Can you add Workspace Security to an existing Magnolia workspace? - postgresql

We have a Magnolia CMS 5.5 Setup with an PostgreSQLPersistence Manager. I was investigating a case where our security config did not work as expected. I found out that our workspace/repository config was missing these three lines:
<AccessControlProvider class="info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider" />
Is there there a way to recreate the existing workspaces including this config or is there only the possibility to export and reimport the data into a fresh install (which is in our case going to take very long)?
It worked for my local system, when i used the following repo-conf.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Repository PUBLIC "-//The Apache Software Foundation//DTD Jackrabbit 1.5//EN"
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository" />
<Security appName="magnolia">
<SecurityManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.DefaultSecurityManager"/>
<AccessManager class="">
<!-- login module defined here is used by the repo to authenticate every request. not by the webapp to authenticate user against the webapp context (this one has to be passed before thing here gets invoked -->
<LoginModule class="info.magnolia.jaas.sp.jcr.JackrabbitAuthenticationModule">
<DataStore class="">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository/datastore"/>
<param name="minRecordLength" value="1024"/>
<Workspaces rootPath="${rep.home}/workspaces" defaultWorkspace="default" />
<Workspace name="default">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/default" />
<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.PostgreSQLPersistenceManager">
<param name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<param name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://xxxxx" />
<param name="databaseType" value="postgresql" /><!-- warning, this is not the schema name, it's the db type -->
<param name="user" value="xxxxx" />
<param name="password" value="xxxxxx" />
<param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="${}_" />
<param name="externalBLOBs" value="false" />
<SearchIndex class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index" />
<param name="useCompoundFile" value="true" />
<param name="minMergeDocs" value="100" />
<param name="volatileIdleTime" value="3" />
<param name="maxMergeDocs" value="100000" />
<param name="mergeFactor" value="10" />
<param name="maxFieldLength" value="10000" />
<param name="bufferSize" value="10" />
<param name="cacheSize" value="1000" />
<param name="forceConsistencyCheck" value="false" />
<param name="autoRepair" value="true" />
<param name="analyzer" value="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer" />
<param name="queryClass" value="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.QueryImpl" />
<param name="respectDocumentOrder" value="true" />
<param name="resultFetchSize" value="2147483647" />
<param name="extractorPoolSize" value="3" />
<param name="extractorTimeout" value="100" />
<param name="extractorBackLogSize" value="100" />
<!-- needed to highlight the searched term -->
<param name="supportHighlighting" value="true"/>
<!-- custom provider for getting an HTML excerpt in a query result with rep:excerpt() -->
<param name="excerptProviderClass" value="info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchHTMLExcerpt"/>
<AccessControlProvider class="info.magnolia.cms.core.MagnoliaAccessProvider" />
<Versioning rootPath="${rep.home}/version">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/workspaces/version" />
<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.PostgreSQLPersistenceManager">
<param name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<param name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxx" />
<param name="schema" value="postgresql" /><!-- warning, this is not the schema name, it's the db type -->
<param name="user" value="xxxxxxxx" />
<param name="password" value="xxxxxxxx" />
<param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="version_" />
<param name="externalBLOBs" value="false" />
Here removing/adding the WorkspaceSecurity works.
But on the relevant system we have another config where adding the WorkspaceSecurity does not work:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Repository PUBLIC "-//The Apache Software Foundation//DTD Jackrabbit 1.5//EN"
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository" />
<Security appName="Jackrabbit">
<AccessManager class=""></AccessManager>
<LoginModule class="">
<param name="yyyyyyy" value="yyyyyyy" />
<DataStore class="">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository/datastore"/>
<param name="minRecordLength" value="1024"/>
<Workspaces rootPath="${rep.home}/workspaces" defaultWorkspace="default" />
<Workspace name="default">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/default" />
<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.PostgreSQLPersistenceManager">
<param name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<param name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxxx" />
<param name="schema" value="postgresql" /><!-- warning, this is not the schema name, it's the db type -->
<param name="user" value="xxxxxxxx" />
<param name="password" value="xxxxxxxx" />
<param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="${}_" />
<param name="externalBLOBs" value="false" />
<SearchIndex class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index" />
<param name="useCompoundFile" value="true" />
<param name="minMergeDocs" value="100" />
<param name="volatileIdleTime" value="3" />
<param name="maxMergeDocs" value="100000" />
<param name="mergeFactor" value="10" />
<param name="maxFieldLength" value="10000" />
<param name="autoRepair" value="true" />
<param name="analyzer" value="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer" />
<param name="queryClass" value="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.QueryImpl" />
<param name="respectDocumentOrder" value="true" />
<param name="resultFetchSize" value="2147483647" />
<param name="extractorPoolSize" value="3" />
<param name="extractorTimeout" value="100" />
<param name="extractorBackLogSize" value="100" />
<!-- needed to highlight the searched term -->
<param name="supportHighlighting" value="true"/>
<!-- custom provider for getting an HTML excerpt in a query result with rep:excerpt() -->
<param name="excerptProviderClass" value="info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchHTMLExcerpt"/>
<Versioning rootPath="${rep.home}/version">
<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
<param name="path" value="${rep.home}/workspaces/version" />
<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.PostgreSQLPersistenceManager">
<param name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<param name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxxxxx" />
<param name="schema" value="postgresql" /><!-- warning, this is not the schema name, it's the db type -->
<param name="user" value="xxxxx" />
<param name="password" value="xxxxxxx" />
<param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="version_" />
<param name="externalBLOBs" value="false" />
Using the first config on the relevant system leads to lots of errors in the log. Do you have an idea how to solve this?
Thanks, Reencode

