Prometheus Adapter Custom Metrics for Libvirt in a K8S Cluster - kubernetes

I have a K8S cluster which is also managing VMs via virtlet. This K8S cluster is running K8S v1.13.2, with prometheus and the prometheus-adapter, and a custom-metrics server. I have written a custom metrics exporter for libvirtd which pulls in VM metrics and have configured prometheus to scrape that exporter for those VM metrics -- this is working and working well.
What I need to do next, is to have the prometheus-adapter push those metrics into K8S. Nothing I have done is working. Funny thing is, I can see the metrics in prometheus, but I am unable to present them to the custom metrics API.
Example metric visible in prometheus:
Prometheus Adapter configuration for this metric:
- seriesQuery: 'libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs{job="kubernetes-pods", app="prometheus-lex"}'
seriesFilters: []
resource: pod
resource: namespace
matches: libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs
as: libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_rate
metricsQuery: rate(libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs{job="kubernetes-pods", app="prometheus-lex", <<.LabelMatchers>>}[5m])
When I query the custom metrics API, I do not see what I am looking for:
kubectl get --raw /apis/|grep libvirt
returns nothing
Additionally, I can see the prometheus-adapter is able to query the series from prometheus. So I know that side of the adapter is working. I am just trying to figure out why it's not presenting them to the custom metrics server.
From the prometheus-adapter
I0220 19:12:58.442937 1 api.go:74] GET http://prometheus-server.default.svc.cluster.local:80/api/v1/series?match%5B%5D=libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs%7Bkubernetes_namespace%21%3D%22%22%2Ckubernetes_pod_name%21%3D%22%22%7D&start=1550689948.392 200 OK
Any ideas what I am missing here?
I have also tried the following new configuration, and it's still not working.
- seriesQuery: 'libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs{kubernetes_namespace!="",kubernetes_pod_name!=""}'
seriesFilters: []
kubernetes_namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
kubernetes_pod_name: {resource: "pod"}
matches: 'libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_nanosecs'
as: 'libvirt_cpu_stats_cpu_time_rate'
metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[2m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'

It actually depends on how you install the Prometheus Adapter. If you install via helm and use the YAML as configuration to the rules. You need to follow this README and and declare the rules like
- seriesQuery: '{__name__=~"^some_metric_count$"}'
template: <<.Resource>>
matches: ""
as: "my_custom_metric"
metricsQuery: sum(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
Pay attention to the custom keyword. If you miss it, the number won't be available via custom metrics.


Custom prometheus query with k8s for HPA

I want to do Horizontal pod autoscaling on the basis of input request. I made query for prometheus which returns aggregated input tps.
sum(sum by (path) (rate(dapr_http_server_request_count{app_id="governor",path=~"/v1.0/invoke/app/method/interceptor/.*"}[10s])))
I want to use this output in kubernetes HPA.
I am using prometheus-adapter for the same. Prometheus configuration is as follows:
default: true
- seriesQuery: '{__name__=~"dapr_http_server_request_avg_.*",namespace!="",pod!=""}'
resource: namespace
resource: pod
matches: "^(.*)_total"
as: "${1}_per_second"
metricsQuery: 'sum(sum by (path) (rate(dapr_http_server_request_count{app_id="governor",path=~"/v1.0/invoke/app/method/interceptor/.*"}[10s])))'
When i try to get the output in custom api of kubernetes it returns.
kubectl get --raw "/apis/*/dapr_http_server_request_avg_total" | jq .
Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the metric dapr_http_server_request_avg_total for pods
You should check your prometheus-adapter config file, which makes me confused.
seriesQuery: dapr_http_server_request_avg_.*
metricsQuery: dapr_http_server_request_count
It is possible to get metrics dapr_http_server_request_count from above series?
matches: "^(.*)_total"
as: "${1}_per_second"
and here take care, your metric name seems to be renamed, you should find the right metric name for you query.
try this: kubectl get --raw /apis/
you will see what your K8s Api-server actually get from Prometheus Adapter.

