How to get ios Bundle ID that other actions use - fastlane

My Fastlane is configured and working great. Match is setup and working great. Everything automatically detects the project and the bundle ID and is working great...
But I need to manually set profile_path in the following:
use_automatic_signing: false,
team_id: "ZZZZ",
code_sign_identity: "iPhone Developer",
profile_name: ENV['sigh_com.blah.blah_development_profile-name']
That requires knowing the bundle ID to pass into environment variable. All actions seems to know the bundle ID, but I can't get it anywhere. I don't want to manually hardcode the ID.
If I don't do the above step, even with match setup, the build fails.

Looks like using CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier) should be enough to get the app identifier, assuming you have it defined as part of your Appfile or similar.


The test may not have the latest project changes. Try again later

While clicking on the test "The test may not have the latest project changes. Try again later." an error is coming
Go to the "Develop" tab and change the Display Name.
So, while testing you will be saying "Talk to " rather than "Talk to my test app"
Finally, after doing multiple try i am able to resolve it by using following steps.
I found the answers by searching the solution for warning "The test may not have the latest changes.." in action console help.
Pick a display name that is short, unique, and memorable. Your brand or product name is usually a good choice. This name is used as the way users invoke your Action, and it serves as the title of your listing in the Assistant directory.
Caution: If you have multiple Actions projects that use the same display name, the simulator chooses one at random. For consistent testing results, use unique names or release channels for each Action.
Reference Link:
Now how to give display name or change display name.
Go to develop tab and give display name or change display name as follows

AdMob not displaying on copied Swift project

I have created an app in swift and it’s in the app store, displaying Google AdMobs interstitial.
Let’s call the app ‘MyApp’, and bundle identifier is ‘com.mrx.-MyApp’.
Now, I’ve made a copy of this app, it has the same name, and some minor modifications, and just changed the bundle identifier to ‘com.mrx.-MyAppTwo’. That’s it. The display name is still ‘MyApp’ (not ‘MyApp Two’) and the ‘Name’ (under ‘Identity and type’) is also still just ‘MyApp’.
No other changes in the projects settings (no renaming or anything, since the app’s name is the same).
I’ve create a new AdMobs using the app name ‘MyApp Two’ and the bundle identifier ‘com.mrx.-MyAppTwo’.
However, it will simply not display adds (it works fine with AdMob’s sample ads).
My guess is that it has something to do with the naming, but I can simply not figure it out.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Seems like just renaming it under 'Identity and Type' did the trick.

Choosing the correct bundle ID in iTunes Connect.

I am preparing to submit an app to the App Store and have come across the following form. In the past when I have done this incorrectly it caused me a lot of grief which I would like to avoid this time around.
It is giving me a few options to choose from, but I'm not sure which one is correct. I would assume there is a way to check my Xcode project to be sure that the bundle IDs match. More specifically I would think that the form below would correspond to my bundle id name
where if my app is called AWESOMEAPP the correct bundle to choose should read EricBrotto.AWESOMEAPP or EricBrotto - *. In fact I don't have either as an option. What I do have is ericbrotto - *. That said could I just choose this one and change my Bundle identifier to ericbrotto.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}?
Any clarification would be great!
I would get rid of the dollar signs, and enter explicitly com.ericbrotto.myawesomeapp into all of the provisioning portal, iTunes Connect and the Xcode Target Build settings. Or use a wildcard just for the provisioning profile.

iphone: appID creation problem?

Whenever I create an app ID on my provisioning profile, the 10 digit bundle seed ID keeps getting imported in front of it... e.g.
..As a result, the project i'm trying to compile (which as bundleID com.yourcompany.ytj gives an error in Application Loader.
..Is there a way to create an appID without the 'YVW2UMA3HV' in front of it ?
This is expected behavior and always worked for me.
Have you, however, tried using something different than "com.yourcompany" as prefix? Because that's where the problem might be at.
The value you supply in your Xcode project for the Identifier property of the target is just the com.yourcomparny.whatever portion of the AppID.

How to populate Info.plist values dynamically in Xcode?

Can't figure out how to populate CFBundleVersion dynamically with ${BUNDLE_VERSION} which I would like to define as
BUNDLE_VERSION=`date "+%y%m%d"`
If you're doing command-line builds with xcodebuild, you can do something like
xcodebuild -target MyApp -configuration AppStore BUNDLE_VERSION=`date "+%y%m%d"`
However, I advise against doing this. An App Store app has three versions:
The iTunes Connect version number (this is the only one normally shown to the user)
I think they're all supposed to be of the form [0-9]+.[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?. To avoid confusion, I set them all to the same thing for App Store builds (we include CFBundleVersion/CFBundleShortVersionString in bug reports, and it's nice if they match CFBundleVersion). Non-App Store builds can include more info, since they don't need to be submitted.
I don't know if iTunes Connect lets you submit an app with CFBundleVersion that doesn't contain a ".", but I haven't extensively tested this.
You’ll need an Xcode configuration file and a configuration variable that you set at build time. This is described in some detail at Diego Massanti’s blog. You’ll need to modify the build phase he describes to set the variable to the current date instead of incrementing the existing value.