You can copy existing workspaces using Workspace API but this doesn't help you. You can export the rootNode and import it to a fresh install which as you mentioned will take a lot of time as well. However, I'm a bit puzzled with accessControlProvider class configuration because it should be just working fine when one adds it to the configuration and restarts the instance. This is because the permission checks are done in the runtime and shouldn't affect it in a way that changing class has no effect whatsoever. I'd suggest checking this first and if still for some reason things don't work, then I'd check RepositoryCopier API and maybe there is a way to set that class while calling


LOG4Net: Cannot find Property [additivity] to set object on [log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender]

Any help would be appreciated.
I am using GCP Kubernetes Engine.
Getting following error in POD:
log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Cannot find Property [additivity] to set object on [log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender]
Here is my configuration file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: log4net-config
namespace: bold-services
Log4Net.config: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<log4net threshold="ALL" debug="true">
<level value="ALL" />
<!-- <appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender" /> -->
<appender-ref ref="FILE_DEBUG_APPENDER" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE_ERROR_APPENDER" />
<!-- === File Appender for NON-ERROR messages file === -->
<appender name="FILE_DEBUG_APPENDER" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
<file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="%property{AppDataPath}/logs/%property{loggername}/debug-info-%env{HOSTNAME}.txt" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelMatchFilter">
<levelToMatch value="INFO" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter" />
<additivity value="true" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="1" />
<maximumFileSize value="300KB" />
<rollingStyle value="Size" />
<staticLogFileName value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<header type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="#Software: %property{loggername} %newline#Date: %date %newline#Fields: date thread namespace methodname message %newline" />
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %message%newline" />
<!-- === File Appender for ERROR messages file === -->
<appender name="FILE_ERROR_APPENDER" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
<file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="%property{AppDataPath}/logs/%property{loggername}/errors-%env{HOSTNAME}.txt" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelMatchFilter">
<levelToMatch value="ERROR" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.DenyAllFilter" />
<additivity value="true" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
<maximumFileSize value="100KB" />
<rollingStyle value="Size" />
<staticLogFileName value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<header type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="#Software: %property{loggername} %newline#Date: %date %newline#Fields: date thread namespace methodname message %newline" />
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %message%newline" />
<!-- === Console Appender to use in BufferingForwardingAppender === -->
<appender name="ConsoleAppender" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender">
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="%newline%%-5level %property{loggername} %env{HOSTNAME} %%date [%%thread] %%message%newline" />

