Change the Label color inside the Pie chart - tableau-api

Change the Label color inside the Pie chart's darker region to white
Keep the label i.e present outside the pie chart in the same font color(black)
enter image description here

You can't manipulate the font colour using single filed, instead you need to manipulate individually to get conditional color formatting.
you are changing the color component so use that to manipulate the colour of font.
For example if my date is changing the colour component then use the date to change the colour of font. Follow below steps:
Create a calculated field Value1
if date=2011 //For demo purpose I assume date is used to maipulate the color of bars
then sales
Create a calculated field Value2
if date=2012 //For demo purpose I assume date is used to maipulate the color of bars
then sales
Now place calculated fields both value1 and value2 on label marks
Then go to edit text part of the edit lable their select value1 apply color white and select value2 and apply color grey


Apply color to text with material color

Using TextMeshPro, I would need to apply color to a specific section of the text but at the same time the default text has material color applied.
string text = "Here is default text with brown text\u003Ccolor=#4186FC>Blue text here\u003C/color>"
The problem is that the final result is the multiplication of both color and then the blue part resolves as almost black. If material color is white then no problem.
Would there be a way to cancel the material on this part without making two different text objects?
You are going to want to use Rich Text. For your example you'd want to use the <color> tag. Here's how it would look
string text = "Here is default text with brown <color=#4186F>Blue text here</color>"
There's a bunch of other parts of the text you can change in the same text field using these tags, so be sure to read into the link.

How can I make each Packed Bubble a different color?

I have a Packed Bubble dashboard. My Y axis is a list of names and my X axis is a decimal. I want each differing number to be a different color. Can I do this manually?
If you want to color each bubble with a separate color just use the field that each bubble represent in the color shelf. If I understood your data correctly, each bubble basically represents one campaign, so you should use that as the color.
You can manually assign color using Color>Edit Color and assigning the color of your choice.
See image 1.
If you want to color your bubbles based on your measure AVg(NPV/Marketing $) you can do as Alex Blakemore mentioned and use your measure as a stepped color or gradient.
You can use Color>Edit Color here too , in this case manually assigning color is a bit difficult. But if you play with number of steps, the gradient pre-select, etc, you can usually get very close to what ever your wanted it to look like.
Put your numeric field on the color shelf, and either edit the colors to use a stepped set of colors - or change the field to be discrete and choose individual colors to taste.

Tableau: How to changes font color based on value

Two questions:
1. I have a report that I need to change the font color if the threshold value is not met. If CompositeV < .90 the font color should be RED else BLACK.
How to I add an indicator based on #1
I have the color coded indicator, but I need to change the font color if it is less than .90 to red.
I would create a calculated field:
If CompositeV < .90
And then add that field to the color shelf. I think I'd need more information about what type of indicator you're looking for? You could use that calculated field to further indicate which values met your condition.

How do I conditionally change column colors in tableau?

In Tableau, I have a column indicating positive or negative profit. If it's above 0 -- I want the column color green, If it's below 0, I want the column color red.
Drag Measure Values to Colour
Click the colour filter card and choose 'Edit colours'
Choose the colour theme you'd like (in your case, red/green diverging), tick 'stepped colour' and set to '2' steps.
Click 'Advanced' and set your 'Center' to '0'.
This will apply to the whole chart, if you want to apply this to one column only, you need to right click on the colour 'Measure Values' pill and select 'Use Separate Legends'.
1.First create a new calculated field say "Profit/Loss" and set the condition something like:
IF ([Profit]))< 0 THEN "Loss"
ELSE "Profit" END
Keep the Datatype as 'string' and convert this to Dimension.
Now drag your "Profit/Loss" field to "color" option on the Marks card and then edit the colors as per your requirement.
*Later on you can hide this column from you visualization.

Change the Text Field for Required Field in Oracle Forms 6i

I want to display the required text field in star symbol
if user didnt enter any values it should change the Border color to red
if user enter values it should Change the Border color to green
Unfortunately you can't simply change border color of an item. You can change background nad text color.
You can simulate border color by adding new item which is 2 pixels longer and higher than your item. Place this item under your item and change its background color. It is not as difficult as it looks.
You can change color in WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM on your item using builtin procedure SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY