Internal mechanism of TreeViewer for updte - eclipse

I am new to SWT and RCP I am trying to use TreeViewer.
By referring to some documents, I came to know there is method:
treeViewer.Updte(Object , Properties).
I need to know how SWT figure out which data is for which field.

The method is called update:
public void update(Object element, String[] properties)
Here element must be an object that equals one of the objects returned by the content provider for the tree.
If you have called
then a hash table (similar to HashMap) is used to find the tree element corresponding to the element. Otherwise the tree is just searched exhaustively to find the element.


how can I get an array of all objects in w2ui

I am trying to subsequently manipulate the menus and tabs of a w2ui application.
In order to implement a generic solution, I added an additional attribute (zndesktop) to the related elements. Now I am looking for a generic method which gives me an array of all objects having this attribute.
Of course, I can hardcode such a query. But I am asking if there is an generic approach (for example w2ui.objects) which would return an array of all UI objects created for the application (recursive search)
w2ui objects are actually stored directly in the global w2ui object using their name, until you destroy them.
Example: if you create a grid with
name: 'my_grid',
Then you can access it with w2ui.my_grid or w2ui['my_grid'].
Of course you can also iterate the w2ui object (or rather its properties) just like any other JS object.

Extending CQ5 List component

I'm looking into extending the cq5 list component to create custom list displays (obviously). The constructor takes a SlingHttpServletRequest and the minimal java doc says "creates a list from the specified request".
Can someone explain how those request settings are used to build the list? what things in the request should I change to alter the list? Is there better documentation somewhere?
The component uses the request to retrieve the resource object.
In the init method it retrieves a the resource node's properties.
The "listFrom" property should matter for you the most as it controls how the list is created. Either by querybuilder, search, retrieving the children ("children") or tags.
The List component does a simple string equals to find out which option is set and executes the associated logic.
At the end a PageIterator is returned, which is processed by the jsp.

Eclipse: Connecting a TextEditor to the Properties View

I am currently implementing an Eclipse-Plugin which is using the standard properties view, connected to a Navigator. It also features a textual editor, which is able to connect regions within its' document to certain objects that can supply properties to the PropertiesView (i.e. the same objects, that are displayed in the Navigator).
However, the Tuturials I found only dealt with Views that used a pre-implemented Viewer, which already supported passing on the selected element to the Properties View.
The TextEditor does not do that (I am using jface and a subclass of the AbstractTextEditor class), because it's SelectionProvider returns informations about the offset and the length of the selection only.
How do I have to modify the SelectionProvider of my TextEditor, such that it provides information usable to the Properties View?
Thank you in advance
Okay, I have managed to find the solution myself.
First of all, I had to implement the getAdapter() method in my subclass of TextEditor such that it returns an Adapter for IPropertySourceProvider, that can deal with the type of elements that are selected in my AbstractTextEditor.
Then, I implemented an ISelection that extended TextSelection, in order to not interfere with any selection-specific mechanism supplied by the AbstractTextEditor, and implements the interface IStructuredSelection, because the Properties View works with this interface of ISelection only.
An IStructuredSelection features basic methods of an array, however, in my case it is only possible to ever select only a single element, so implementation of these methods were trivial.
The last step was to get my ISelection to the right place. Overwriting the getSelection()-method of the ISelectionProvider of the AbstractTextEditor did not suffice, because obviously, the methods of firing SelectionChangedEvents does not use this method.
Thus, instead of using a standard SourceViewer, I used my own implementation in which I basically overrid the methods fireSelectionChanged(int offset, int length) and firePostSelectionChanged(int offset, int lenght), such that they use events containing my ISelection.
The rest is implementing the handling of my Objects in the Adapter for IPropertySourceProvider in a way that it returns an IPropertySource for the given Object, as it is shown in various tutorials.

Spring List Binding in Form

I'm trying to bind a list/arraylist/hashmap/etc of custom objects to my form in JSP using Spring. Right now, the controller creates a Map of the two lists (Boolean list and custom object list) in referenceData(), and provides it to the form which uses those values to populate the fields. The values are initialized from a MySQL database using Hibernate, and all that works fine. The list is a known length before the form is initialized, so that part is easier. Now what I'd like to do is correctly bind those objects in the form, so that when there are changes made, I can detect that in onSubmit() (or wherever is appropriate), and update the database accordingly. I can't seem to bind them correctly in the form so that I can see changes made. I tried just using a list of the form fields as the model, but even that wasn't working correctly. Do I just need to inject the list in a particular way? Any ideas or examples here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: At Ralph's request here is the solution I used:
In my data object class, I lazy loaded a map using MapUtils.lazyMap(), with a String key and other custom object value. The other custom object is just a class that contains List<String> and getters/setters. In the corresponding .jsp file, I just nest several loops to loop through the keys first using loop.current.key and then loop2.current.value.paramsList to loop through the values for that key. This was not really what I asked for in my original post, as I was looking for a more general solution, and the lazy loading pointed me in the right direction.
In Spring 2 you need a special List in your Command object, that is able to grow if one add the x-th element event if the list has not this size yet.
One way to do that is to use LayzList decorator from commons-collections.
protected Object formBackingObject(final HttpServletRequest request)
throws Exception {
List<PosterSelectionRow> posterSelectionRowList = LazyList.decorate(
new ArrayList<PosterSelectionRow>(),
new PosterSelectionRowListFactory());
return new PosterSelectionCommand(posterSelectionRowList);
//PosterSelectionCommand contains a list of selected poster rows
private static class PosterSelectionRowListFactory
implements org.apache.commons.collections.Factory {
/** Invoked if the list need a new element */
public Object create() {
return = new PosterSelectionRow();
When I remember right, there is a way without that Factory stuff, but I am not sure.

Gwt iterate on text controls in a Composite

Can one iterate over all the textbox controls defined in a composite widget?
As in I need to extract values of all textboxes to check if they exist - the textboxes should have some data in them.
So I was hoping to have a method like:
for(Widget w: this.getChildren)
//if widget is a textbox - check value
Composite class does not have a method like getChildren neither a method where I can get elements of a given class - or name and if I get all the elements using NodeList then I need to recursively go until I find a textbox. Is there a more appropriate way to do this?
As the author of the Composite subclass, you can enable this kind of behavior by implementing HasWidgets (or, more specifically, something like getWidgetIterator()).
There's no way to do this for an arbitrary Composite.