log4j - how to log to seperate/different files

my application is runnig on jboss 7.3. Log4j configuration file looks
<log4j:configuration debug="true"
<appender name="fileAppender" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">
<param name="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<param name="append" value="true" />
<param name="file" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/mainWS.log" />
<param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd" />
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-5p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} %m rid%X{rid}%n" />
<appender name="File1" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">
<param name="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<param name="append" value="true" />
<param name="file" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/file1.log" />
<param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd" />
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-5p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} %m rid%X{rid}%n" />
<appender name="File2" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">
<param name="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<param name="append" value="true" />
<param name="file" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/file2.log" />
<param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd" />
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-5p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} %m rid%X{rid}%n" />
<appender name="opTimeFile" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">
<param name="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<param name="append" value="true" />
<param name="file" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/opTime.log" />
<param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd" />
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-5p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} %m rid%X{rid}%n" />
<logger name="debugLogger" additivity="false">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="fileAppender" />
<logger name="Logger1" additivity="false">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="File1" />
<logger name="Logger2" additivity="false">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="File2" />
<logger name="opTimeLogger" additivity="false">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="opTimeFile" />
<priority value="OFF" />
files are created in log directory, but loggin only performed in mainWS.log
I've tried
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("debugLogger");
private static final Logger vLog = Logger.getLogger("Logger1");
private static final Logger eLog = Logger.getLogger("Logger2");
private static final Logger tLog = Logger.getLogger("opTimeLogger");
for (Enumeration loggers= LogManager.getCurrentLoggers(); loggers.hasMoreElements(); ) {
Logger logger = (Logger) loggers.nextElement();
log.debug("logger - " + logger.getName());
vLog.debug("vLogger - " + logger.getName());
eLog.debug("eLogger - " + logger.getName());
tLog.debug("tLogger - " + logger.getName());
for (Enumeration appenders=logger.getAllAppenders(); appenders.hasMoreElements(); ) {
Appender appender = (Appender) appenders.nextElement();
log.debug("appender - " + appender.getName());
vLog.debug("vAppender - " + appender.getName());
eLog.debug("eAppender - " + appender.getName());
tLog.debug("tAppender - " + appender.getName());
but result is only in mainWS.log file
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:125 logger - rid
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:138 logger - opTimeLogger rid
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:138 logger - Logger1 rid
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:138 logger - debugLogger rid
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:138 appender - fileAppender rid
DEBUG 2014-11-13 10:29:03:139 logger - Logger2 rid
it seems that only debugLogger has an appender.
Any ideas?
I guess there was a conflict between log4j and the default logging implementation of the application server. I had to exclude the module from your deployment.
I added a WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml file
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2">
<!-- Exclusions allow you to prevent the server from automatically adding some dependencies -->
<module name="org.apache.log4j" />
I had to include log4j libraries in my application classpath as well.
now it works
My first guess is that log4j reads a different config file than you expect. Check the debug output of log4j when it starts and especially the paths in there.

Changed the Edmx and got errors

I tried to change the Entities Table Name and encountered an error.
I just renamed TblRecord as the name was from the Table Name
What is the mistake here and how to resolve it ?
Error :
+ _innerException {"The specified table does not exist. [ Records ]"} System.Exception {System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException}
The Edmx File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="3.0" xmlns:edmx="">
<!-- EF Runtime content -->
<!-- SSDL content -->
<Schema Namespace="Xz.Business.Matches.Store" Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" ProviderManifestToken="4.0" xmlns:store="" xmlns="">
<EntityContainer Name="XzBusinessMatchesStoreContainer">
<EntitySet Name="Records" EntityType="Xz.Business.Matches.Store.Records" store:Type="Tables" />
<EntityType Name="Records">
<PropertyRef Name="Record" />
<Property Name="Record" Type="nvarchar" Nullable="false" MaxLength="100" />
<Property Name="Relations" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="450" />
<!-- CSDL content -->
<Schema Namespace="Xz.Business.Matches" Alias="Self" p1:UseStrongSpatialTypes="false" xmlns:annotation="" xmlns:p1="" xmlns="">
<EntityContainer Name="RecordzEntities" p1:LazyLoadingEnabled="true">
<EntitySet Name="Records" EntityType="Xz.Business.Matches.TblRecord" />
<EntityType Name="TblRecord">
<PropertyRef Name="Record" />
<Property Name="Record" Type="String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="100" Unicode="true" FixedLength="false" />
<Property Name="Relations" Type="String" MaxLength="450" Unicode="true" FixedLength="false" />
<!-- C-S mapping content -->
<Mapping Space="C-S" xmlns="">
<EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="XzBusinessMatchesStoreContainer" CdmEntityContainer="RecordzEntities">
<EntitySetMapping Name="Records">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="Xz.Business.Matches.TblRecord">
<MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Records">
<ScalarProperty Name="Record" ColumnName="Record" />
<ScalarProperty Name="Relations" ColumnName="Relations" />
<!-- EF Designer content (DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY BELOW HERE) -->
<Designer xmlns="">
<DesignerProperty Name="MetadataArtifactProcessing" Value="EmbedInOutputAssembly" />
<DesignerProperty Name="ValidateOnBuild" Value="true" />
<DesignerProperty Name="EnablePluralization" Value="True" />
<DesignerProperty Name="IncludeForeignKeysInModel" Value="True" />
<DesignerProperty Name="CodeGenerationStrategy" Value="None" />
<!-- Diagram content (shape and connector positions) -->
This is EF5 & VS12
If you're renamed the table in the DB you will need to update the mapping in the EDMX. The error message is self describing.
Failing that you could just delete the model TblRecord from the edmx designer and re-add it with the new name Record.

