Google Cloud SQL showing "Instance is being updated" more than 10h and DONT STARTS - google-cloud-sql

Google Cloud SQL showing "Instance is being updated" more than 10h and DONT STARTS!
What can I do?

Looks like a bug in Cloud SQL. Monitoring noticed your down instance and there's a ticket pending investigation by an engineer right now.
[I'm the Cloud SQL tech lead]


MongoDb cluster upgrade error - "Configuring analytics nodes specific auto-scaling is not yet supported."

When Migrating Cluster from M5 to M10, I am receiving error as show below.
"Configuring analytics nodes specific auto-scaling is not yet supported.".
Has anyone encountered this error? If yes, how to resolve this?
Is there any way to migrate to bigger cluster plan without the "click to update" button?
Update 1 (20 Sept 2022)
Have posted same Q on MongoDb Forum
The issue got resolved.
Note for future visitor to this Question 🙋: This was an internal issue with Atlas. The same was fixed by support team. There was no action required from my part.

AWS EC2 free tier instance is automatically stopping frequently

I am using ubuntu 18.04 on AWS EC2 instace free tier, running websites on apache server, NodeJS with PostgreSQL database. All deployments are done perfectly and webapps works fine without any exception or error details.
However I am facing an annoying issue: this instance is stopping frequently without any exception or error logs. After rebooting instance everything starts working fine but after some time it automatically stops either in few hrs. on same day when rebooted instance or in 1-2 days after that.
I created another free tier instance with seperate account and that is also giving same issue. I am not finding any logs or troubleshoot option to get rid of this problem.
I would like to know how it can be troubleshooted or where can i find logs of any errors or exception for this isntance?
Suggestion given by AWS in "Instance Status Checl" as attached below are not practicle solution to apply evertime.
Something with your VM itself is causing its health checks to fail.
Have a look at syslogs, and your application logs. Also take a look at CloudWatch metrics to see if any metrics have dramatic change close to time.
You can also add a CloudWatch alarm with a recovery action to automatically reboot if there’s an issue with your VM.

How to change the machine type of a Google Cloud SQL failover replica

I recently changed the machine type for a Google Cloud SQL instance, but it did not automatically change the machine type for the failover replica. When I edit the replica, the button to change the machine type is greyed out. Does anyone know how I can change the machine type for the replica?
At the moment, it's not possible via the UI.
Until that's fixed, you can use gcloud to perform the change:
cloud sql instances patch --project=my-project my-instance --tier new-tier

Google Cloud SQL Instance hung on import. Can't stop, restart, delete

I have an SQL import that hasn't completed yet and isn't progressing at all. The isstance storage uses has been at 9GB of 10GB for 3 days now. I have tried deleting the instance from the web interface as well as the Google Cloud SDK Shell and web based Cloud Shell.
I get an error message saying that restarting failed when I running "gcloud sql instances restart instance_name".
I get an error message saying that the operation is taking longer than expected when I run "gcloud sql instances delete instance_name".
Is there any way I can kill and delete this instance.

Google Cloud SQL CPU Monitoring

I'm working on trying to setup some monitoring on a Google Cloud SQL node and am not seeing how to do it. I was able to install the monitoring agent on my Google Compute Engine instances to monitor CPU, Network, etc. I have not been able to figure out how to do so on the Cloud SQL instance. I have access to these types of monitoring:
Storage Usage (GB)
Number of Read/Write operations
Egress Bytes
Active Connections
MySQL Queries
MySQL Questions
InnoDB Pages Read/Written (pages/sec)
InnoDB Data fsyncs (operations/sec)
InnoDB Log fsyncs (operations/sec)
I'm sure these are great options, but at this point all I want to pay attention to is if my node is performing on a CPU/RAM standpoint as they seem to first and foremost measures for performance.
If I'm missing something, or misunderstnading what I'm trying to do, any advice is appreciated.
Google has a Stackdriver which is for logging and monitoring Google and AWS cloud infrastructure. It can monitor every single thing present on GCP. You can create visualization to monitor your Cloud SQL instance in one dashboard. You just have to ---->
1. login to stackdriver and Go to any existing dashboard, If you dont have create one.---->
2. Add chart and select Cloud SQL in resource Name.---->
3. Select CPU Utilization from metric and save. You can also monitor memory, Disk I/o, Delta count of Queries or servers Up-time and many more.
if you want to monitor any other GCP Compute engine, App-Engine, Kubernetese Engine, storage bucket, Bigtable or pub/sub you just have to select appropriate resource name from list. Hope you got your answer.
You can view all of them directly from the "Overview" tab of the Cloud SQL console:
I have added this as a feature request as issue 110.