Sourcetree - open javascript file - atlassian-sourcetree

I try to open a javascript file from sourcetree, but it tries to execute it instead of opening the script in my editor:
Is there a way to change this behaviour?

I found a workaround. Create a javascript dummy file somewhere, then right click and select "open with..." and select your favorite editor. Then click on the checkbox so that program is always going to be used.


Ctrl + Click to open a file

Is there a way to be able to open file in code by using Ctrl + Click on file name inside the editor without select from files side panel or using quick open panel Ctrl+P
You can open a file from within code via Ctrl + Click as long as you have editor.links set to true in your settings.json.
"editor.links": true
Note: This functionality is not supported for all languages. When I tested it initially I was looking at HTML. Check the extension marketplace and you might find something that supports the language you are using. For example, the Open File From Path extension works for PHP.
For other ones looking for extensions, I suggest this one:
Open file (by Frank Stuetzer)
I was looking for extensions to open files from path in my pipelines written in yaml files and it works pretty well! :)
You just have to position your cursor under the filename and press alt+P (or right click and "open file under cursor")

Opening file in VSCode Explorer using keyboard

When I press Command+Shift+E (Mac) to set focus to the explorer in Visual Studio Code, I can navigate using the up and down keys to select a file, but I can't open the file in the editor. I can press Enter to rename it, but I couldn't find a way to open the file using the keyboard. Is there a way?
Correct shortcut to open a file is: CMD+down
Just for the record, this is the standard shortcut in any properly behaving OSX application, for example (and it's the reason why Return/Enter renames a file)

Eclipse - Can't View or Open Java files in Package Explorer to Editor

I clicked something or accidentally drug a file that was open in the editor and now it is no longer displayed.
If I double click on the file in Package Explorer it doesn't show in the editor like it used to. I have looked all over and can't figure out how to get this file back in the editor.
I thought clicking File - Open File would do it but that displays an open file dialog.
Another way to simulate this is to put the cursor in the editor for an open file and select File - Close. This closes the file but then if you double click on the file in the Package Explorer it doesn't open it in the editor anymore. How do I get these files to display in the editor again?
I also tried right clicking on the file and selecting "Open". This does not display in editor either.
I also tried right clicking and selecting "Open With Java Editor". This does not work either.
If I clicke "File" and then the name of the file in the MRU list . This does not work either.
Also, double clicking a file in Package Explorer fails to open any file. The file shows in the File MRU list but does not display in editor. Can not figure this out.
Also, if I select "Back to" or "Forward to" arrows on toolbar, it tracks the file in the Package Explorer by highlighting it but the file does not display in an editor like it used to.
Also, I have tried "File Open" browsing to the physical location and selecting it but that does not display in the editor either.
I had to open a new window (Window - New Window) and then Reset Perspective (Window - Reset Perspective) to get the editor back. Not sure why but I lost some of my perspective settings doing this.
In Package Explorer, instead of double-clicking on the file, try to right-click it and you should get several "Open with..." options; choose the one that matches the editor in which you want the file to open.
Your choice will also be saved as the default, so the next times you can just double-click and it will open in that same editor.
If you are customizing the perspective, then saving perspective could be a safer option to avoid such glitches.
PFB the link on how to save a perspective:

In RubyMine, how to preview a file's contents by selecting it like in Sublime Text?

I'm new to RubyMine 7 on Mac.
I used to use Sublime Text 3 and I love RubyMine so far except its lack of file previewing.
In Sublime Text, when clicking a file in the sidebar (file explorer), the selected file content shows in an editor tab for temporary viewing.
If I select another file, then the same tab changes to the content of the newly selected file.
I've been searching for this preference setting in RubyMine, or in a plugin, but I've had no luck.
A similar feature is "Autoscroll to source" but this feature opens files rather than previewing them.
If anyone knows how to do Sublime Text-like file content previewing in RubyMine, I'd appreciate it.
RubyMine doesn't have a feature exactly like Sublime Text file previewing.
The Quick Definition action can sometimes meet the same need. When invoked on a file, it opens a popup with the file's contents. You can invoke it on a file in the Project or Find pane and probably other panes, dialogs, popups, etc. that list files. (You can also invoke it in an editor on an identifier such as a class, module, or variable; it will show the code that defines the identifier.) Invoke Quick Definition with ⌥-space or ⌘Y in the Mac OS X 10.5+ keymap; use ^⇧I on Windows or check Preferences → Keymap for other keymaps, or use ⇧⌘A qd ⏎. Hit Escape or click outside the popup to close it.
When you invoke Quick Definition on a file in the Project pane and navigate to other files in that pane (with down and up arrows to move between files, and right and left arrows or Enter to open and close directories), the Quick Definition popup will stay open and update to the currently selected file, which is relatively close to Sublime Text file previewing. You can also hit Enter to open a file, F4 to open a file and move focus to the editor, edit the file, ⌘1 to jump back to the Project pane, etc., all with the Quick Definition popup still open, until you choose to close it.
If that isn't close enough, there are two feature requests for Sublime Text-like file previewing in JetBrains IDEs which you can vote for:
Preview currently selected file in project window
File Preview features from Sublime

Netbeans: how to change the default tool which opens .txt file?

I was living in peace and netbeans used to open text files in the netbeans editor. Then one fine day I wanted to open 1 of the text files in a web browser (to render some html, and I didn't want the headache of making a new html file. Yup, yup, I know I was being a fool). So I right clicked the file from inside netbeans and chose an 'open as' option and used treat file as "html/text" expecting it will open in the browser. And to my surprise the browser did come up and tried opening the file. But then all the text files now always open the browser and none of them get opened in the netbeans editor, no matter how hard I try, and netbeans no longer shows the 'open as' option when right clicking the text files.
Can some one suggest some way to fix this ?
Try going to Tools->Options then click Miscellaneous and then the files
tab. There should be an associations editor you can use to change this.