Eclipse "run as" missing groovy script - eclipse

When I use eclipse to run a groovy file, the "run as" only shows two choices which are "Groovy Console" and "Java Application". It should has a "Groovy Script" as default but currently it does not.
To run the file, I have to use "run configurations" to choose the "Groovy Script". Are there any way that I could add "Groovy Script" back to the "run as" list?

If you created your file in Eclipse using the "New" -> "Others" -> "Groovy Type" eclipse generated a class file. The class files cannot be executed as scripts even if they have the .groovy extension.
Try to create a completely new file with .groovy extension with the following content, as example:
println GroovySystem.version
Now the menu "Run as..." -> "Groovy script" is active. The content of your file must be script specific statements in order to get the "Groovy script" menu active.


How to add JUnit to my Eclipse and how to run it?

I want to try some tests,and have accidentally removed JUnit
My prefrences in Eclipse
I have found
What is my next step?
Try "Restore Defaults", or re-install Eclipse.
Once you have re-enabled JUnit, to run a test just right-click on the class and choose "Run As" -> "JUnit Test"

How to execute the go test file in the goeclipse IDE

How do I create a eclipse launch file to execute the test file or run configuration in the goeclipse IDE
This is an enhancement which is pending: issue 5
I was thinking more along the line of adding a menu item ("Test go application") in the "run as" context menu.
Right now if I select a go test file and click "Run go application" from the "run as" context menu nothing is executed (no main).
A "Test go application" could do a "go test" on the file instead of a "go run"...
For now, there is only an option "Enable continuous testing":

upload only current file with netbeans

I'm using netbeans 6.9.1 to work on a php project, how do I manually upload a file without having to 'run' the project?
Under the options->keymap, I mapped Ctrl-L to upload, which is easy enough.
The only other place to upload is to right-click the file in the project browser and 'upload', unlike aptana there's no button for it, which is what got me stumped.
If you have the project's "Run Configuration" properly configured as a "Remote Web Site (FTP, SFTP)", then simply right-click on the file in the "Projects" pane and click on "Upload" in the file's context menu.
If you want to upload automatically on save instead of on run,
Right-click on the project node in the "Projects" pane (it's the top-most node in the tree)
Click on "Properties" in the project's context menu.
Click on "Run Configuration" in "Categories"
Change "Upload Files" to "On Save"
Click "OK"
If you sometimes want to upload on run, sometimes on save, sometimes only manually, sometimes to one server, sometimes to another server, or any combination of the run configuration options, then you can click on the "New..." button to create and save one or more run configurations. You can then choose which one is active on the run configurations project properties page, or set it through "Set Configuration..." on the project's context menu.

eclipse: auto build after save

I have an ant script that creates runnable jar and I want it to run each time I make changes in my code and save them. I guess I need some "auto build after save" option in Eclipse. Is there such a thing?
You could declare your script as a builder, and make it run "during auto build".
See the properties of your project: you can add an external program (above) or an an script (below).
If you can export your script as an ant script, like the OP David B did in his answer, it becomes quite easy:
Export as an ant script: right-click the project -> export -> runaable jar file, tick "save as ANT script" and finish.
Add the ant script as a builder: right-click the project -> properties -> Builders -> new (Ant).
Paste the path for the ant file, go to "targets" tab and click the "set targets" button next to "auto build".
Finally, click OK, OK, OK.
Actually, the best solution I found was: right-click the project -> export -> runaable jar file, tick "save as ANT script" and finish. Now right-click the project -> properties -> Builders -> new -> paste the path for the ANT file, go to "targets" tab and click the "set targets" button next to "auto build", OK, OK, OK.
Use an ANT file which will be triggered everytime you save a file: Using Ant to Auto-Build in Eclipse

Execute external file from Eclipse PDT?

I would like to add button to toolbar or menu item to menu in Eclipse PDT to run external command line exe or bat file. How to do this in Windows?
You can create a custom "External Tools" run configuration.
Click on the button beside the Run button which looks the same as the Run button except it has a little red toolbox. Choose "External Tools Configurations" and create a new "Program" run configuration.