SAPUI5 Deploying from SAP WEB IDE - sapui5

We have on-Premise apps deployed through Eclipse to our ABAP repository, with the component-preload file generated using gulp.
Now that we've moved to SAP WEB IDE, which using grunt as opposed to gulp. Can apps be deployed directly to ABAP without eclipse or will it cause conflicts?

we have a similar environment:
WebIDE Full Stack
I manually deployed an application to our ABAP Repo. The app works but is not minified.
If you are dropping Eclipse completely and only use the WebIDE you probably won't need gulp and can replace it with the default grunt stuff generated by the WebIDE.


Trying to deploy google app engine project from Eclipse

I am trying to deploy a standard environment google app engine project from eclipse. Whenever I try to deploy it however, I get the error: problem publishing war, project has no resources to publish. I have different project that does deploy correctly. Also I should mention that I imported the project from a while back where it used to deploy fine.

SAPUI5, not OpenUI5, application development in VSCode

I am working on one pet project to get the better understanding of the SAPIUI5 framework. About me, I am a very experienced front-end developer and enjoy working in VS Code IDE. I started SAPUI5 development in SAP Web IDE and then exported the project to eclipse to run it locally, but in eclipse, I was missing a lot of new features like es6 and es7 and some plugins, so I moved my project to VS Code. In VS code, I introduced grunt to run a small static web server to run my SAPUI5 application, so far it is working fine, and I have no issues, but I am worried about the hidden scenarios that I can't see right now in regards to SAP UI5 deployment and deployment environment. With no experience in the deployment environment and production environment requirements for SAPUI5 client-side application. Can you guys please tell me of any potential issues if there are any in this sort of approach and development of SAPUI5 with VS CODE?
Potential issues:
ES6 and ES7 is not supported across all browsers, so you might want to add Babel to your grunt chain.
The grunt plugin grunt-openui5 lets you minify the code into a single Component-preload.js.
The grunt plugin grunt-nwabap-ui5uploader lets you deploy your code directly to SAP NetWeaver.
Here is a sample by SAP which shows their Gruntfile:

building development environment for GWT with JBoss

I am using eclipse IDE and want to build up a development environment for creating an app.
I have an EJB module on Jboss5 and would like to add a GWT project.
I could see that GWT during development is executed on it's development host mode, but the problem is that in this case I can not local EJB services deployed on my JBoss.
Is there anyway to overcome this challenge? how can I use the eclipse along with JBoss to develop, run and debug GWT application? I don't mind using ANT script in order to compile and deploy on JBoss, just need to know if this is possible (Also to debug the GWT application).
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
There is a sample setup to use JBoss Tools with GWT and GWT Plugin.
Strelok's sample page now recommends following the guidelines for creating a GWT project using a general Eclipse Web Tool Project approach.

Developing an eclipse plugin to deploy on my server

How can we create an eclipse popmenu plugin (which is similar to Google App engine SDK). i.e. If I have created a project, when I clicked on the plugin menu, it should be able to deploy to my tomcat/webapps folder.
Why do you want to reinvent the wheel? The Eclipse Web Tools Platform already provides that functionality.
For deploying to a remote server you may choose the Export / Web / WAR file option from your projects context menu as shown below and export it directly to the remotly mounted tomcat/webapps folder as shown below.
If mounting the remote filesystem is not possible you will probably have to rely to ant or maven tasks to publish your war file.

Eclipse Redeploy/Undeploy Web Project without Restarting the Server

In my eclipse web application I made a Web Project and a Library Project. The Web Project referenced the Library Project.
When I started the Server, every time I change a code in the Library Project and build it. The server wants to restart and it does not redeploy by the Web Project only. I do not want to restart the server because it takes a lot of time waiting the startup of the server.
Another is I am developing portlets using Liferay Portal and every time I change the Library Project, the auto-deploy of Liferay comes in but the Library Project Jar is locked and resulted to crash the portlet and did not deploy it until I restart the server.
Please Help!!!
In Java EE perspective find "Servers" tab at the bottom, delete your EAR out of there.
Try JavaRebel
If you install the nightly build of Liferay IDE (eclipse plugins for Liferay) it has support for delta-deployment where after the initial deployment (full deploy) it will only deploy the delta or just the individual files that you change as you save them (a single JSP or CSS file, etc).