Liquibase Rollback Strategy for CI/CD - tags

in Continuous Deployment you can easily go back to a previous version of your application. This means the database needs to be brought back to a previous state too.
My question is: How do I select the appropriate tag to roll back to? It does not seem to be possible to list all available tags. How does your company links the application version to a liquibase tag? Do you tag after each integration build even if there are no database changes?
Thanks for any help!


Deployments dissappear after a couple of hours. Cirlce Ci, Nuxt, Dream Host

I just started working on a project that was created with Nuxt and a CI pipeline using Cirlce CI that detects changes in the repository and upload files via SFTP to DreamHost.
We also have a netlify cms setup that sends .md files to the repository that are read and displayed on the page.
Now to the weird part.
Whenever I change something in the repository (push from my local repo, or use the cms) the changes appear on the site as they should. They correctly trigger a rebuild within, which completes successfully and when I look at the live site they are present.
However when checking back a couple hours later they have dissapeared. The changes are still present in the github repository, but they are inconsistent with the state of the live page which has reverted to its previous state.
I can manually trigger rebuilds within but the same thing occurs, i can see the changes for some time, then they dissapear.
I don't even know where to start looking for the problemect.
Any leads, or well aimed shots in the dark would be greatly appreciated, many thanks!
I think this might be relevant: Every 12 hours we trigger a rebuild on the page, mostly to check for outdated content and deliver freshly rendered pages. When i checked the site index under the _nuxt pages, i see the following:
There are older versions of the scripts that are correct and new versions that are incorrect, those new versions are then referenced, resulting in the content being false.
Why are the automatic rebuilds 'overwriting' the old build?
Where can i find out more about those triggers?
OP's issue was mainly coming from the fact that the app was pulling from the wrong branch.
Fixing that one, did it.

Change naming convention of github release tags

I've joined a project which uses Github actions & releases. Unfortunately, naming convention of release tags changed in the past (probably due to migration from Travis CI).
Until a certain point of time, the tags were like this (not sure why the numbers were so high):
Then someone switched to semantic versioning (which is great btw):
Our CI/CD works just fine, but we have some issues:
We use Release Drafter. It creates a description for a new release which should consist of all PRs since the previous release. But now it compares current state of our master branch not with the latest tag (v3.1.1), but with a tag with the highest major number (v1024.0.0). Which means the draft always consists of 100+ PRs merged since one year ago. So we end up deleting the whole release description, because noone has time to analyse that.
It's messy. Github always suggests v1024 as the newest version: when creating new releases, when switching between tags and so on.
My two questions are:
Is there any safe way to update names of all old tags? F.e. change v1024.0.0 into v0.1024.0. Doesn't have to be automatic. Keep in mind it should update the tagnames only, I don't want to change release date, assets etc. I think that editing a release using Github UI would in fact create a new tag based on master (and maybe even release it to live server?)
If not, is there any way to tell Release Drafter that it should use the latest tag instead of the highest one?
Well a little googling would tell you many things :)
How do you rename a Git tag?
Yes you can update tags (see first link)
Yes you can get the latest tag - see second link.

