List notation and S-expressions in LISP - lisp

I was trying to learn the concept of S-expressions in Lisp. I came across with the following question:
Give an example of an S-expression which cannot be
represented using the list notation.
What does list notation means? I understand the great idea of sexps but is it possible create a sexp which cannot be
represented using the list notation? If so, what can I say about the binary tree which represents it?

In this context, I'd understand list notation to be the abbreviation of the dotted pair notation in the case of a linear chain: list notation (a b c) for the dotted pair notation (a . (b . (c . nil))).
This would mean that anything that is not expressible as nested lists would fit the description: improper lists (i. e. the last cdr is not nil) or circular lists come to mind.
Improper list example: (a b c . d). The rightmost leaf is not nil.
Circular list: #1=(a b c . #1#). There is a cycle in the graph.


"NAND only" vs "AND and NOT only" difference?

When you simplify something down into these two, is there really any difference between?
For example:
( (B'C)' * (B'D')' )'
Is this and NAND only? If so, can it be converted to AND and NOT only? Or vice-versa? I'm confused on the difference between the two.
Your formula:
( (B'C)' * (B'D')' )'
Assume ' is negation and * and juxtaposition are used for conjunction; disjunction is not shown but would be denoted +. Let us rewrite the formula using not and and instead:
not (not (not B and C) and not (not B and not D))
Let us also indicate which nots go with which ands:
not (not (not B and C) and not (not B and not D))
^1 ^2 ^2 ^1 ^3 ^3
We can therefore eliminate three nots and replace the corresponding ands with three nands:
(not B nand C) nand (not B nand not D)
We see right away that the original formula was not expressed using only nands since eliminating pairs of nots and ands using the definition of nand did not eliminate non-nand operators.
However, the original formula does consist only of and and not. Because any formula can be written using nands only, this one can. The lazy way is to just use not x = x nand x three times to remove each of the remaining nots.

Update element of immutable vector - vector-set

I'm using vectors to build a table for implement a dynamic program, it involves updating each element of the vector sequentially. But why is there no vector-set for immutable vectors? There is only vector-set! for mutable vectors, but we can see that there is dict-set and dict-set! for immutable and mutable dictionaries, also there is hash-set and hash-set! for immutable and mutable hash tables.
The reason why vector-set is missing, is to prevent people inadvertently using it without realizing the operation is O(n) and not O(1). Since vector-set! is O(1) it is not unlikely for someone to make this mistake.
Furthermore it is simple to write a vector-set when it is really needed:
#lang racket
(define (vector-set v i o)
(for/vector ([j (in-range (vector-length v))])
(if (= i j)
(vector-ref v j)))))
(vector-set (vector-immutable 10 11 12 13) 2 'a)
'#(10 11 a 13)

How to apply lambda calculus rules in Racket?

I am trying to test some of the lambda calculus functions that I wrote using Racket but not having much luck with the testcases. For example given a definition
; successor function
(define my_succ (λ (one)
(λ (two)
(λ (three)
(two ((one two) three))))))
I am trying to apply it to 1 2 3, expecting the successor of 2 to be 3 by doing
(((my_succ 1) 2) 3)
logic being that since my_succ is a function that takes one arg and passes it to another function that takes one arg which passes it to the third function that takes one arg. But I get
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: 1
I tried Googling and found a lot of code for the rules, but no examples of application of these rules. How should I call the above successor function in order to test it?
You are mixing two completely different things: lambda terms and functions in Racket.
In Racket you can have anonymous functions, that can be written in the λ notation (like (λ(x) (+ x 1)) that returns the successor of an integer, so that ((λ(x) (+ x 1)) 1) returns 2),
in Pure Lambda Calculus you have only lambda terms, that are written with in a similar notation, and that can be interpreted as functions.
In the second domain, you do not have natural numbers like 0, 1, 2, ..., but you have only lambda terms, and represent numbers as such. For instance, if you use the so-called Church numerals, you represent (in technical term encode) the number 0 with the lambda term λf.λx.x, 1 with λf.λx.f x, 2 with λf.λx.f (f x) and so on.
So, the function successor (for numbers represented with this encoding) correspond to a term which, in Racket notation, is the function that you have written, but you cannot apply it to numbers like 0, 1, etc., but only to other lambda expressions, that is you could write something like this:
(define zero (λ(f) (λ (x) x))) ; this correspond to λf.λx.x
(successor zero)
The result in Racket is a procedure (it will be printed as: #<procedure>), but if you try to test that your result is correct, comparing it with the functional encoding of 1, you will find something strange. In fact:
(equal? (successor zero) (λ(f) (λ(x) (f x))))
produces #f, since if you compare two procedures in Racket you obtain always false (e.g. (equal? (λ(x)x) (λ(x)x)) produces #f), unless you compare the “identical” (in the sense of “same memory cell”) value ((equal? zero zero) gives #t). This is due to the fact that, for comparing correctly two functions, you should compare infinite sets of couples (input, output)!
Another possibility would be representing lambda terms as some kind of structure in Racket, so you can represent Church numerals, as well as "normal" lambda terms, and define a function apply (or better reduce) the perform lambda-reduction.
You are trying to apply currying.
(define my_succ
(f x y z)))))
(define (add x y z)
(+ x y z))
((( (my_succ add)1)2)3)
Implementation in DR Racket:

extract/slice/reorder lists in (emacs) lisp?

In python, you might do something like
i = (0, 3, 2)
x = [x+1 for x in range(0,5)]
to get (1, 4, 3).
In (emacs) lisp, I wrote this function called extract which does something similar,
(defun extract (elems seq)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (nth x seq)) elems))
(extract '(0 3 2) (number-sequence 1 5))
but I feel like there should be something built in? All I know is first, last, rest, nth, car, cdr... What's the way to go? ~ Thanks in advance ~
If your problem is the speed then use (vector 1 2 3 4 5) instead of a list, and (aref vec index) to get the element.
(defun extract (elems seq)
(let ((av (vconcat seq)))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (aref av x)) elems)))
If you're going to extract from the same sequence many times of course it make sense to store the sequence in a vector just once.
Python lists are indeed one-dimensional arrays, the equivalent in LISP are vectors.
I've only done simple scripting in elisp, but it's a relatively small language. And extract is a very inefficient function on linked lists, which is the default data structure in emacs lisp. So it's unlikely to be built-in.
Your solution is the best straightforward one. It's n^2, but to make it faster requires a lot more code.
Below is a guess at how it might work, but it might also be totally off base:
sort elems (n log n)
create a map that maps elements in sorted elem to their indices in original elem (probably n log n, maybe n)
iterate through seq and sorted elem. Keep only the indices in sorted elem (probably n, maybe n log n, depending on whether it's a hash map or a tree map)
sort the result by the values of the elem mapping (n log n)
From My Lisp Experiences and the Development of GNU Emacs:
There were people in those days, in 1985, who had one-megabyte machines without virtual memory. They wanted to be able to use GNU Emacs. This meant I had to keep the program as small as possible.
For instance, at the time the only looping construct was ‘while’, which was extremely simple. There was no way to break out of the ‘while’ statement, you just had to do a catch and a throw, or test a variable that ran the loop. That shows how far I was pushing to keep things small. We didn't have ‘caar’ and ‘cadr’ and so on; “squeeze out everything possible” was the spirit of GNU Emacs, the spirit of Emacs Lisp, from the beginning.
Obviously, machines are bigger now, and we don't do it that way anymore. We put in ‘caar’ and ‘cadr’ and so on, and we might put in another looping construct one of these days.
So my guess is, if you don't see it, it's not there.

Lisp: How to write a Higher Order Function

I have this problem to work on:
The sum higher order procedure can be generalised even further to capture the idea of combining terms with a fixed operator. The mathematical product operator is a specific example of this idea, with multiplication replacing the addition of the summation operator.
The procedure accumulate, started below, is intended to capture this idea. The combiner parameter represents the operator that is used to reduce the terms, and the base parameter represents the value that is returned when there are no terms left to be combined. For example, if we have already implemented the accumulate procedure, then we could define the sum procedure as:
(define sum (accumulate + 0))
Complete the definition of accumulate so that it behaves according to this description.
(define accumulate
(lambda (combiner base)
(lambda (term start next stop)
(if (> start stop)
I inserted as the last two lines:
(combiner base (accumulate (combiner start stop) start next stop))
but, I have no idea if this is correct nor how to actually use the sum procedure to call accumulate and hence sum up numbers.
This is a great way to learn how to fish. Much better
than being given a fish.
Until then, here's how to approach the problem. Write a
function which would do what (accumulate + 0) would do. Don't use the accumulate function; just write a defun which which does what your homework asks. Next, write a function which would do what (accumulate * 1) would do. What are the similarities, what are the differences between the two functions. For the most part, they should be identical except for the occurrence of the + and * operators.
Next, note that the accumulate function is to return a function which will look a lot like the two functions you wrote earlier. Now, using the insight that two functions you wrote are very similar, think how to apply that to the function which (defun accumulate ...) is to return.