Getting rid of figure captions under figures - papaja

This is for Papaja. How do I get rid of figure captions at the bottom of the figure. My figure caption is quite long and I am going to a figure list. Now, I get both, and the figure caption runs out on the bottom of the page. Thanks, Jeff

There are currently two options to accomodate long figure captions or tall figures. You can adjust the line spacing/font size or, as you are doing, use a separate list of figure captions. I'll briefly explain both approaches.
1. List of figure captions
a) The LaTeX way
You can suppress the captions (defined by the chunk option fig.cap) below all figures by adding the following to the YAML front matter:
figurelist: yes
- \captionsetup[figure]{textformat=empty}
b) The knitr way
If you would rather suppress figure captions only where necessary you can instead get knitr to do this.
Set the figure short caption via the chunk option fig.scap. To ensure that fig.scap takes effect, knitr requires that the chunk specifies out.width, out.height, or fig.align, as explained here. Remove the figure caption below the figure by setting fig.cap = " ".
Finally, I generally recommend to specify figure (and table) captions, especially long ones, using text references (e.g., (ref:reference-label). Taking all of this together, the following should do the trick:
(ref:figure-caption) This is a long figure caption!
```{r fig.cap = " ", fig.scap = "(ref:figure-caption)", out.width = "\\textwidth", fig.height = 7}
Make sure that you include figurelist: yes in the YAML front matter and that you are using at least the development version of papaja with the commit hash d6227d8a750c6e67a323828a7cb0b8b8331aeac7, e.g. devtools::install_github("crsh/papaja#d6227d8a750c6e67a323828a7cb0b8b8331aeac7").
2. Adjust line spacing and font size
As mentioned in the manual, you can adjust the line spacing of figure captions. To additionally decrease the font size, add the following to the YAML front matter:
- \usepackage{setspace}
- \captionsetup[figure]{font={stretch=1,scriptsize}}
This should also make room for bigger captions or taller figures.


Force GitHub pages to render numerical lists sequentially instead of restarting?

I noticed that when GitHub pages with mkdocs have text or images in between numbers it ignores the numbering in the source document and instead restarts numbering. See here for an example of this.
Is there a way to force mkdocs to render the numbers in the original document instead of inventing its own?
If you add them all as 1. space and text, then sub item as image with a tab, it should work. As an example:
1. Option 1
imgage or next text
1. Option 2
You can check this documentation built using mkdocs as an example.
As Zoran mentioned above that was part of it. Things I figured out:
Code must be double tabbed - you cannot use ```
Indented lists must also be double tabbed - I wasn't able to get a single tab to work
Images do not have to be tabbed - they can be in line with the above text
There should not be an empty line when an image follows a numbered list item BUT FOR CODE there must.
I still haven't completely figured out. mkdoc's behavior is not as predictable as regular markdown

Fillable Pdf multi-line, Allow rich text formatting in Acrobat Pro DC: but it ignores line spacing/leading set in More

I'm on Win10, using Acrobat Pro DC 2021.011... to edit and Reader DC (same version) to test.
From experience and from reading forums etc, forms in these apps are maddening... but I have not been able to find any discussion (or solutions) to the following behavior...
The form I'm building for other employees' use has a large edit text box set to Multi-line and Allow Rich Text Formatting. It is set to a default font, Calibri and size 50pt. For most situations this will work for them; provides 2-3 lines for a short product description. But occasionally they want a smaller font and more lines... They know how to get the ctrl+e properties bar. But in my testing of this alternative situation they'll need sometimes, I'm finding it's impossible to get the smaller font size and more lines to work. Here's my process.
tab into text box. Ctrl+E for properties bar.
before typing I set the font size to 24
then I type in my 4 lines of text
then I tab to my next form field...
and kaboom... the field I just's line height is so large it's pushed some of the content invisible. I assume this is coming from the field's default font size, 50
And if I try to adjust the line height, by selecting all the text and then choosing in More...>Form Field Text Properties>Paragraph>Line Spacing
If I set it to Single and click Close/click into another field I get the very large leading (presumably for 50pt font (same as pic above after point 5)
If I choose Exactly and set to point size slightly larger, click Close/out of field, I get another ridiculous result where the 2/3 line have the height I set, but the space between the 1 & 2 second line is way too much and the space between the last line and 3rd line is way too small...
before tabbing or clicking out of field to another field
Good lord.. what is that! 3 different leading values in the same field; just after applying 1 value to all lines, all text in the field...
It makes no sense... it doesn't look like it regards your input at all, and just comes up with it's own random leading... I've fiddled with Space before/after and combinations of Line Height and nothing comes close to what we need... At this point I'm convinced the Acrobat tools for a stylizing text in a multi-line, allow formatting text field are useless. I'd be better off with my employees they can't format anything, ever. Just type one line and hit Tab or Enter...
What is going on! I'm trying to make a simple fillable form for other employees to use, but this kind of behavior makes that impossible (It's enough of a stretch to teach them to use the ctrl+E and do some styling of their text but this is bonkers and completely unteachable... there's not rhyme or pattern to teach!)
Hope someone can help or has seen this behavior too.

Control inter-paragraph spacing

In using OfficeR to generate MS Word documents, is there a means to control how much space appears on the page between paragraphs? Successive calls to body_add_par() insert space between which is too wide for my purpose. I can't find any reference to controlling this in officer.pdf or in the README.
What am I missing?
Inter-paragraph spacing in Word is controlled by the .SpaceBefore and .SpaceAfter settings. For example:
With Selection
With .ParagraphFormat
.SpaceBefore = 6
.SpaceAfter = 6
End With
End With
Ideally, though, you'd apply these to a Style definition (once), then apply that Style to the paragraphs concerned.

Watch App - Replace ... when text is too long

I have a problem with the size of my text.
When my text is too long in a WKInterfaceLabel, no problem, I just add line or I pass line at 0 to increase automatically the number of lines.
But with WKInterfacePicker, impossible to increase the number of line and I have "..." at the end of my text.
Do you have solutions to display all my text or, at least, to delete this "..." and replace it by some letters more from my text. I work with Swift.
For the second solution, I prefer have "My text" than "My te..."
Sadly, this is not possible. Apple doesn't provide any sort of way on managing that.
A possible, but rather complicated solution would be making a costume picker with labels with multiple lines and using the newly implemented WKCrownSequencer as well as the WKCrownDelegate in watchOS 3 to detect the state of the digital crown. The default picker animations might be impossible or very difficult to reproduce, but it might fix your problem.
try this set in size width = size to fit width content

Eclipse-RCP: Hide lines of text permanently, keep correct line numbers

I have text files which contain code inside an Editor. The user can run an analysis on a certain part of his code, which will result in a set of lines which should be hidden. Next I want to present the user with only the remaining lines, but with correct linenumbers, as from the original document. Possible solutions I thought of:
Open a new Editor which does not contain the hidden lines, but *somehow* still has correct line numbers
Hide the lines in the original editor, and offer a button for the user to 'unhide'. Probably a similar solution required as in 1.
I don't really know how to go about this. Folds would be a weird solution, because they can be unfolded individually, and seem to be more semantically tied to things like methods or classes. Also, simply creating a new document without the hidden lines results in wrong linenumbers.
Use a ProjectionViewer and reflection to invoke the private method ProjectionViewer.collapse(int offset int length). This method is only used internally to hide a certain portion of the text, by manipulating the ProjectionDocument (see
After this, folding text in the editor using the annotations(the little +/- icons) WILL break everything, so this solution and regular folding are mutually exclusive.