How to add regex validator in form class in zend - zend-framework

I have a User form class which has elements and I am trying to add Regex validator.
Here is what I have tried
"name" => "password",
"required" => true,
"filters" => [
"validators" => [
"name" => new Regex(["pattern" => "/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/"]),
"name" => "NotEmpty",
"name" => "StringLength",
"options" => [
"min" => 6,
"max" => 64
But it throws
Object of class Zend\Validator\Regex could not be converted to string
Can anyone help me out?

You can add input filter specifications for the validator, the following should work
"name" => "password",
"required" => true,
"filters" => [
"validators" => [
// add validator(s) using input filter specs
"name" => "Regex",
"options" => [
"pattern" => "/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/"
"name" => "NotEmpty",
"name" => "StringLength",
"options" => [
"min" => 6,
"max" => 64
If you really want to instantiate the object (using the new Regex(...) as in your original code), you can do that this way instead
"name" => "password",
"required" => true,
"filters" => [
"validators" => [
// add a regex validator instance
new Regex(["pattern" => "/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/"]),
// add using input filter specs ...
"name" => "NotEmpty",
"name" => "StringLength",
"options" => [
"min" => 6,
"max" => 64
You may also find this zf blog post useful Validate data using zend-inputfilter, as well as the official zend-input-filter docs


$match query not working for lookup array in mongodb

I have two tables in mongodb database
activityCountTbl contains data like
"_id": ObjectId("5c234f7e3250041280000ca3"),
"activityId": ObjectId("5c0e27ee590a06bf08003c33"),
"weekgroupId": ObjectId("5bfbddbcbb2c5645f8001495"),
"squadronId": ObjectId("5bfc7b7ebb2c56c320002a0a"),
"attendingCount": NumberInt(6),
"_id": ObjectId("5c234f7e3250041280000ca3"),
"activityId": ObjectId("5c0e27ee590a06bf08003c33"),
"weekgroupId": ObjectId("5bfbddbcbb2c5645f8001496"),
"squadronId": ObjectId("5bfc7b7ebb2c56c320002a0a"),
"attendingCount": NumberInt(6),
squadronTbl contains data like
"_id": ObjectId("5c19ccb7590a060691000554"),
"squadronCode": "336",
"squadronName": "336TRS",
"_id": ObjectId("5c19ccb7590a060691000556"),
"squadronCode": "337",
"squadronName": "337TRS",
I am storing count details of a particular activity of a weekgroup in activityCountTbl. I am performing lookup on squadronTbl with activityCountTbl
for fetching squadrons details of a particular weekgroup. The below code is not working.
When I comment/delete the $query code, it fetches all the squadrons of all weekgroups.
$query = ["ActivityArray.weekgroupId" => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID("5bfbddbcbb2c5645f8001495"), "ActivityArray.funRun" => "Yes"];
$pipeline = array(
'$match' => $query
'$lookup' => [
'from' => 'activityCountTbl',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'squadronId',
'as' => 'ActivityArray'
['$project' => [
'_id' => 1.0,
'squadronName' => 1.0,
'ActivityArray' => 1.0
return $this->db->squadronTbl->aggregate($pipeline)->toArray();
Please help !!!
$query = ["ActivityArray.weekgroupId" => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID("5bfbddbcbb2c5645f8001495"), "ActivityArray.funRun" => "Yes"]
$pipeline = array(
'$match' => []
'$lookup' => [
'from' => 'activityCountTbl',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'squadronId',
'as' => 'ActivityArray'
'$match' => $query
['$project' => [
'_id' => 1.0,
'squadronName' => 1.0,
'ActivityArray' => 1.0
something like that

search and return objects in arrays mongoDB

I'm using laravel-mongoDB
how can I search in attraction and blog titles and only retrieve the object, not whole record.
I've tried
'$match' => [
"attraction.title" =>
['$regex' => '.*' . $request- >search . '.*']
result was whole record.
for example if search is first, output should be :
[{title: "first attraction", complete: false},{title: "first blog", complete: false}]
and this is records
[attraction: [{title: "first attraction", complete: false}, {title:"second attraction",
complete: true}]
blog: [{title: "first blog", complete: false}, {title: "second blog", complete: false}]
title: "test"
type: "internal"]
I didn't get the result with only just query but hope it helps
$data = Model::raw(function ($collection) use ($request) {
return $collection->aggregate([
['$facet' =>
'attr' => [
'$match' => [
"attraction.title" => ['$regex' => '.*' . $request->search . '.*'],
'$unwind' => '$attraction'
'$project' => [
'title' => '$attraction.title',
'$match' => [
"title" => ['$regex' => '.*' . $request->search . '.*'],
'blog' => [
'$match' => [
"blog.title" => ['$regex' => '.*' . $request->search . '.*'],
'$unwind' => '$blog'
'$project' => [
'title' => '$blog.title',
'$match' => [
"title" => ['$regex' => '.*' . $request->search . '.*'],
$data will be like:
and use iterator_to_array and foreach to get final result

How to set focusArea for only one specific ctype?

