Why kubernetes taints the master node with "NoSchedule" by default? - kubernetes

A few days ago, I looked up why none of pods are being scheduled to the master node, and found this question: Allow scheduling of pods on Kubernetes master?
It tells that it is because the master node is tainted with "NoSchedule" effect, and gives the command to remove that taint.
But before I execute that command on my cluster, I want to understand why it was there in the first place.
Is there a reason why the master node should not run pods? Any best-practices it relates to?

The purpose of kubernetes is to deploy application easily and scale them based on the demand. The pod is a basic entity which runs the application and can be increased and decreased based on high and low demands respectively (Horizontal Pod Autoscalar).
These worker pods needs to be run on worker nodes specially if you’re looking at big application where your cluster might scale upto 100’s of nodes based on demand (Cluster Autoscalar). These increasing pods can put up pressure on your nodes and once they do you can always increase the worker node in cluster using cluster autoscalar.
Suppose, you made your master schedulable then the high memory and CPU pressure put your master at risk of crashing the master. Mind you can’t autoscale the master using autoscalar. This way you’re putting your whole cluster at risk. If you have single master then your will not be able to schedule anything if master crashed. If you have 3 master and one of them crashed, then the other two master has to take the extra load of scheduling and managing worker nodes and increasing the load on themselves and hence the increased risk of failure
Also, In case of larger cluster, you already need the master nodes with high resources just to manage your worker nodes. You can’t put additional load on master nodes to run the workload as well in that case. Please have a look at the setting up large cluster in kubernetes here
If you have manageable workload and you know it doesn’t increase beyond a certain level. You can make master schedulable. However for production cluster it is not recommended at all.

Primary role of master is cluster management. Already many components of k8 are running on master.Suppose If pods scheduled on master without limit of resources and pods are consuming all the resources( cpu or memory), then master and in turn whole cluster will be at risk.
So while designing Highly Available production cluster minimum 3 master, 3 etcd, 3 infra node are created and application pods are not scheduled on these nodes. Separate worker nodes added to assign workload.

Master is intended for cluster management tasks and should not be used to run workloads. In development and test environments it is ok to schedule pods on master servers but in production better to keep it only for cluster level management activities. Use workers or nodes to schedule workloads


In kubernetes, when does it make sense to have pods replicated in the same node?

I understand the logic behind replicating a pod across nodes, but is there any benefit to replicating pods in the same node? From my understanding this doesn't increase degree of replication, because one pod can take down a node.
Replication of pods within a node?
You can handle the replication condition/count using some metrics but you can't handle the spawning of the pods on the same node until unless there is some affinity set, as it's handled by kube-scheduler. However you can set various pod/node affinities, anti affinities and topologykey [if you wish to maintain a minimum number of pods on a particular node].
One pod can take a node down?
I highly doubt that, it can only happen if you don't have any requests/limits set for CPU/Memory or if in your HPA the maximum replicas are set to increase more than the capacity of the node with a condition that podaffinity is set so all the pods will be spawning on the same node.
When can such a scenario make sense?
The reason for it can be if your nodes are of irregular size. And you want to consume a particular node more than other nodes in the cluster.
In a best practices environment all the nodes are of regular size. HPA is set and limits/quotas are provided so that a pod doesn't crash a node by crossing all the limits of a node.
EDIT from comments:
So what if I want to run multiple instances of a nodejs app to utilize all the cores on my kube node? Lets say 8 cores, does it make sense to replicate the nodejs app pod 8 times in the same kube node or is it better to have 1 pod spin up 8 instances of the nodejs app?
A single-threaded application in your case, a pod will be considered as an instance. A pod to spin up 8 instances? It will be a multi-container pod with 8 containers of the same image, that would really be a bad practice and surely not even worth a test environment. However, having different replicas for the same Deployment is a do-able practice. But the question is how will you stop the Kubernetes service that if a pod is already serving some request and is in the lock state how will the request be routed to another pod. That's only possible by HPA if max request per pod is set to 1.
Why not use NodeJS Cluster module for kubernetes to utilise all the cores of the node in the cluster where App is deployed? -- Suggestion by #DanielKobe

