Tableau, toggle between graph and crosstab - tableau-api

I have a data set I have imported and into Tableau and in created a crosstab (by using the "duplicate tab as crosstab" option from the context menu on the worksheet. Is there a way to toggle between crosstab/chart visual with out duplicating the worksheet?

I figured it out. In the marks panel the drop down and measure values need to have the text option specified.
Tableau online help:
I also found that if I used a measure in the row, I had to change the type from continuous to discrete.


Dynamic data display in Tableau

I am new to tableau .I have a data contains date and rank ranges from 1 to 5. I am showing this data as a column chart.Here bars are the ranks...
I have other table which have columns like date,solvetime,rsla.
Now my requirement is If I click on the rank bar for a particular date then in the down it should show another bar chart which displays the solve time and rsla for that particular date.
Please help
Basically, this function can be implemented using the "use as filter" option of filter actions. So, you can use the selection from worksheet 1, as a filter to the worksheet 2.
For that, I would create a dashboard that would have both the worksheets with the appropriate reports created i.e. report 1 being the date and rank ranges, report 2 being the date, solvetime, rsla.
From report 1, I would click the drop-down menu of the sheet, to select the "use as filter" button and configure the filter action, on what sheet, on which field etc, using the dialog box that opens.
Please refer this link, which provides more depth towards what you might be looking for.

How to create a pie chart for yes and no answers in Spotfire and not display the Percentage of Yes/No?

I am trying to create a Pie chart as markers in Spotfire map to Show Yes/No answers. How do I do to Display yes and No in pie Sector's instead of Percentage? I am attaching an Excel Spreadsheet with Data with this.
I am expecting to get individual Pie chart for each well in the Spotfire map. For example for WELL_1 Data, the pie chart should have two sectors of two different colors one for YES and one for NO and Sector 1 Should show PRODUCTION, COMPLETION Labels(for yes Category) inside the sector and the Other sector Should show PVT, Image Lables (for no category).
I have tried using the Pie marker option in Spotfire Settings, but not getting the result I am expecting. Any help would be appreciated.
enter image description here.
enter image description here
while Spotfire excels at reading data up and down columns, it's not really designed to read left to right across rows.
you will need to unpivot your table to be tall-and-skinny instead of short-and-wide.
I recommend to start by adding a linked copy of your data table. this way your original table isn't changed, so any visualizations you've already built won't break.
since you haven't specified your Spotfire version, I'll assume you're using 10.x, and my screenshots will reflect that. I'll also be calling your original table Data Table, because I'm lazy and didn't change it in my screenshots ;)
click the + icon in the top left corner
click Other
under "Linked copy to data table in analysis", choose your Data Table
rename the new table to Data Table unpivot to distinguish it, then click OK
from the Data menu, click Transform data...
select Unpivot from the dropdown, then click Insert
configure the transformation
click OK until you get back to the canvas
from the Data menu, click Add calculated column
enter an expression like the following
WHEN [Category] in ("PRODUCTION", "COMPLETION") THEN "Sector 1"
WHEN [Category] in ("PVT", "IMAGE") THEN "Other"
call this column something like Sector
now that you've got the data configured, you can set up the pie chart as needed. here's a sample of that which I put together quickly. I set up the pies on a trellis to illustrate how it might look in your map.

dynamic column in tableau based on quick filter selection

I would like to know if it is possible to create a dynamic column in Tableau that will change based on quick filter selection.
Tableau sample screenshot
Try using parameters to select the category. This will give you step by step directions.
Doing this is as simple as it looks.
Assuming that you're using a query to fetch data, make sure the column on which you want to apply filter is available in the select statement.
Next, go to Sheets and drag the field into Filters section, right click on it and select Show filter
The filter will be visible on the right pane and can be used to alter the data depending upon the values / ranges selected.
Also, filters on Tableau give you a host of options to select from - dropdowns, radio buttons, check boxes, sliders etc etc...

Loading values in ireport parameters box

In ireport when clicking on preview, and you have parameters, you'll get a parameter box where you put a certain value to get specific record(s).Now i am trying to put specific values in the parameter box, so that the user would choose between it.
The same goal as in this so question : Loading promt box with parameters in iReport
However i want to do it without using Jasper Server. Is it possible to achieve this only from within IReport Designer?
You can do this,right click on the input control and select to add the local input control and provide id and name for the input control
Under the input control details select single select list of values if you have the list of values with you or if you want to add the data of a column as drill down select single select select query and extract that field.
This will help you to drill down the data.
Thanks and Regards
I'm pretty sure you can not do this in iReport preview. Have no clue what #Megha is refereeing to....
You can provide default value for your parameter through the <defaultValueExpression> tag and decide if you wan't it to prompt or not to prompt with the isForPrompting attribute.
Why can't we have select list, well I guess iReport is a tool for developers, so the preview is only to test the report. For customers jasper soft have developed the jasper report server.
And remember you can always develop your own interface (in swing or on the web)

In SSRS 2008, is there any way to add all dataset fields to a table at once?

I'm working with SSRS for the first time. When adding a table to a report, is there any way to add all fields of a dataset to it at once or does it have to be done individually? Drag & drop, insert column -> right is a pain when there are a lot of fields that are being displayed.
It's a bit of a workaround, but the "Add new report" wizard automatically creates a table with the specified columns and groups from your given dataset. I don't believe there's a way to trigger this functionality from within an existing report, but you could create a "sacrificial" report to get what you're looking for - run through the wizard, generate the table, and copy / paste it into your original report. As long as your datasets are the same, it should work just fine...
Hope this helps.
I have a similar problem as the op and am new to SSRS/BIDS. And, I am updating a previously created report which (for me) is too complex to just quickly re-create using the "wizard generation" as the datasource is a web service (with code-generated web service parameters, lots of calc'd datasource fields, etc). It is faster to just copy the .rdl, delete all, and create the table manually.
I thought I would add that (only a little better than op's method, but nonetheless it is time-saving) you can just drag and drop to populate columns w/o the "right click > insert column > right". Just drag the dataset field to the place you want it in the table and BIDS/SSRS will automatically insert a new column. It also helps to drag the latter columns first (i.e. always inserting a previous column) so you don't have to scroll to the right all the time.
I was looking for the similar thing and I have figured this out. Open your report in Report Builder 3.0 which is a free BI tool by Microsoft. Go to Insert > Table wizzard. Then just follow the wizard steps to generate auto columns. Save and reopen the file in your visual studio, file will refresh itself.
#Kevin Fisher actually there is no need a workaround. There is way to do this out of the box of Report Builder 3. Open your existing favorite report template. on the tool bar, click on INSERT tab, look for TABLE icon, click on the down-ward arrow at the bottom of the TABLE icon, then choose TABLE WIZARD. Then I guess you know what to do from here. -hope this help.
I agree that there is no way to bring all of the columns over from the data set to a table easily. But I came up with a method that helped me:
Insert a blank table (this usually gives you 3 columns). Then insert columns to the right of the table (right click, Insert Column, To the Right), as many times as you need in order for it to equal the number of columns in your data set.
Once you have all the blank columns created in your table, click inside a table cell box and use the drop-down to select the field. This has the added benefit of allowing you to get the fields in the correct order, since I've noticed that the field names in the dataset don't always appear in the same order as the SQL stored proc output.