I want to set different focus areas (cropVariants) for different content elements.
I found a solution for this here:
This works for the standard ctypes like textmedia but not for my own content element. Does anybody have a idea what the problem could be?
As I found out via Slack channel you can achieve that by overriding TCA as follows:
$originalTtContent = $GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content'];
$overridesForTtContent = [
'types' => [
'columnsOverrides' => [
'config' => [
'overrideChildTca' => [
'columns' => [
'crop' => [
'config' => [
'cropVariants' => [
'disabled' => true,
'allowedAspectRatios' => [
'1:1' => [
'title' => 'Square',
'value' => 1 / 1
'selectedRatio' => '1:1',
'cropArea' => [
'x' => 0.0,
'y' => 0.0,
'width' => 1.0,
'height' => 1.0,
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content'] = array_merge_recursive($originalTtContent, $overridesForTtContent);
Thanks to #kevin-appelt!

lumen and mongodb and aggregate

I want to use aggregate for group but how do I use laravel-mongodb like this:
// col
$pipeline = $this->getCollection() -> createPipeline();
$pMatchArr = array(
'ij_statistics_time' => array(
'$gte' => $_intStartTime,
'$lte' => $_intEndTime
$pMatchArr['ij_uid'] = $_intUid;
// get date
$pipeline = $pipeline->group(
'level_one_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_one_new_num' ),
'level_two_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_two_new_num' ),
'level_three_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_three_new_num' ),
'level_four_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_four_new_num' ),
'level_five_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_five_new_num' ),
'level_six_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_six_new_num' ),
'level_seven_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_seven_new_num' ),
'level_eight_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_eight_new_num' ),
'level_nine_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_nine_new_num' ),
'level_ten_count'=>array( '$sum'=>'$ij_level_ten_new_num' ),
$pipeArr = $pipeline->aggregate();
return $pipeArr;
It looks like it does not work
$pipeArr = $cursor->groupBy( 'ij_uid' )
->aggregate( 'sum' , $fileds)
->get( $fileds );
return $pipeArr;
I'm using lumen 5.2 and jenssegers/laravel-mongodb
I use the following methods to solve the problem, can be used in the orm native statements
$pipeArr = self::raw( function($collection) use ($match ) {
return $collection->aggregate([
['$match' => $match],
'$group' => [
'_id' => '$ij_uid',
'level_one_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_one_new_num'],
'level_two_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_two_new_num'],
'level_three_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_three_new_num'],
'level_four_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_four_new_num' ],
'level_five_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_five_new_num' ],
'level_six_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_six_new_num' ],
'level_seven_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_seven_new_num' ],
'level_eight_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_eight_new_num' ],
'level_nine_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_nine_new_num' ],
'level_ten_count' => [ '$sum' => '$ij_level_ten_new_num' ]
['$sort' => ['ij_uid' => 1]],
return $pipeArr;

dereference xml::simple output which is complex data structure that is a hash of an array of hashs

I am trying to parse xml using xml::simple .Here is the output of xml::simple
$VAR1 = {
'ns1:queryLocator' => [
'xsi:nil' => '1',
'xmlns:xsi' => ''
'ns1:size' => [
'ns1:records' => [
'ns2:RefundTransactionTime' => [
'xmlns:ns2' => 'http://object.abccom/',
'ns2:MethodType' => [
'ns2:Gateway' => [
'Chase Paymentech'
'ns2:Type' => [
'ns2:RefundDate' => [
'xmlns:xsi' => '',
'ns2:Status' => [
'ns2:Id' => [
'xsi:type' => 'ns2:Refund',
'ns2:AccountId' => [
'ns2:Amount' => [
'ns2:CreatedDate' => [
'xmlns:ns2' => 'http://object.abccom/',
'ns2:MethodType' => [
'ns2:Type' => [
'ns2:RefundDate' => [
'xmlns:xsi' => '',
'ns2:Status' => [
'ns2:Id' => [
'xsi:type' => 'ns2:Refund',
'ns2:AccountId' => [
'ns2:Amount' => [
'ns2:CreatedDate' => [
'ns2:Comment' => [
'16 Payment Exception - Chargeback'
'xmlns:ns1' => 'http://api.abccom/'
'xmlns:soapenv' => ''
I am using below code :
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
my $data = XMLin('Refund.xml', forcearray=>1, keyattr=>[] );
print "Reference type in data is : ", ref($data), "\n";
print Dumper($data);
#Try to access the values
my $records=$data->{"soapenv:Body"}->[0]->{"ns1:queryResponse"}->[0]->{"ns1:result"}->
foreach my $record ( #{ $records } ) {
print $record->{"ns2:RefundTransactionTime"};
print "\n";
print Dumper($data) generates hash reference containing array of hashes.
I want to format the hash reference generated above to the array of array references format as shown below:
"16 Payment Exception - Chargeback",
"Chase Paymentech"
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you
The return value ARRAY(0x1f9fca98) indicates that $record->{"ns2:RefundTransactionTime"} contains an array reference. You probably want the first element: $record->{"ns2:RefundTransactionTime"}->[0].