Issue in EF, mapping fragment,no default value and is not nullable

I am developing MVC 3 Applicaiton.
I have Model first approch.
I have Company Entity(Abstract).
Lead and Customer is inherited from the company entity.
When I tried to validate the model, Its gives an errror.
Error 41 Error 3023: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line
70:Column Companies.Status in table Companies must be mapped: It has
no default value and is not nullable.
Here is the mapping of tables.
And Here is the EDMX code in HTML View.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="2.0" xmlns:edmx="">
<!-- EF Runtime content -->
<!-- SSDL content -->
<Schema Namespace="Model1.Store" Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2008" xmlns="" xmlns:store="">
<EntityContainer Name="Model1StoreContainer">
<EntitySet Name="Companies" EntityType="Model1.Store.Companies" store:Type="Tables" Schema="dbo" />
<EntityType Name="Companies">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Name="Id" Type="int" StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="Name" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="Status" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="__Disc__" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="Max" Nullable="false" />
<!-- CSDL content -->
<Schema xmlns="" xmlns:cg="" xmlns:store="" Namespace="Model1" Alias="Self" xmlns:annotation="">
<EntityContainer Name="Model1Container" annotation:LazyLoadingEnabled="true">
<EntitySet Name="Companies" EntityType="Model1.Company" />
<EntityType Name="Company" Abstract="true">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Type="Int32" Name="Id" Nullable="false" annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
<Property Type="String" Name="Name" Nullable="false" />
<EntityType Name="Lead" BaseType="Model1.Company" >
<Property Type="String" Name="Status" Nullable="false" />
<!-- C-S mapping content -->
<Mapping Space="C-S" xmlns="">
<EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="Model1StoreContainer" CdmEntityContainer="Model1Container">
<EntitySetMapping Name="Companies">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(Model1.Company)">
<MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Companies">
<ScalarProperty Name="Id" ColumnName="Id" />
<ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="Name" />
<Condition ColumnName="__Disc__" Value="Company" />
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="Model1.Lead">
<MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Companies">
<ScalarProperty Name="Id" ColumnName="Id" />
<ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="Name" />
<ScalarProperty Name="Status" ColumnName="Status" />
<Condition ColumnName="__Disc__" Value="Lead" />
<!-- EF Designer content (DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY BELOW HERE) -->
<edmx:Designer xmlns="">
<DesignerProperty Name="MetadataArtifactProcessing" Value="EmbedInOutputAssembly" />
<DesignerProperty Name="ValidateOnBuild" Value="true" />
<DesignerProperty Name="EnablePluralization" Value="True" />
<DesignerProperty Name="DatabaseGenerationWorkflow" Value="$(VSEFTools)\DBGen\Generate T-SQL Via T4 (TPH).xaml" />
<!-- Diagram content (shape and connector positions) -->
<Diagram Name="Model1" >
<EntityTypeShape EntityType="Model1.Company" Width="1.5" PointX="2.375" PointY="0.875" Height="1.2636116536458335" />
<EntityTypeShape EntityType="Model1.Lead" Width="1.5" PointX="3.375" PointY="2.625" Height="1.0992643229166665" />
<InheritanceConnector EntityType="Model1.Lead" >
<ConnectorPoint PointX="3.125" PointY="2.1386116536458335" />
<ConnectorPoint PointX="3.125" PointY="2.325" />
<ConnectorPoint PointX="4.125" PointY="2.325" />
<ConnectorPoint PointX="4.125" PointY="2.625" />
Whats is the issue ?
Put the DefaultValue attribute on the SSDL Status property. It would look like this (I used the empty string):
<Property Name="Status" Type="nvarchar(max)" Nullable="false" DefaultValue=""/>
Since the base entity is abstract you won't be able to create entities of this type so this DefaultValue will not really be used but it should make EF stop complaining.
In your storage model, the Companies.Status column doesn't allow null values.
Since all entities that inherit from Company except the Lead entity will not have the Status property set, you need to either allow null in the Companies.Status column or set a default value to use for the other entities.

how to embed videos on the mobile app

how to embed videos on the mobile app so that it works for iphone and droids? here is what i am using and it seems like it does not work for driod phones.... any help?
<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
<param name="src" value="http://hostname/images/Large.jpg" />
<param name="href" value="http://hostname/mobile/videos/green.mp4" />
<param name="target" value="myself" />
<param name="controller" value="false" />
<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
<param name="scale" value="aspect" />
<embed type="video/quicktime" pluginspage=""
src="http://hostname/mobile/videos/green.jpg" href="http://hostname/mobile/videos/green.mp4" target="myself"
controller="false" autoplay="false" scale="aspect" />
<div class="video-desc"><span class="title">Clean Hands</span><span class="released">Sat, May 02, 2009</span><span class="description">Clean hands....</span></div></li></ul><ul class="menu"><li><h1 class="phone">Videos</h1><ul class="video-list"><li><div class="video">
You should be using HTML5's <video> tag to embed video for iPhone/Droid.