How to enable blueprint rest routes on sails app created with --minimal - sails.js

I'm new to sails, using 1.0.
I created an app with the --minimal command line switch and now I wish to add in some functionality.
I've already successfully added the ORM functionality (by adding sails-hook-orm, config/datasources and config/models.
Now I wish to enable the automatic blueprint routes. I've already added config/blueprint like so:
module.exports.blueprints = {
prefix: '/api/v1',
actions: true,
rest: true,
// shortcuts: true,
Now, if I manually add in the routes and actually write the standalone actions, for example, like below:
'GET /api/v1/users/:id': { action: 'users/find-one' },
It works. But I was expecting that blueprint would abstract those away from me when I set rest: true on the config...
What else should I check?

By the documentation is just put rest as true (is true by default), and this should work, seem like you have missing something else. Check if you have your controller created and your model with the same name.
If you don't have the controller created then the blueprint is not going to work


Show a popup on redirect from old to new domain

I need to show a popup when the old domain is redirected to new domain in the nuxt js.
I have modified the . htaccess file and have a modal in the index.vue.
mounted() {
const modal = document.getElementById('modal')
if (document.referrer.indexOf('') > -1) {
alert('Previous domain redirected') = 'block'
But there is no popup displayed. Is there a better way to do this using nuxt.
You can try the following:
Create a middleware in middleware/popupCheck.js name is up to you..
when you are creating middleware in Nuxt you should export default function, like this:
export default function(context) {
if (context.req.headers['your-custom-header']) {
// Use vuex store to dispatch an action to show a popup or set a cookie
// to listen to. Here the logic should be defined by the implementation.
The point here is to listen for a header in the request, could be a cookie also, that you have to send from your old site for every request, so make sure it's not something generic, but instead something that you cannot hit easily by mistake..
After you create your middleware you can use it on pages or layouts views, and you should add it in the default object you export:
export default {
middleware: 'popupCheck',
Without importing the middleware you just call it by name, this could also be an array if you wish to add multiple middlewares, and the order in that array is important.
There might be a better way to solve this, but this is the first one that came to my mind..

How to Add Policies to Sails models?

I have set policies at the controller level for few controllers and the specific actions in the controllers. But if i have a model with the name test and when I call the API localhost:<port>/test it returns the response of the whole data which is there under test. Basically it does a test.find()
How do I restrict this ? Something like:
I'm using passportjs along with sails.
You can create a policies.js inside config folder and specify the policies for the controller there.
// Apply 'isLoggedIn' to all actions by default
'*': 'isLoggedIn',
ProfileController: {
'foo': 'isAdmin'
isAdmin.js is a js file inside policies directory. You can get more information here
Found a way to add it in the API level.
in my routes:
'/modelName': { policy: 'isAuthenticated' }

SailsJs Partial disable Restful API

Suppose I have 3 models A, B, C. Is there any way to enable rest API for model C only?
blueprints.js can only turn on/off the rest API function for all models.
I think if it can't be configured, a controller is needed.
You need a controller to override the configurations of your blueprints, since you only want one model to have rest API, then you can set it to false(globally) in your blueprint settings, and for that particular model(C), you create a controller and add a custom _config property that will override what was set in the blueprints settings.
Like this
var ModelController = {
_config: {
actions: true,
shortcuts: true,
rest: true
module.exports = ModelController
According to the docs the opposite is true (dissabling), and its what i've tried in the past, but i believe it will work like this. If not, you'll have to enable the restApi for all of them and disable it for all but your model C controller.
This is the link to the docs related to that
I'm not aware of any other option right now, but let me know if it works.

Sails JS how does generated entity have create when controller is empty ?

I got a basic question.
I'm trying out Sails ( and it has terminal commands to generate entity such as User entity:
sails generate api user
My question is, the UserController.js file shows:
* UserController
* #description :: Server-side logic for managing users
* #help :: See!/documentation/concepts/Controllers
module.exports = {
How come when I access:
It knows how to create a new User entity ? The controller clearly does not have a create action like this:
module.exports = {
create: function(req, res) {
// code to create new user
So surely nothing should happen.
I did a bit of Symphony 2.0 PHP web framework and we needed to create those actions manually.
I'm confuzzled and impressed at the same time, any ideas ?
Welcome to the Sails.js world!
You have just discovered the Blueprint API.
When you lift your app, Sails will add generic actions to your controllers that have a model of the same name (to this day find, findOne, create, update, destroy, populate, add and remove actions exist implicitly). That's called Blueprints actions.
In addition, Blueprints routes can also be binded to your controllers' actions. Here is the list of those routes:
Blueprints RESTful routes: automatically generated routes to expose a conventionnal REST API on top of find, create, update, and destroy actions
GET /post -> PostController.find
GET /post/:id -> PostController.findOne
POST /post -> PostController.create
PUT /post/:id -> PostController.update
DELETE /post/:id -> PostController.destroy
Blueprints shortcuts routes: simple helpers to provide access to a controller's CRUD methods from your browser's URL bar
GET /user/create?name=joe -> Post.create
GET /user/update/1?name=mike -> Post.update
GET /user/destroy/1 -> Post.destroy
Blueprints actions routes: automatically create routes for your custom controller actions
GET /group/count -> Post.count
Each of them can be deactivated in the config/blueprints.js file.
You can find more details on the docs.
Check this SO question if you want to redefine the blueprints actions.

What purpose does `req.options` serve in SailsJS?

What purpose does req.options serve in SailsJs?
From the source, it seems I can somehow use policies to alter existing params on Sails Blueprints, etc. How does this work? I can't find any documentation at all.
req.options was introduced in Sails v0.10 as a way to add options to custom routes. For example, you could always do:
'GET /userList': {
controller: 'UserController',
action: 'find'
to point at the default "find" action for a User model, but there was no way to control the query--it would always just return all records. Now you can do:
'GET /userList': {
controller: 'UserController',
action: 'find',
sort: 'name desc',
where: {name: {startsWith: 'j'}}
and all of the options (including controller and action) will be added to req.options, which the default blueprint actions use to modify the query. Note the difference to Sails v0.9.x, which used to keep track of the controller and action.
As you pointed out, req.options can also be modified within policies, as opposed to req.params which are reset before every policy and controller action. This can be used to, for example, further restrict the criteria for a query based on a user's role.
Obviously the docs for v0.10.x aren't completely finished (and will always be subject to improvement), but this could definitely find a place in the Route Target Syntax section...