Question about concept on Kubernetes pod assignment to nodes

I am quite a beginner in Kuberenetes and would like to ask about some concepts related to kuberenetes pod assignment.
Suppose there is a deployment to be made with a requirement of 3 replica sets.
Assume that there are 4 nodes, where each of it being a different physical server with different CPU and memory.
When the deployment is made, how would kubernetes assgin the pods to the nodes? Will there be scenario where it will put multiple pods on the same server, while a server does not have pod assignment (due to resource considereation)?
Assume there are 4 nodes (on 4 indentical physical servers), and 1 pod is created on each of the 4 nodes.
Suppose that now one of the nodes goes down. How would kuberenetes handle this? Will it recreate the pod on one of the other 3 nodes, based on which one having more available resources?
Thank you for any advice in advance.
There's a brief discussion of the Kubernetes Scheduler in the Kubernetes documentation. Generally scheduling is fairly opaque, but you also tend to aim for fairly well-loaded nodes; the important thing from your application point of view is to set appropriate resource requests: in your pod specifications. Just so long as there's enough room on each node to meet the resource requests, it usually doesn't matter to you which node gets picked.
In the scenario you describe, (1) it is possible that two replicas will be placed on the same node and so two nodes will go unused. That's especially true if the nodes aren't identical and they have resource constraints: if your pods require 4 GB of RAM, but you have some nodes that have less than that (after accounting for system pods and daemon set pods), the pods can't get scheduled there.
If a node fails (2) Kubernetes will automatically reschedule the pods running on that node if possible. "Fail" is a broad case, and can include a node being intentionally stopped to be upgraded or replaced. In this latter case you have some control over the cluster's behavior; see Disruptions in the documentation.
Many environments will run a cluster autoscaler. This can cause nodes to come and go automatically: if you try to schedule a pod and it won't fit, the autoscaler will allocate a new node, and if a node is under 50% utilization, it will be removed (and its pods rescheduled). In your first scenario you might start with only one node, but when the pod replicas don't all fit, the autoscaler would create a new node and once it's available the excess pods could be scheduled there.
Kubernetes will try to deploy pods to multiple nodes for better availability and resiliency. This will be based on the resource availability of the nodes. So if any node is not having enough capacity to host a pod it's possible that more than one replica of a pod is scheduled into same node.
Kubernetes will reschedule pods from the failed node to other available node which has enough capacity to host the pod. In this process again if there is no enough node which can host the replicas then there is a possibility that more than one replica is scheduled on same node.
You can read more on the scheduling algorithm here.
You can influence the scheduler by node and pod affinity and antiaffinity

Running Kubernetes master and node on the same server (scheduling pods on Kubernetes master)

If you run taint command on Kubernetes master:
kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-
it allows you to schedule pods.
So it acts as node and master.
I have tried to run 3 server cluster where all nodes have both roles. I didn't notice any issues from the first look.
Do you think nowadays this solution can be used to run small cluster for production service? If not, what are the real downsides? In which situations this setup fails comparing with standard setup?
Assume that etcd is running on all three servers.
Thank you
The standard reason to run separate master nodes and worker nodes is to keep a busy workload from interfering with the cluster proper.
Say you have three nodes as proposed. One winds up running a database; one runs a Web server; the third runs an asynchronous worker pod. Suddenly you get a bunch of traffic into your system, the Rails application is using 100% CPU, the Sidekiq worker is cranking away at 100% CPU, the MySQL database is trying to handle some complicated joins and is both high CPU and also is using all of the available disk bandwidth. You run kubectl get pods: which node is actually able to service these requests? If your application triggers the Linux out-of-memory killer, can you guarantee that it won't kill etcd or kubelet, both of which are critical to the cluster working?
If this is running in a cloud environment, you can often get away with smaller (cheaper) nodes to be the masters. (Kubernetes on its own doesn't need a huge amount of processing power, but it does need it to be reliably available.)

kubernetes - can we create 2 node master-only cluster with High availability

I am new to the Kubernetes and cluster.
I would like to bring up an High Availability Master Only Kubernetes Cluster(Need Not to!).
I have the 2 Instances/Servers running Kubernetes daemon, and running different kind of pods on both the Nodes.
Now I would like to somehow create the cluster and if the one of the host(2) down, then all the pods from that host(2) should move to the another host(1).
once the host(2) comes up. the pods should float back.
Please let me know if there is any way i can achieve this?
Since your requirement is to have a 2 node master-only cluster and also have HA capabilities then unfortunately there is no straightforward way to achieve it.
Reason being that a 2 node master-only cluster deployed by kubeadm has only 2 etcd pods (one on each node). This gives you no fault tolerance. Meaning if one of the nodes goes down, etcd cluster would lose quorum and the remaining k8s master won't be able to operate.
Now, if you were ok with having an external etcd cluster where you can maintain an odd number of etcd members then yes, you can have a 2 node k8s cluster and still have HA capabilities.
It is possible that master node serves also as a worker node however it is not advisable on production environments, mainly for performance reasons.
By default, kubeadm configures master node so that no workload can be run on it and only regular nodes, added later would be able to handle it. But you can easily override this default behaviour.
In order to enable workload to be scheduled also on master node you need to remove from it the following taint, which is added by default:
kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-
To install and configure multi-master kubernetes cluster you can follow this tutorial. It describes scenario with 3 master nodes but you can easily customize it to your needs.

Is there a reason to auto-scale kubernetes master?

I am running a Kubernetes cluster with 3 master and 3 nodes.
I have found this to auto-scale worker nodes based on the pod's status.
But, I couldn't find any blog or add-on to auto-scale master nodes.
Is there any reason to auto-scale master nodes, if yes how can we do that?
There is no need to autoscale the master nodes. In a practical world, your worker nodes responsibility is to run your work load and your master nodes responsibility is to make sure that your worker nodes are having desired state in the cluster.
Now all the end users will request your application (pods) and as the load increased they need to scale horizontally and more pods should be spawned. If the resources on worker nodes are insufficient to run those nodes, more worker nodes should be spawned.
In large cluster we do not run load on master node, but we need to make sure it is highly available so that there is no single point of failure to orchestrate the worker nodes. For that we can have 3 master multi-master cluster in place.
Worker nodes we worry about the horizontal scalability and In master node we worry about high availability.
But for building large cluster, you need to provide adequate resources to master nodes for handling the orchestration of load on worker nodes.
For more information on building large cluster, please refer official document:
In a nutshell, You can even have one master for 1000 worker nodes if you provide enough resources to that node. So, there is no reason to autoscale master comparing to the challenges we face in doing so.