Is it possible for a restful webservice to have a parameter in the url? - rest

I was instructed to create webservices ( with Spring-Boot ). My colleague gave me the url of the webservice and it looks like this :
In general we create a RestController with the url :
public class StockController {
private StockService stockService;
#GetMapping(value = "/{code}", produces = "application/json")
public JsonModel getByCode(#PathVariable String code) {
JsonModel jsonModel = new JsonModel();
final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
List<Stock> stock = stockService.getByCode(code);
data.put("stock", stock);
data.put("stockTotal", stockService.getTotal(code));
return jsonModel;
So is it normal to create a Restful Spring-Boot webservice with a parameter in the url ?

Spring provides parameter in two standard way.
Query Param :
Path Variable :
Query Param :- It is a typical old way to pass some value as QueryParam with using of some variable starts with ?(Question Mark) and value is assigned using =(equals).
PathVariable :- this is a newer pattern introduce for REST-api Services. URL must be structured such in a way that this should not look too messy if multiple parameters need to pass within a URL.
For more info Navigate this link

Yes, you can have the one in your URL
When you are required to have the path variable, you can give in the Request URL


Spring boot feign fallback addtional parameters

I'm implementing a client feign with a hystrix fallback; My problem is that the fallback class calls an API that uses some different data from the clientFeign.
So, my question is: is there a way to pass some additional parameters to my feign, so it can be used just by the fallback class?
#FeignClient(name = "${}", url = "${feign.inventory.url:}", fallbackFactory = StockFallback.class)
public interface StockClient {
#RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/{sku}/{groupId}", consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
List<ItemStock> getStockSkuAndInventoryGroup(#PathVariable("sku") final String sku,
#PathVariable("groupId") final String groupId);
As spencergibb pointted there is no possibilities of passing an adittional parameter to use in a histrix feign fall back.
So we developed anew end-point which uses the same data as the original, so that the fallback take on clearly and transparent.

Wiremock: choose body file name based on request parameter

I am using wiremock to mock http server and I am returning responses from json files (using withBodyFile method).
Now I want to choose and return response json file based on request parameter. For the example below, I want to define one stub so that the body file is chosen based on request parameter.
get(urlEqualTo(myEndPoint+ "?key=key1"))
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
get(urlEqualTo(myEndPoint+ "?key=key2"))
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
get(urlEqualTo(myEndPoint+ "?key=key3"))
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Any idea how this would be possible? I tried defining transformer but it was not possible to get Stream Source Path from Response object in overridden method so can't use that appraoch. Thanks a lot..
Body File name can't be parameterized in wiremock as of now. I had a similar requirement, I needed to return the file based on the request URL. So I implemented a transformer as below:
public class BodyFileNameResponseTransformer extends ResponseDefinitionTransformer {
public ResponseDefinition transform(Request request, ResponseDefinition rd,
FileSource fileSource, Parameters parameters) {
if (rd.getBodyFileName().startsWith("{{")) {
return new ResponseDefinitionBuilder().**withBodyFile**(request.getUrl().substring(1))
rd.getTransformers().toArray(new String[rd.getTransformers().size()]))
return rd;
public String getName() {
return "BodyFileNameTransformer";
you can use request.queryParameter(key) instead of request.getUrl() and form any
file path. Create the file path based on your need and set it as bodyFile on returned ResponseDefinition.
Don't forget to start wiremock with --extensions: Extension class names
More details at Extending Wiremock
This is possible by using the inbuilt template helpers provided by Handlebar.
get(urlEqualTo(myEndPoint+ "?key=key3"))
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Check for the various models available at

ReSTful service getting contradict due to path parameter value has forward slash

I have API like this-
Both API's are indirectly related.
Problem occurs when calling first API with name value as "A/B Type". So rest controller actually calling second API rather first (/objectname/A/B Type) because forward slash. How to deal with this situation.
As a side note I am encoding the parameters values.
I developed the restful services using SpringBoot and RestTemplate.
The conflict comes by specifying the name directly in the resource path and passed to the function as a #PathVariable.
Your code looks something like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "objectname/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String yourMethodName(#PathVariable String name){
return name;
What I would recommend in order to avoid this kind of conflict is (if you're allowed to modify the #RestController or #RepositoryRestResource layers) to pass the value of the object in a #RequestParam
For instance:
#RequestMapping(value = "/objectname", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String yourMethodName(#RequestParam(name = "name", required = true) String name){
return name;
That said, When you are constructing your the request using RestTemplate then you should url encode your name (A%2FB%20Testing) and construct the following url:
I tested this locally and worked alright for me.


I'm using Spring MVC and I have a controller mapped to a url lets call it example. I also have a method called show that allows me to view one of my examples based on an id.
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", produces = "text/html")
public String show(#PathVariable("id") String id, Model model) {
//Do some stuff and return a view
The problem is that the id is a URI and it has forward slashes. (e.g. test/case/version/sample might be an id so the resulting url is example/test/case/version/sample) so as a result my application gives me an error "Requested resource not found". I can't easily change the format of these ids. It's a list given to me that I have to work with. Is there a way around this? Thanks in Advance.
You can try using Regular expressions on the #PathVariable.
Like this from the Spring Docs:
public void handle(#PathVariable String version, #PathVariable String extension) {
// ...
You'll just have to think on a regular expression that matches the "example/test/case/version/sample" that is your expression.
See the title: "URI Template Patterns with Regular Expressions"
on this page: for more information

Jersey : How to send /pass Custom DTO to a Service class in Jersey

I am using Jersey Framework for developing my Webservices. I have a DTO object named UserInfo with setters and getters inside it. I am setting this DTO value initially when the user logs in. How can I pass this user-specific DTO to a Jersey service class?
I have tried setting them inside MultivaluedMap and Form but I was out of luck making it work.
This is my code :
MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
queryParams.add("queryTerm", "userdto");
Form f = new Form();
f.add("name", "1001D");
And this is the way I am trying to retrieve the Data.
public class HaiService {
public String sayPlainTextHello(#Context UriInfo ui) {
MultivaluedMap queryParams=ui.getQueryParameters();
Iterator it=queryParams.keySet().iterator();
String theKey=null;
String returnString="";
while(it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("I am called");
return "Hi";
But I was out of luck. Typically my requirement is to store user-specific data on logon, and then retrive that inside the service class.
I am avoiding storing data in session because a user might login with multiple ID's under one browser, which produces the same session id, and there is a chance of data being overwritten for the first logged in user.