Create new branch from the Issue

Is it possible to create new branch directly from Issue which is posted on Github? We have project hosted on Github with many issues, it would be easy for us just to click one button in Issue web interface and create new branch for it to start developing.
This is not possible directly from the issue interface. I can try to provide you some workarounds and maybe start a debate why one would want this feature:
Creating branches directly on the web interface
After you've noticed that you need to start working on an issue you can just go to the repository main page (keyboard shortcut gc) and create a branch with the name you want:
Chrome extensions
If this is a must for you, you can create a chrome extension that augments the UI and creates a branch directly from the Issues WebUI using the GitHub API. There's a lot of open source extensions that augment the default WebUI.
Is it the most efficient way to start a new feature?
I think this changes from developer to developer, but having worked with GitHub for 7 years using Issues I've never felt the need for this feature because unless it's a one line change that doesn't require local testing or compilation, I still want to get down to my command line and IDE. If I have to do that, I still have to at least git fetch to get the branch I just created directly through the issue interface. If that's the case I've always preferred to just look at the issue and run git checkout -b branch-name, optionally with git push if my team needs to see the branch.
Then the issue name wouldn't normally translate to a branch name, at least I wouldn't want that. So that option to create a branch from an issue would probably need to spin out a prompt to allow me to name the branch what I wanted.
This is just my personal opinion and nothing else, hope it helps :)
GitHub finally added this feature request to their roadmap.
The branch is the first thing a developer creates when the start
working on a new issue. Creating that association makes it really easy
for someone to then follow the work happening and keep everything
connected as they take their idea to code.
Intended Outcome
We want to help developers get started on work faster and signal to
their team where to find the code changes related to an issue. It
should also be really easy to then follow development to the pull
request without the user needing to do additional work to link
everything together.
How will it work?
From the issue page, a user can quickly create a branch with an
auto-generated or custom name that becomes associated with the issue.
They can then fetch the branch and switch to it in their development
environment and further development changes (such as commits and pull
requests) are automatically associated with the issue.
Nope. You can subscribe this issue.
You could accomplish this by creating a small script.
I'd start by leveraging the Issues Event webhook. This will fire a JSON payload every time an issue is opened. When the webhook fires, your script can then create a new branch using the Create a Reference API endpoint. Note: URL must be formatted as heads/branch, not just branch.
There is an app that automatically creates branches for issues. You can install it here for free:
If you want to create the branches manually instead of automatically:
It does not enable you (directly) to click on create branch from the issue. Instead you would have to write a comment in the issue consisting of: /cib. If you do that, it automatically creates the branch from the issue.
Please note I have no affiliation with the app.
Recently I saw that Github finally added this feature to its Issues Panel.
All you have to do is navigate to an Issue on Github and scroll down to the following section:

How to refresh NetSuite sandbox code (only) from production?

Refresh NetSuite sandbox from production (code only)
I realize that we can refresh out sandbox from production but we don't want to refresh the entire sandbox, instead we want to refresh NetSuite SuiteScript, NetSuite Forms & UI Objects.
NetSuite's proprietary infrastructure/code and challenge it brings
I resisted asking this question for several weeks thinking it was too basic but it doesn't appear that way. After working with NetSuite for a while it has become clear that the line between source code and data has become blurry and it's my opinion this is exactly what makes refreshing code challenging.
I've also learned that storing NetSuite code in version control software is next to impossible (for all code) and this leads me to believe that my desire to refresh code only might be impossible as well. I have to wonder how IT shops that are encumbered by SOX compliance issues are able to satisfy auditors when it comes to controlling and modifying the business logic.
The real question and reason for refreshing the sandbox code
My motivation for refreshing sandbox code is the fact that we are encountering unexpected behavior in our sandbox accounts with certain forms (invoice & estimate) where custom tax fields (Ava-Tax) mysteriously moved from the items tab to a tab that contains transaction body fields! The form appears to not have been updated by anyone in over a year and there were no packages installed in the sandbox that might have broken the form.
If I cannot refresh source code is there a way to determine how a NetSuite form became corrupted knowing that the NetSuite Form is stored in a proprietary way and with no apparent source code available? I understand most of the NetSuite code is JavaScript that runs on both the server and client and there are parts that are unavailable to anyone outside of NetSuite.
Any solutions or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
It is not at all impossible to store NetSuite code in Source Control. We use git to track all of our NetSuite source, and we follow a process similar to gitflow. Our master branch is always kept in sync with Production. Anytime we push code to Production, that gets merged from its feature/fix branch up to master and tagged as a release. If we want to roll back, we just revert master back a commit and upload the whole project to the File Cabinet. Then, if we want to refresh a Sandbox to match Production, we simply checkout master and upload all of that to the Sandbox.
Sandboxes themselves are much more difficult to keep in sync with a single branch in source because we are constantly developing there on separate feature branches.
If you do not already have such a system in place, all you really need to do is download the zip of your SuiteScripts folder from the Production File Cabinet and upload that to your Sandbox.
This isn't source control, but you can use SuiteBundler to copy items between accounts. SuiteBundler allows you to choose from a lot of things like forms, scripts and custom records. Later you can uninstall the bundle or dissolve it into the account.
It's not so easy to explain in few words, here but: You can use a deployment account to get things work properly. So you continuosly work on dev accounts and use multiple bundle / bundle version for follow branches/Versions of customizations. You update bundle from dev to deploy account only when a version is stable and production envs always install / update bundle version from deploy (not from dev). Since bundles are versionable and infinite, you can use git + dev + deploy account for manage Cvs. For get a versionable version of a form just add &xml=t in url in any form. But this is read only

