Plugin for tfs 2018 with ISubscriber - Events are not received - plugins

We developed a plugin for TFS that uses ISubscriber for handling the following events
The plugin deployed at \Application Tier\TFSJobAgent\Plugins\
The plugin works excellent in TFS 2015 and TFS 2017.
Lastly, we wanted to add support for TFS 2018 and found that events are not received while the class that implements ISubscriber is initialized.
Event BuildStartedEvent is decorated as Deprecated in TFS 2018, but BuildCompletedEvent is not.
We need help to understand how to receive build start and build completed events in TFS 2018.


TFS 2013 rest api basic authentication is not working

I've tried to get the projects from the TFS on-premise version using below API,{organization}/_apis/projects?api-version=1.0
Used the basic authentication and enabled the basic authentication in IIS as well. Still am getting 401 unauthorized issue.
Do i need to do any other changes on IIS?
This is an easy answer, but you're not going to like it.
TFS 2013 did not have REST APIs. They were introduced in TFS 2015.
You can use the old SOAP .NET client for automating tasks against TFS 2013, or (better yet) you can upgrade to a modern version.
What I said is not entirely accurate: some of the APIs were present in 2013, but they were not officially introduced until 2015 and are thus largely undocumented and totally unsupported.

Katalon Studio mock services?

Can I mock/virtualize web services using Katalon Studio like WireMock or CA DevTest or Soap UI? If so, how can I do it , I didn’t find it on their site.
This feature is not yet available in Katalon Studio, but it is planned in the 2018 roadmap.
Katlon Studio - Roadmap 2018

Error Calling GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])

Attempting to follow the example to access data on builds. I am doing this in PowerShell on the TFS Server being referenced. TFS 2015 Update 3 is installed. The server was stood up about 6 months ago with TFS 2015 Update 2 as the original version installed.
I have successfully loaded all assemblies mentioned, mostly via Add-Type but a couple using reflection.
Successfully created ProjectsCollection object and verified that it authenticated.
On this call:
$buildServer = $projectCollections.GetService([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.IBuildServer])
I get the following error:
Exception calling "GetService" with "1" argument(s): "TF214015: The build client object model does not support Team Foundation Server 2005 or Team Foundation Server 2008"
Does it think I'm running an old version of TFS and, if so, how is that possible when those versions have never been installed. Googling the TF214015 in the error finds only one unhelpful link.
When I experienced this (with TFS 2017 and assemblies even more up-to-date than freakydinde's out of date copies on GitHub) it was an error in the URI being passed in the construction of the TfsTeamProjectCollection. The URI was, rather than which was of course the URI of the team project collection.
The same goes for calling TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection() in the API.
Erroneously accusing us of using TFS 2005 or TFS 2008 is, it seems, Microsoft's rather odd spelling of "That is not the URI of a 2013+ team project collection." ☺
i'm the writer of the mentionned article.
i think you are loading old TFS assemblies, you should take the kit from GITHUB and use the Modules-TFS.psm1 and\or Assemblies folder provided, dll are from TFS2015.

Visual Studio Team Services Build Notifications

Is there any way to get the visual studio build notification tool to work with the new vNext build system?
Currently all I can see are the old xaml workflow based builds available to select for notifications.
I would like to also be able to use this for the vNext scriptable build system.
For VS notification, only XAML build definitions will have notifications. Right now, configure email alert is the only option.
By the way, here is an extensible plugin for TFS named TfsNotificationRelay supports sending notifications to Slack, HipChat and IRC, including notifications for vNext build events, you may take a look at it:
If you want to see the current build status in tray, you can use Catlight. It supports new vNext builds and Visual Studio Online.
Another option to get vNext notification is use of AnyStatus
Now available as VS extension and will come with desktop app.
Due to a CatLight no longer being free, I've developed a replacement - system tray notifications and a website dashboard for TFS builds (VSTS or on-premises). Early stages but the first version is available here:

Is there a non-REST version control API to Visual Studio Team Services?

I'm looking at whether we can migrate our old on-premises TFS 2010 server to Visual Studio Team Services. We all have MSDN subscriptions so it looks promising. But we have an app we wrote to keep our SQL scripts in version control. The app uses the old Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client & Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client object model approach. I'm lost in the Marketing-focused pages about VS Team Services and all I can find is talk of a REST API. Would we really have to re-write this part of the app or am I just missing something?
(I know we could do the source control bit from Visual Studio but the app has other functionality I haven't seen elsewhere.)
Can anyone advise me, please?
The TFS 2010 API works just fine with Team Services, so your app should just work.
You can currently use the 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 TFS client API's for TFS against Team Services. Team Services is just TFS on the internet...