrderMsg> apply(Windowed<String> key, OrderMsg value) {
return new KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>(key.key(), value);
}).to("newone11", Produced.with(Serdes.String(), orderMsgSerde));
I realised that I had set StreamsConfig.CACHE_MAX_BYTES_BUFFERING_CONFIG to 0 and also set the default commit interval of 1000ms. Changing this value helps me to some extent get the windowing working