Typo3 Translation doesn't show default languge images - typo3

In typo3 I have english and german .English is default but duuring translation in german it doesn't show images

Your question is not very clear. You might want to add more information. But I will try to answer anyway.
After searching for "Pluswerk\Simpleblog\Controller\BlogController" I found https://github.com/plobacher/extbasebookexample. If that's what you're using, there is no composer.json there. When using composer with TYPO3, autoload is handled by composer, so if you add an extension without composer, it will not automatically autoload the classes. You can add the classes to your root composer.json:
[Your other composer json]
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Pluswerk\\Simpleblog\\": "web/typo3conf/ext/pluswerk_simpleblog/Classes"
I don't know what your web directory is or what the directory of the extension is so you might have to change web/typo3conf/ext/pluswerk_simpleblog/Classes.
If you then execute composer dumpautoload it should add the classes to autoload.
If I did not interpret your problem correctly and you did install this extension using composer, can you add your root composer.json and the composer.json in the extension directory?


Private Repository Composer json Confused

I need to create a Private Composer Repository - it has 300 zipped extensions. which I want to install on Magento 2 site.
Each zipped extension file inside has its own composer.json file. as some extensions rely on other extensions to be installed aswell in order for them to work.
However when I try to run composer update it is looking for composer.json in the main directory url
Is there any way I can create a simple composer.json to direct it to look for the composer.json of the extensions I want to install inside the different extensions zipped files.
I have spent 2 days looking for tutorial or help on this but its very confusing for me.
tried to get composer to look inside the zipped folders
I just created a new private reposotory and uploaded all the zipped extensions to there - Do I have to do anything futher or is that it?
do I need to convert it to package - very confused
I manage to create the composer.json file
However if I try to run composer update it is giving errors like
- Root composer.json requires extcrea/extension ==, found extcrea/extension[1.13.5] in the lock file but not in remote repositories, make sure you avoid updating this package to keep the one from the lock file.
I tried to change the urls of the extensions inside composer.lock file to the new private repo
then run
composer update --lock
which is suppose to sync to new repository but I get same error again - how do I tell it to look for extensions in the new repository
tried deleting the composer.lock file but getting extension not found error
tried these aswell
composer dump-autoload
composer clear-cache
Or can someone provide a more simple way of being able to do what I want as

html purifier specific version in a composer

I want to put html purifier into the composer with a specific version 4.11.0
I have tried all methods in the link below (except the last one)
How to install a specific version of package using Composer?
Is there a way to put the specific version of the html purifier in the composer without typing
composer require ezyang/htmlpurifier ?
Just add the line ...
"require": {
"[..]": "[..]",
"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "4.11.0"
to your composer.json. Then run:
composer update ezyang/htmlpurifier --with-dependencies

How to install extensions in contao 4.4

I installed contao 4.4 in my localhost successfully.After successful installation I tried to install an extension via contao manager.Unfortunately it fails with console error.So I download zip file of extenson from codefog
and put it in the folder root/system/modules .But the extension is not found in backend.I think the extension is not installed successfully. How to make it works? Please help me.
This is how i install extensions in my contao 4 standard-edition. As commented, this only applies to the standard-edition, not the managed-edition. If you don't want to change to the standard-edition, you may better wait, until they fix the problem in the contao manager... Otherwise this is how it works:
Installing a Contao 4 bundle
Info: A bundle is the best thing you can find for extending contao.
It is the cleanest way of adding functionality to the contao cms.
Find the module on https://packagist.org/
Get the "require ..." command from under the title
Connect to your hosting (or if local, open cmd or terminal)
Change to the root of your hosting
Execute the require ... command for this extension
composer require madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns
Add the module to AppKernel (File: app/AppKernel.php)
In the "$bundles" array we can now add our bundle to the list of bundles, that contao should load: (the bundle name used in this line can be found in vendor/%developer%/%extension%/src/ and then there is a ...Bundle... php File there, that tells you the name of the bundle)
new MadeYourDay\RockSolidColumns\RockSolidColumnsBundle(),
Open the installtool of contao (contao/install) and update the database
Installing a Contao 4 extension
Info: A contao 4 extension is defined by it's developer, it is actually still the same method of programming like in 3.5 but someone has tested it in contao 4 and approved of its functionality. This is the second best thing you can find for extending contao.
Find the module on https://packagist.org/
Get the "require ..." command from under the title
Connect to your hosting (or if local, open cmd or terminal)
Change to the root of your hosting
Execute the require command for this extension
composer require heimrichhannot/dlh_googlemaps
Add the module to AppKernel (File: app/AppKernel.php)
In the "$bundles" array we can now add our extension to the list of extensions, that contao should load:
new ContaoModuleBundle('dlh_googlemaps', $this->getRootDir()),
Open the installtool of contao (contao/install) and update the database
Installing a Contao 3.5 extension
Info: A contao 3.5 extension is your last hope, it is the same code as in contao 3.5 may or may not work - you have to test it yourself.
Find the module on github (or some other repo)
Conntect to your hosting with ssh (or if local, just open cmd or terminal)
Change into "system/modules"
Download the repo (e.g. git clone https://github.com/ContaoBlackForest/contao-system-notification system-notification) - notice the added "system-notification" at the end, that should be the foldername, in which the extions has to be (you can find the folder in the composer.json file inside the extension under "Resources/contao")
Create syslinks (bin/console contao:symlinks)
Add the module to AppKernel (File: app/AppKernel.php)
This line should be added once, just after "use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;" (this only has to be added once and only if you are using contao 3.5 extensions)
use Contao\CoreBundle\HttpKernel\Bundle\ContaoModuleBundle;
In the "$bundles" array we can now add our extension to the list of extensions, that contao should load:
new ContaoModuleBundle('system-notification', $this->getRootDir()),
Open the installtool of contao (contao/install) and update the database
Your Question
To awnser your question, as the module you want to install, is a contao 4 extension, you could use the according instructions from above.
contao 4 extension - https://packagist.org/packages/codefog/contao-news_categories
You do not need to install this extension manually. Simply run
composer require codefog/contao-news_categories
in the root folder of your Contao installation. Depending on how you installed composer the command might be different.

How can I add a composer.json to a static TYPO3 project?

I am using a working TYPO3 7.6.14 environment with many extensions. Now I want to add a composer.json file manually. I do not want to create a new project which will download the latest TYPO3 core and TYPO3 extensions. I am afraid that this could accidently overwrite some extension's PHP files.
I need a safe way to add a composer.json file which will not change the present TYPO3 PHP files automatically. I prefer to download TYPO3 and the extensions manually. Therefore I do not want to use the composer mode. I must find a way to prevent composer from overwriting my self written PHP files.
I need a composer.json file because I want to add the external TCPDF library which is on its own place on the file system and not inside of a vendor folder inside of TYPO3. And the file ext_autoload.php is not supported any more by TYPO3 7.6.
I have read the https://usetypo3.com/typo3-and-composer.html#c51 recommendations. But it only shows the way how to create a new TYPO3 project using the command line and the composer command. Is it also possible to download a composer.json file into a TYPO3 folder (which?) in order to tell the autoloader where it will find the external TCPDF library?
I have unzipped the TCPDF file under /var/www/html/TCPDF-master/tcpdf.php . I want to use TCPDF, TYPO3 and its extensions unchanged and never updated by any composer command.
Introducing Composer for not using it's features seems a bit strange to me, but yes, it's possible to define a dedicated version or commit-hash in a repository to disable updates.
However, I would recommend to make use of the tilde ~ operator to enable updates on the accordant branch, to e.g. include security updates automatically. For TYPO3 CMS this dependency would look like the following, to stay on the 7.6 branch:
"require": {
"typo3/cms": "~7.6.14"
Find further details on how to declare versions in the Composer documentation.
Besides that, it seems, that you're not using Composer at all for the root project. You could then create a wrapper extension for TCPDF with one of these options:
use Composer for that extension to require TCPDF and load the generated autoload file (e.g. in typo3conf/ext/tcpdf/vendor/autoload.php) in your wrapper extension
directly copy & paste TCPDF's source (which seems to be the scenario you're up to) and add the autoloading information to ext_emconf.php, which is similar to previous ext_autoload.php - find details about that in a blog post about class loading

How to install Magento 2.0 extension?

Can someone give me a step-by-step installation guide for extensions from zip files for Magento latest version?
Copy the extension file in your magento 2 Directory
(if not executable permission for magento CLI.. got to YOUR_INSTALLATION_DIR) (sudo ) chmod +x bin/magento
./bin/magento module:enable NAMESPACE_MODULENAME
./bin/magento magento setup:upgrade
Update after comment:
step 3: The NAMESPACE_MODULENAME means there should be this folder structure like app/code/NAMESPACE/MODULE/ inside your magento installation folder. Some extension don't have this but many files and folders like Model, Block... and a composer.json. If so
open composer.json and look on name at the top
"name": "TEST/MODULE"
if so you create dir like app/code/TEST/MODULE and copy content of zip file inside Module. This steps(3) simply enable the module, same as adding xml file in app/etc/modules/TEST_MODULE.xml in magento 1x.
Step 4. upgrade the database scheme of extension.
Magento Devdocs provide very detail instruction on how to set up extensions. (You can also filter through each version on top)
I found this guy's Youtube video to be super helpful. Not to mention his cute accent. :)
Course from Magento U
Andy Myers
Hope this helps!