Netbeans - The specific folder does not contain JDK - netbeans

I hope you are doing well and for those that are in the USA, that you are staying safe!
I have just got a new laptop and have downloaded Netbeans, however, when I try setting it up, it says, as the title suggests " The specific folder does not contain JDK". I do not know what to as the location clearly has JDK 11.0.2 (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2) in it! I have also tried C:\Program Files\Java but that doesn't have much luck either. Any ideas what I have to do? I have looked at other websites to see if they had a suggestion but none of those were successful.


Error popping up while running Eclipse

i have downloaded scala-SDK-4.4.1-vfinal-2.11-win32.win32.x86_64 , also installed JDK 7 on my windows 8 64 bit laptop ,but i have a issue while running the eclipse as shown below, some one please help to resolve my issue, it would be really appreciated. I have browsed internet to get resolution for this ,none helped to resolve the issue, please help what i am missing here
There is lots of misinformation about this out there, including SO answers. The right way to specify to Eclipse what JVM you want it to run in is via eclipse.ini. Other options are less than ideal and/or susceptible to system changes breaking them.
Pay careful attention to the format of the ini file and the exact path it requires; it is very picky.

Error opening Eclipse

I am unable to open Eclipse IDE. The error displayed is as below
Any idea what could be the reason? And how do I solve this??
Note: I ran CCleaner recently (any registry issue??) and I got error executing my open Eclispe project. On restarting I get this issue. Is re-installation going to help? Am going to do that and update result here. And I would really like to know what caused this for future precautions.
Update: Same error for new installation. But this time got error regarding lauching JVM and missing dlls so going to reinstall Java.
Unable to understand what might be the exact problem , still giving it a shot.
Did you go through this URL
Appears to be the same issue , resetting JAVA_HOME and PATH solved the issue for him
The authors of Eclipse strongly recommend manually updating the Eclipse.ini file to point directly to the JRE that you want to use rather than relying on Windows environment variables.
Also C:\Windows\System32 is a really strange place to find the Java Runtime Environment files, typically they wind up in C:\Program Files\Java or C:\Program Files (x86)\Java.

error while trying to run MapReduce job using eclipse Indigo

I am trying to run MapReduce jobs using hadoop-eclipse plugin with Eclipse Indigo, but I am getting the following error:
Error: failure to login
While looking for some help, I found there is a problem with Hadoop-, so I tried Hadoop- as the issues are fixed in this version.
I am still facing the same problem. Am I missing something or making a mistake?
Sorry for my poor English, as your question has no more detail, I guess that you meet the same problme as me, if so, the following link resolved my problem, pls. pay attention to step "4".
Sorry for that is a page in Chinese. It said the problem is because the file hadoop-eclipse-plugin- lost 5 files "commons-configuration-1.6.jar , commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar , commons-lang-2.4.jar , jackson-core-asl-1.0.1.jar 和 jackson-mapper-asl-1.0.1.jar ". You should:
Extract the "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-",
Add the 5 files into "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-\lib" ,
Modify "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF" (modify the Bundle-ClassPath).
Re 'jar' the package and replace the old "hadoop-eclipse-plugin-".
The os the page referred is linux, my os is Win7.
good luck!
Instead of going for adding plugin u can just add the required libraries in eclipse and do your programming.
here is the list of library u will need. These files exists with the Apache hadoop distribution in lib folder.

Netbeans 7: JVM Creation Failed, which settting to change in netbeans.conf (windows)?

I was having an issue with JVM Creation Failed when executing Netbeans in Windows, and after looking around i found 2 parameters that can fix the issue.
But i am unsure which to use, both fix the problem...
Can anyone tell me the difference and advise which i should be changing..
Thanks in advance.
Not exactly answer to your question, but might help too:
If you are running for example Win 7 64bit and 32bit Java JDK, try to install 64bit JDK, it helps many people.
Another one solution, is to delete created temporary folders, which contain the file splash.PNG (in NB folder in Doc and Settings folder).
And maybe this can help too, close any opened PDFs in Adobe Reader (version 9 probably). I get this error more often while running the built app from NB IDE and running some PDF triggers this problem.

autocomplete in a file without project in netbeans

Is it possible to activate full autocompletion without having the file added to a project?
Maybe with a plugin or any another modification?
I installed the plugin "remote file systems" for netbeans 6.9.1 (php)
( to access my linux server over ssh on my windows machine.
Autocompletion doesn't work with it - the files have to be in a netbeans project :(
I also tried the mounting tool "dokan" but sometimes it destroys a file when I save.
Other mounting tools work less well or just show my home folder.
Sorry for my english and thx for your answer.
coudnt solve the problem that way
so i used samba and add the files to a netbeans project
wasnt easy because for some reason
i have to use the ip path ("\\" and type my smbuser and the password)
to map the drive in windows
on my other pc i didnt need that. dont know why
bye guys
There is an open bug, or as they have called it, the umbrella issue #135222, to aggregate requests and ideas regarding how to
Improve support for editing files that do not belong to a project.
I have just added the suggestion of somehow allowing to define a classpath for files that don't belong to any project. I hope I can soon update this answer with a "there is a better way..." ;-)