TFS 2008: Questions about auto Builds, Labels and general versioning

a bit of background first...
I am setting up a versioning numbering system for our project which currently only has a development branch, but we are now moving towards our first deployment. We are using TFS and we use nightly builds on our dev branch.
The way we are probably going to go with this is that when we get ready for a release we take a branch off dev and call it 1.x. This shall be a test branch: we test it, fix it (then merge back to dev), test it some more then when it is all good we take another branch off the 1.x branch and call it 1.0. It is this branch that gets deployed to production. Any fixes in production will be made to the 1.x, tested and then a new branch 1.1 will be made.
My issue is with the testing of the 1.x branch. Before testing the branch will be locked for obvious reasons. My issue is that QA requires that a round of testing be conducted against a "version number" and if testing fails the next round of testing will be against a new "version number." Us developers want to tie the "version number" to the release and testing can iterate over that there is a conflict here.
My first thought is to use the build number as the point in time that the code is tested against. When its time to submit a new version for testing, the 1.x branch is locked again and a build is kicked off and the VSTS number that is generated becomes a "release condidate 1 for v1.0." Mapping the RC to a build we can do manually in a spreadsheet...
...then someone mentions labels, and that the code should be locked labled and built prior to testing. I have never used labelling before and have just read that build itself creates a label in TFS.
I am now confused about what is the best way to go here. Is using a build number for a release candidate enough? Does manually labelling serve any purpose here (the only benefit I can see is that we can give it out own name and description)? Can I tell TFS NOT to create a label whenever it runs a build and just do all our own labelling at significant points in time (not every build is going to be a release candidate for example)? If so, is NOT creating a label after each build a bad idea, what does labelling give me?
I guess I am confused about where changsets, build numbers/names and labels all fit in with one another...
This is a broad question but its one of those ones where I am not 100% sure what to ask. Any help appreciated.
...then someone mentions labels, and that the code should be locked labled and built prior to testing. I have never used labelling before and have just read that build itself creates a label in TFS.
What you have read is correct. With TFS (unlike, say, SourceSafe), every server action constitutes a 'known point in time' which can later be referred to. You can see what I mean by doing a Get Specific Version... and looking in the Version dropdown: in TFS 2005 the relevant ones I see are Changeset, Date, Label. Now, as you correctly say, every build automatically creates a label. This means that at any future time it will be possible to retrieve the code exactly as it was after any given changeset; at any given date; and when any specific label was applied, thus including when any build was done.
The upshot is that you can use your own labels or not, entirely at your own discretion - the ability to retrieve a given snapshot of the code will be there anyway. I wouldn't suggest trying to inhibit TFS from producing a label for each build (I don't know if this is even possible) - labels cost you nothing.
Your branch 1.x is a consolidation branch which will contain many incremental small evolutions.
Locking the branch is not the answer.
Setting a label (specifically named "for QA test", and locked in order to not be able to move that label, is the usual way to signal the QA team they can build their own workspace and retrieve that exact label.
Then they can begin their tests against the code.
Creating a label after each build is not always practical, since not every build is meant to be tested by QA.