Prometheus for k8s multi clusters

I have 3 kubernetes clusters (prod, test, monitoring). Iam new to prometheus so i have tested it by installing it in my test environment with the helm chart:
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
But if i want to have metrics from the prod and test clusters, i have to repeat the same installation of the helm and each "kube-prometheus-stack" would be standalone in its own cluster. It is not ideal at all. Iam trying to find a way to have a single prometheus/grafana which would federate/agregate the metrics from each cluster's prometheus server.
I found this link, saying about prometheus federation:
If install the helm chart "kube-prometheus-stack" and get rid of grafana on the 2 other cluster, how can i make the 3rd "kube-prometheus-stack", on the 3rd cluster, scrapes metrics from the 2 other ones?
You have to modify configuration for prometheus federate so it can scrape metrics from other clusters as described in documentation:
- job_name: 'federate'
scrape_interval: 15s
honor_labels: true
metrics_path: '/federate'
- '{job="prometheus"}'
- '{__name__=~"job:.*"}'
- targets:
- 'source-prometheus-1:9090'
- 'source-prometheus-2:9090'
- 'source-prometheus-3:9090'
params field checks for jobs to scrape metrics from. In this particular example
It will scrape any series with the label job="prometheus" or a metric name starting
with job: from the Prometheus servers at
You can check following articles to give you more insight of prometheus federation:
Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus - outside the cluster!
Prometheus federation in Kubernetes
Monitoring multiple federated clusters with Prometheus - the secure way
Monitoring a Multi-Cluster Environment Using Prometheus Federation and Grafana
You have few options here:
Option 1:
You can achieve this buy having vmagent or grafana-agent in prod and test clusters and configure remote write on them to your monitoring cluster.
But in this case you will need to install kube-state-metrics and node-exporter separately into prod and test cluster.
Also it's important to add extra label for a cluster name (or any unique identifier) before sending metrics to remote write, to make sure that recording rules from "kube-prometheus-stack" are working correctly
Option 2:
You can install victoria-metrics-k8s-stack chart. It has similar functionality as kube-prometheus-stack - also installs bunch of components recording rules and dashboards.
With this case you install victoria-metrics-k8s-stack in every cluster, but with different values.
For monitoring cluster you can use default values, with
multicluster: true
and proper configured ingress for vmsingle
For prod and test cluster you need to disable bunch of components
create: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
- url: "<vmsingle-ingress>/api/v1/write"
cluster: <cluster-name>
enabled: false
defaultDashboardsEnabled: false
in this case chart will deploy vmagent, kube-state-metrics, node-exporter and scrape configurations for vmagent.
You could try looking at Wavefront. It's a commercial tool now but you can get a 30 day trial free - also, it understands promQL. So essentially, you could use the same prometheus rules and config across all clusters, and then use wavefront to just connect to all of those prom instances.
Another option may be Thanos, but I've never used it personally.

Rancher Cluster Monitoring + Prometheus Operator?

I'm managing several k8s clusters with Rancher. I've setup most of them with cluster monitoring apps from Rancher (so graphs and grafana links show up in rancher under workload monitoring, etc etc).
Question: Is there a way to configure Rancher to pull metrics/graphs from prometheus-operator instead?
I've asked this in Slack, and have not gotten an answer or response at all.
Reason: seems I can configure/add additional configurations (configmaps) to prometheus-operator, that I cannot add to prometheus installed through Rancher's cluster monitoring app.
Rancher installed prometheus-operator, but in the app says to not touch it (screenshot)
This is what I was after all along:
storageSpec: {}
Unlike in coreos/prometheus-operator chart:
answer for rancher-monitoring app should be:
additionalScrapeConfigs: []
# - job_name: "prometheus"
# static_configs:
# - targets:
# - "localhost:9090"
remoteWrite: []
# - url: http://remote1/push

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with custom metrics from Prometheus with percentiles for CPU usage

So I am trying to figure out how can I configure an Horizontal Pod Autoscaler from a custom metric reading from Prometheus that returns CPU usage with percentile 0.95
I have everything set up to use custom metrics with prometheus-adapter, but I don't understand how to create the rule in Prometheus. For example, if I go to Grafana to check some of the Graphs that comes by default I see this metric:
sum(namespace_pod_name_container_name:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate{namespace="api", pod_name="api-xxxxx9b-bdxx", container_name!="POD", cluster=""}) by (container_name)
But how can I modify that to be percentile 95? I tried with histogram_quantile function but it says no datapoints found:
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(namespace_pod_name_container_name:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate{namespace="api", pod_name="api-xxxxx9b-bdxx", container_name!="POD", cluster=""}) by (container_name))
But even if that works, will the pod name and namespace be filled by prometheus-adapter or prometheus when using custom metrics?
And every example I find using custom metrics are not related with CPU. So... other question I have is how people is using autoscaling metrics in production? I'm used to scale based on percentiles but I don't understand how is this managed in Kubernetes.
If I understand you correctly you don't have to use custom metrics in order to horizontally autoscale your pods. By default, you can automatically scale the number of Kubernetes pods based on the observed CPU utilization.
Here is the official documentation with necessary details.
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of pods
in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on
observed CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some
other application-provided metrics).
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is implemented as a Kubernetes API
resource and a controller. The resource determines the behavior of the
controller. The controller periodically adjusts the number of replicas
in a replication controller or deployment to match the observed
average CPU utilization to the target specified by user.
And here you can find the walkthrough of how to set it up.
Also, here is the kubectl autoscale command documentation.
Example: kubectl autoscale rc foo --max=5 --cpu-percent=80
Auto scale a replication controller "foo", with the number of pods between 1 and 5, target CPU utilization at 80%
I believe that it is the easiest way so no need to complicate it with some custom metrics.
Please let me know if that helped.
If you want to add HPA based on custom metrics you can use Prometheus adapter.
Prometheus adapter helps you in exposing custom metrics to HPA.
Helm Chart -
Prometheus adapter -
Note - You have to enable 6443 port from public to cluster, because prometheus doesn’t provide override option.
Make sure that Prometheus is getting custom metrics data
Install Prometheus adapter on the same kubernetes cluster where you want apply hpa
helm install --name my-release stable/prometheus-adapter -f values.yaml
Pass the following config file to helm - values.yaml
enabled: true
url: http://prometheus.namespace.svc.cluster.local
default: true
- seriesQuery: '{__name__="cpu",namespace!="",pod!="",service="svc_name"}'
seriesFilters: []
namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
pod: {resource: "pod"}
matches: "cpu"
as: "cpu_95"
metricsQuery: "histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(irate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[2m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>,le))"
Above config will expose
cpu metrics as cpu_95 to HPA.
To Verify, if data is exposed properly run following command -
Fetch the data curl raw query command - kubectl get --raw /apis/\*/cpu_95 | jq .
HPA config -
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: test-cpu-manual
app: app_name
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: app_name
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 15
- type: Pods
metricName: cpu_95
targetAverageValue: 75

Prometheus Adapter custom metrics HPA

I was following this walk through (partially, am using EKS.
I manage to get scaled up one deployment with this http_requests_total metric.
Now, I am trying to add a new metric. I have prometheus server, and it already scrapes cloudwatch and I have aws_sqs_approximate_age_of_oldest_message_maximum value there for many of my queues.
In the similar manner to the mentioned tutorial, I am adding the definition of a metric:
- seriesQuery: 'http_requests_total{kubernetes_namespace!="",kubernetes_pod_name!=""}'
kubernetes_namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
kubernetes_pod_name: {resource: "pod"}
matches: "^(.*)_total"
as: "${1}_per_second"
metricsQuery: 'sum(rate(<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[2m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)'
- seriesQuery: 'aws_sqs_approximate_age_of_oldest_message_maximum{queue_name!=""}'
kubernetes_namespace: {resource: "namespace"}
kubernetes_pod_name: {resource: "pod"}
metricsQuery: '<<.Series>>{<<.LabelMatchers>>}'
Or some version of the bottom one. But, I can never see it in:
kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq
No matter what I try.
Any ideas how to move forward?
If you don't see the metric in /apis/ it means that the Prometheus Adapter couldn't discover it.
The Prometheus Adapter discovers metrics by using the value of your seriesQuery field for an /api/v1/series request to Prometheus (done periodically with a frequency defined by the relist interval).
Things to try:
What do you get if you make the following request to Prometheus?
http://<prometheus-ip>:9090/api/v1/series? match[]=aws_sqs_approximate_age_of_oldest_message_maximum{queue_name!=""}&start=<current-timestamp-sec>
What do you get if you drop the following in the query text box of the Prometheus UI and press Execute?
If you get no data back in either case, then you just don't have any time series in Prometheus that match your seriesQuery specification.