how to update max replicas in running pod - kubernetes

I'm looking to update manually with the command kubectl autoscale my maximum number of replicas for auto scaling.
however each time I run the command it creates a new hpa that fails to launch the pod why I don't know at all:(
Do you have an idea how i can update manually with kubectl my HPA ?

I think you are mixing two topics here, one is manually scale a pod (you can do it through a deployment applying kubectl scale deploy {mydeploy} --replicas={#repl}). In the other hand you have HPA (Horizontal Pod AutoScaler), in order to do this (HPA) you should have configured any app metrics provider system
metrics server
heapster (deprecated)
then you can create a HPA to handle your autoscaling, you can get more info on this link
Once created you can patch your HPA or deleted it and create it again
kubectl delete hpa hpa-pod -n ns-svc-cas
kubectl autoscale hpa-pod --min={#number} --max={#number} -n ns-svc-cas
easiest way


How to implement horizontal auto scaling in GKE autopilot based on a custom metric

I'm running a Kubernetes cluster on GKE autopilot
I have pods that do the following - Wait for a job, run the job (This can take minutes or hours), Then go to Pod Succeeded State which will cause Kubernetes to restart the pod.
The number of pods I need is variable depending on how many users are on the platform. Each user can request a job that needs a pod to run.
I don't want users to have to wait for pods to scale up so I want to keep a number of extra pods ready and waiting to execute.
The application my pods are running can be in 3 states - { waiting for job, running job, completed job}
Scaling up is fine as I can just use the scale API and always request to have a certain percentage of pods in waiting for job state
When scaling down I want to ensure that Kubernetes doesn't kill any pods that are in the running job state.
Should I implement a Custom Horizontal Pod Autoscaler?
Can I configure custom probes for my pod's application state?
I could use also use pod priority or a preStop hook
You can configure horizontal Pod autoscaling to ensure that Kubernetes doesn't kill any pods.
Steps for configuring horizontal pod scaling:
Create the Deployment, apply the nginx.yaml manifest,Run the following command:
kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml
Autoscaling based on resources utilization
1-Go to the Workloads page in Cloud Console.
2-Click the name of the nginx Deployment.
3-Click list Actions > Autoscale.
4-Specify the following values:
-Minimum number of replicas: 1
-Maximum number of replicas: 10
-Auto Scaling metric: CPU
-Target: 50
-Unit: %
5-Click Done.
6-Click Autoscale.
To get a list of Horizontal Pod Autoscalers in the cluster, use the following command:
kubectl get hpa
Guide on how to Configure horizontal pod autoscaling.
You can also refer to this link of auto-scaling rules for the GKE autopilot cluster using a custom metric on the Cloud Console.

How to delete pod created with rolling restart?

I ran kubectl rollout restart deployment.
It created a new pod which is now stuck in Pending state because there are not enough resources to schedule it.
I can't increase the resources.
How do I delete the new pod?
please check if that pod has a Deployment controller (which should be recreating the pod), use:
kubectl get deployments
Then try to delete the Deployment with
Kubectl delete deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME
Also, I would suggest to check resources allocation on GKE and its usage on your nodes with next command:
kubectl describe nodes | grep -A10 "Allocated resources"
And if you need more resources, try to activate GKE CA (cluster autoscaler) or in case you already have it enabled, then increase the number of nodes on Max value. You can also try to manually add a new node by manually resizing the Nodepool you are using.

How to autoscale with GKE

I have a GKE cluster with an autoscale node pool.
After adding some pods, the cluster starts autoscale and creates a new node but the old running pods start to crash randomly:
I don't think it's directly related to autoscaling unless some of your old nodes are being removed. The autoscaling is triggered by adding more pods but most likely, there is something with your application or connectivity to external services (db for example). I would check the what's going on in the pod logs:
$ kubectl logs <pod-id-that-is-crashing>
You can also check for any other event in the pods or deployment (if you are using a deployment)
$ kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name>
$ kubectl describe pod <pod-id> -c <container-name>
Hope it helps!

Kubenetes: change hpa min-replica

I have Kubernetes cluster hosted in Google Cloud. I created a deployment and defined a hpa rule for it:
kubectl autoscale deployment my_deployment --min 6 --max 30 --cpu-percent 80
I want to run a command that editing the --min value, without remove and re-create a new hpa rule. Something like:
$ kubectl autoscale deployment my_deployment --min 1 --max 30
Error from server (AlreadyExists): horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling "my_deployment" already exists
Is this possible to edit hpa (min, max, cpu-percent, ...) on command line?
Is this possible to edit hpa (min, max, cpu-percent, ...) on command line?
They are editable just as any other resource is, though either kubectl edit hpa $the_hpa_name for an interactive edit, or kubectl patch hpa $the_hpa_name -p '{"spec":{"minReplicas": 1}}' for doing so in a "batch" setting.
If you don't know the $the_hpa_name, you can get a list of them like any other resource: kubectl get hpa, and similarly you can view the current settings and status with kubectl get -o yaml hpa $the_hpa_name (or even omit $the_hpa_name to see them all, but that might be a lot of text, depending on your cluster setup).

How to restart a failed pod in kubernetes deployment

I have 3 nodes in kubernetes cluster. I create a daemonset and deployed it in all the 3 devices. This daemonset created 3 pods and they were successfully running. But for some reasons, one of the pod failed.
I need to know how can we restart this pod without affecting other pods in the daemon set, also without creating any other daemon set deployment?
kubectl delete pod <podname> it will delete this one pod and Deployment/StatefulSet/ReplicaSet/DaemonSet will reschedule a new one in its place
There are other possibilities to acheive what you want:
Just use rollout command
kubectl rollout restart deployment mydeploy
You can set some environment variable which will force your deployment pods to restart:
kubectl set env deployment mydeploy DEPLOY_DATE="$(date)"
You can scale your deployment to zero, and then back to some positive value
kubectl scale deployment mydeploy --replicas=0
kubectl scale deployment mydeploy --replicas=1
Just for others reading this...
A better solution (IMHO) is to implement a liveness probe that will force the pod to restart the container if it fails the probe test.
This is a great feature K8s offers out of the box. This is auto healing.
Also look into the pod lifecycle docs.
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pods --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
I think the above command is quite useful when you want to restart 1 or more failed pods :D
And we don't need to care about name of the failed pod.