Know which table are affected by a connection - postgresql

I want to know if there is a way to retrieve which table are affected by request made from a connection in PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher.
The purpose is to have the information in such a way that will allow me to know which table where affected, in which order and in what way.
More precisely, something like this will suffice me :
id | datetime | id_conn | id_query | table | action
1 | ... | 2256 | 125 | user | select
2 | ... | 2256 | 125 | order | select
3 | ... | 2256 | 125 | product | select
(this will be the result of a select query from user join order join product).
I know I can retrieve id_conn througth "pg_stat_activity", and I can see if there is a running query, but I can't find an "history" of the query.
The final purpose is to debug the database when incoherent data are inserted into the table (due to a lack of constraint). Knowing which connection do the insert will lead me to find the faulty script (as I have already the script name and the id connection linked).


Is it possible to use different forms and create one row of information in a table?

I have been searching for a way to combine two or more rows of one table in a database into one row.
I am currently creating multiple web-based forms that connect to one table in my database. Is there any way to write some mysql and php code that will take separate form submissions and put them into one row of the database instead of multiple rows?
Here is an example of what is going into the database:
This is all in one table with three rows.
Form_ID represents the three different forms that I used to insert the data into the table.
Form_ID | Lot_ID| F_Name | L_Name | Date | Age
1 | 1 | John | Evans | *NULL* | *NULL*
2 |*NULL* | *NULL* | *NULL* | 2017-07-06 | *NULL*
3 |*NULL* | *NULL* | *NULL* | *NULL* | 22
This is an example of three separate forms going into one table. Every time the submit button is hit the data just inserts down to the next row of information.
I need some sort of join or update once the submit button is hit to replace the preceding NULL values.
Here is what I want to do after the submit button is hit:
I want it to be combined all into one row but still in one table
Form_ID is still the three separate forms but only in one row now.
Form_ID |Lot_ID | F_Name | L_Name | Date | Age
1 | 1 | John | Evans | 2017-07-06 | 22
My goal is once a one form has been submitted I want the next, different form submission to replace the NULL values in the row above it and so on to create a single row of information.
I found a way to solve this issue. I used UPDATE tablename SET columname = newColumnName WHERE Form_ID = newID
So this way when I want to update rows that have blanks spaces I have it finding the matching ID's

Getting duplicate rows when querying Cloud SQL in AppMaker

I migrated from Drive tables to a 2nd gen MySQL Google Cloud SQL data model. I was able to insert 19 rows into the following Question table in AppMaker:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| SurveyType | varchar(64) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| QuestionNumber | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| QuestionType | varchar(64) | NO | | NULL | |
| Question | varchar(512) | NO | | NULL | |
| SecondaryQuestion | varchar(512) | YES | | NULL | |
I queried the data from the command line and know it is good. However, when I query the data in AppMaker like this:
var newQuery = app.models.Question.newQuery();
newQuery.filters.SurveyType._equals = surveyType;
var allRecs =;
I get 19 rows with the same data (the first row) instead of the 19 different rows. Any idea what is wrong? Additionally (and possibly related) my list rows in AppMaker are not showing any data. I did notice that _key is not being set correctly in the records.
(Edit: I thought maybe having two columns as the primary key was the problem, but I tried having the PK be a single identity column, same result.)
Thanks for any tips or pointers.
You have two primary key fields in your table, which is problematic according to the App Maker Cloud SQL documentation:
App Maker can only write to tables that have a single primary key
field—If you have an existing Google Cloud SQL table with zero or
multiple primary keys, you can still query it in App Maker, but you
can't write to it.
This may account for the inability of the view to be able to properly display each row and to properly set the _key.
I was able to get this to work by creating the table inside AppMaker rather than using a table created directly in the Cloud Shell. Not sure if existing tables are not supported or if there is a bug in AppMaker, but since it is working I am closing this.

Is it possible to get 3 select query results by executing only one stored procedure?

I have to display data in the following format
| Group Name | Description | Assigned Users | Super Groups|
|Group1 | Blah Blah | User1 | SPG1 |
| | | User2 | SPG3 |
| | | User3 | |
| Group2 | More Blah | User1 | SPG5 |
| | | User13 | |
Assigned users and Super groups data are coming from unrelated tables. Now I wonder whether is it possible to get 3 select query results in one shot (i.e. the same procedures returns 3 results). Otherwise I'm going to query the groups and users first, get the group IDs then query super groups.
So again, Is it possible to get 3 select query results by executing only one stored procedure?
Yes, just include 3 select statements.
If you're consuming these in .net and storing them in a DataSet you'll have 3 tables in the DataSet.
create procedure test
select 1 as res1;
select 2 as res2;
select 3 as res3
exec test
Yes. You'll have to include the three statements in your stored procedure. Take a look at this post.

perform join on 2 DB

I have 2 DB on the same server with the same user:
The relation of ckan_default is:
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | resource | table | ckanuser
public | resource_group | table | ckanuser
public | package | table | ckanuser
The relation of datastore_default is:
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | 1bc7932e-2507-467b-8c12-c9f321b760f7 | table | ckanuser
public | 449138df-e089-41f2-8939-dcee53a31bc1 | table | ckanuser
public | 7235f781-1b16-4abf-ac04-8d68fa62e432 | table | ckanuser
I wont to JOIN the 2 DB ON = datastore_default."NAME OF RELATION".
I dont think you can.
You can use dblink extension to query database B from A, but the query will be separated from the data context of database A.. this is how postgresql works.
EDIT: you can populate a view from the result of a dblink query, and then use it:
CREATE VIEW myremote_pg_proc AS
FROM dblink('dbname=postgres', 'select proname, prosrc from pg_proc')
AS t1(proname name, prosrc text);
SELECT * FROM myremote_pg_proc WHERE proname LIKE 'bytea%';
Examples in the link i posted.
PL/Proxy is another option, similar to dblink. I have used it in the past to talk between servers, where my use-case was a poor-man's distributed database cluster. The data on the the other servers was pulled in for certain large reports and it worked pretty well. The servers were all in the same colocation though, so if the other databases are geographically spread out then you are going to pay an additional penalty for network latency and data transfer times.

Select distinct rows from MongoDB

How do you select distinct records in MongoDB? This is a pretty basic db functionality I believe but I can't seem to find this anywhere else.
Suppose I have a table as follows
| Name | Age |
|John | 12 |
|Ben | 14 |
|Robert | 14 |
|Ron | 12 |
I would like to run something like SELECT DISTINCT age FROM names WHERE 1;
Looks like there is a SQL mapping chart that I overlooked earlier.
Now is a good time to say that using a distinct selection isn't the best way to go around querying things. Either cache the list in another collection or keep your data set small.