Remove all documents from each collection with the matched query - mongodb

I want to remove all documents with the matched query in mongodb. which means there will be a field "head" in all collections. i want to remove all documents in each collection with head is matched with id : 128643 using single query. How can i do that with mongoose?

I’d recommend spending time in the mongoose documentation, it’s pretty easy to find there...
The command you’re looking for is Model.deleteMany()
So in your case, it would be Model.deleteMany({ id: 128643 });


query in mongodb atlas to verify the existence of multiple specific documents in a collection

I have a mongodb collection called employeeInformation, in which I have two documents:
{"name1":"tutorial1"}, {"name2":"tutorial2"}
When I do db.employeeInformation.find(), I get both these documents displayed. My question is - is there a query that I can run to confirm that the collection contains only those two specified documents? I tried db.employeeInformation.find({"name1":"tutorial1"}, {"name2":"tutorial2"}) but I only got the id corresponding to the first object with key "name1". I know it's easy to do here with 2 documents just by seeing the results of .find(), but I want to ensure that in a situation where I insert multiple (100's) of documents into the collection, I have a way of verifying that the collection contains all and only those 100 documents (note I will always have the objects themselves as text). Ideally this query should work in mongoatlas console/interface as well.
will give you number of inserts once you have inserted the document.

How do I make a mongo query for something that is not in a subdocument array of heterodox size?

I have a mongodb collection full of 65k+ documents, each one with a properties named site_histories. The value of it is an array that might be empty, or might not be. If it is not empty, it will have one or more objects similar to this:
"site_histories" : "[{\"site_id\":\"129373\",\"accepted\":\"1\",\"rejected\":\"0\",\"pending\":\"0\",\"user_id\":\"12743\"}]"
I need to make a query that will look for every instance in the collection of a document that does not have a given user_id.
I'm pretty new to Mongo, so I was trying to make a query that would find every instance that does have the given user_id, which I was then planning on adding a "$ne" to, but even that didn't work. This is the query I was using that didn't work:
db.test.find({site_histories: { $elemMatch: {user_id: '12743\' }}})
So can anyone tell me why this query didn't work? And can anyone help me format a query that will do what I need the final query to do?
If your site_histories really is an array, it should be as simple as doing:
db.test.find({"site_histories.user_id": "12743"})
That looks in all the elements of the array.
However, I'm a bit scared of all those backslashes. If site_histories is a string, that won't work. It would mean that the schema is poorly designed, you'd maybe try with $regex

Does Mongo make a mistake like this?

Say I have a User Document, filled with arrays of ObjectIds.
They are references to documents in another collection.
I want to load all things from a particular user's array. So I do:
find({ _id: $in : someArrayOfObjectIds})
It's possible that certain references reference something that has been deleted.
So the resulting array of the above "find" call can be smaller then the someArrayOfObjectIds.
So for all the ObjectIds not found can I now safely assume that that document does not exist anymore, or can my query just fail to find a document (does mongo make a mistake).
Yes, you can safely assume that missing documents do not exist. By the way, your query is invalid. Should be this:
find({ _id: {$in : someArrayOfObjectIds}})
or can my query just fail to find a document
If it was possible, no one would use it. Pen and paper approach is a safer alternative that DB that makes such mistakes :)

ElasticSearch indexing and references to other documents

I have an ElasticSearch instance indexing a MongoDB database using the river by richardwilly98
There are two types of documents that are indexed:
documents referencing users
documents representing users
When these objects are added to mongodb richardwilly98's river generates something like the following:
document = {'user': {"$id" :
"5159a004c87126641f4f9530" } }
user_document = {'_id':"5159a004c87126641f4f9530",'username':'bob'}
If I perform a search for 'bob' i'd like any documents that reference the bob document to be returned. At the moment this doesn't happen because the username field is not related to the referencing documents in anyway.
Is it possible to do this? Does ElasticSearch have object references?
Thanks - let me know if I haven't been clear.
If each document belong to no more than one user, you can index documents as children of users. Then you can use has_parent filter to perform the search. However, if a single document can belong to more than one user, you will have to perform search in two steps. First you would have to find the user and then issue another search to find documents.
Elasticsearch supports parent field [1]. MongoDB river supports custom mapping [2] so _parent can now be used.

MongoDB - Query embbeded documents

I've a collection named Events. Each Eventdocument have a collection of Participants as embbeded documents.
Now is my question.. is there a way to query an Event and get all Participants thats ex. Age > 18?
When you query a collection in MongoDB, by default it returns the entire document which matches the query. You could slice it and retrieve a single subdocument if you want.
If all you want is the Participants who are older than 18, it would probably be best to do one of two things:
Store them in a subdocument inside of the event document called "Over18" or something. Insert them into that document (and possibly the other if you want) and then when you query the collection, you can instruct the database to only return the "Over18" subdocument. The downside to this is that you store your participants in two different subdocuments and you will have to figure out their age before inserting. This may or may not be feasible depending on your application. If you need to be able to check on arbitrary ages (i.e. sometimes its 18 but sometimes its 21 or 25, etc) then this will not work.
Query the collection and retreive the Participants subdocument and then filter it in your application code. Despite what some people may believe, this isnt terrible because you dont want your database to be doing too much work all the time. Offloading the computations to your application could actually benefit your database because it now can spend more time querying and less time filtering. It leads to better scalability in the long run.
Short answer: no. I tried to do the same a couple of months back, but mongoDB does not support it (at least in version <= 1.8). The same question has been asked in their Google Group for sure. You can either store the participants as a separate collection or get the whole documents and then filter them on the client. Far from ideal, I know. I'm still trying to figure out the best way around this limitation.
For future reference: This will be possible in MongoDB 2.2 using the new aggregation framework, by aggregating like this:
{ $unwind: '$participants' },
{ $match: {'age': {$gte: 18}}},
{ $project: {participants: 1}
This will return a list of n documents where n is the number of participants > 18 where each entry looks like this (note that the "participants" array field now holds a single entry instead):
_id: objectIdOfTheEvent,
participants: { firstName: 'only one', lastName: 'participant'}
It could probably even be flattened on the server to return a list of participants. See the officcial documentation for more information.